Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 799 The final secret of 796! Feng Linhuo’s dark thunder and dark light!

Chapter 799 796. The ultimate secret! Feng Linhuo’s dark thunder and dark light!

"Tick tock."


"This game was won by the Neon team"



Along with the rain, the ball hit the ground hard and slid down, splashing water.

"No way."

Breathing heavily, Xibo felt increasingly weak.

In this case, why can the opponent still exert such strength?

He and Nash were at a disadvantage, which should have been the easiest moment to trigger the ultimate death.

But for some reason, there was no "feeling" at all.

On the contrary, the other party entered into "ability resonance" because of his excellent condition.

This further deepens the oppressive power of the game.



The strong wind was blowing inside the stadium, and clear raindrops kept dripping, which looked quite surprising.

"This kind of power to move the wind and rain"

"It's incredible."

Looking up at the cloudy sky, the raindrops falling from the cracks in the open air are so obvious.

"It's really remarkable."

The sky is still clear, but the environment has changed due to the resonance of the two people's abilities. This kind of treatment is not something ordinary people can get.

It can only be said that the connection between the two caused such a "spectacle".


"It's still a bit weird to see the local rainfall."

Looking at the soaked and damaged ground in the venue, Renzu couldn't help but muttered.

Although it was raining continuously in the field of vision, it was only limited to the stadium.

The auditorium did not get a bit of rain. At most, it enjoyed the airflow.

"Although I told them to give it a try."

"But it's too much to exaggerate."

After wiping his shoulders and hair with a towel, Mifune had retreated to the stands.

If the rain hadn't been "man-made", I'm afraid the game would have been temporarily interrupted.


In the court, Nash swung his racket and hit a sharp blow.

Although this is not the first time they have tried to score points, it is still difficult to conceal the overall disadvantage.

The extremely fast and tricky ball passed through the net and was analyzed and caught by Fuji as soon as it hit the ground.

"No ball can escape the wind."

With beautiful eyes staring forward, Fuji murmured softly.

"Qixu Forest Guard!"

Turning the racket, he hit a back-turning lob with strong cross-section rotation.

"It's a new move!!"

Looking at the hanging tennis ball, Nash looked up, and before Xibo could wait, he jumped up first.

(You must give stronger rotation to fight back!)


Although I don’t know what the combination will be like, just know that the “guard” must overwhelm its own rotation to be broken.

Everything remains the same, so Nash chose to solve it in a corresponding way.

But when he actually touched the ball with his racket at high altitude, his expression changed in surprise.

(Unable to give new spin to the ball?)

Realizing that something was wrong with the ball, he did not dare to smash the ball immediately.

He clearly allowed the racket surface to slide significantly, but the ball showed no sign of changing its rotation.

(No. The rotation I gave was offset!!)

Thick woods appeared in his eyes, cutting off the distance between him and the ball.

"The Hekakank Swiss Guard is a move that causes the ball to spin at high speed, making it impossible for the opponent's shot to pass the net."

"The core only needs to exceed the rotational force given by Fuji to release it."

"Sanada's softness is like a forest, but it has the effect of eliminating any spin."

"The two seemingly contradictory moves were combined and reproduced under the power of ability resonance."

"Nash wanted to overwhelm Fuji's spin, but he couldn't do it at all."

"Because Sanada's forest is taking away the spin he puts on the ball."

Following Gan Sadaharu's explanation, everyone also saw Nash's stiff swing in the air.


It was still the familiar scene of touching the net, but it left many players in silence.

Only now did they realize one thing

That is when other players resonate with their abilities and gain a new move.

But Sanada and Fuji seem to be able to trigger "ability resonance" with every move.

Is this a bit...?

"It's really exaggerated."

Gorgias' face turned dark. He could not imagine that the group of junior high school students he met two years ago would have such talent.

"If Kise and Niou weren't so special, they might be able to compete with Kuroko's partners for the title of doubles, right?"

Mao Li sat on the chair, also surprised by the performance of these two junior high school students.

"So it's not unreasonable for Byodoin and Oni to risk everything."

"Such a junior high school student."

"You are already worthy of those powerful generals."

Daqu scratched his hair, feeling a little dreamy for some reason.

In the last World Championship, they worked very hard and ended up in the semi-finals. They even despaired of the strength of the German team.

But the World Championships two years later seemed extremely relaxed after a group of junior high school students intervened.

No, maybe the junior high school students are too reassuring. Even if they lose the game, this group of junior high school students may not lose.

"The coach and Byodoin can only say that they have such foresight."




Compared to Nash, who can still fight back continuously, Xibo is much smaller.

His wildness was suppressed by Sanada using "Darkness", which directly caused the engine to stall.









The result of the hard struggle was that they were still losing points. Even though Nash was panting and sweating while running, he still couldn't stop the point difference from widening.

The Demon King's extradimensional incarnation was unable to match the two men in front of him.

Even the Demon King's Eye, which observes the future, seems so insignificant at this moment.

Even without the interference of Yu Zhiru Yin, it would be difficult to directly analyze the new moves after the resonance of the two people's abilities.

The hidden synchrony with Xibo also has no room to develop at this moment.

Too much.

One move after another failed, and the end of the talent of those two people could not be seen at all.

(No, I won’t agree!)

(Losing like this here!!)

Putting his hands on his knees, panting heavily, his pupils suddenly dilated, Nash said decisively.

What a joke! He made an appointment with Reinhard, and he must win!

Even if I meet Akashi again, I will try my best to win.

But what about this miserable situation now?

He was about to be defeated by two junior high school students, which was simply embarrassing.

"I want to win!"

Looking at Sanada who was about to serve, Nash shouted angrily for the first time.




But the facts did not change despite his angry shouting.


The racket penetrated by golden light foreshadows the current situation.

"Well, it seems fate is not behind him."

Reinhardt looked at Nash's appearance, but felt sorry for his friend.

Extremely desperate

Still no sign of being touched.

"If you just think that you can start when you are behind by a big score, that's impossible."

"Don't put your mind on that."

Nanjiro also stood nearby and specially corrected them.





No matter how unwilling and angry he was, he could not withstand the golden light that struck him again and again.

The "light" that penetrates everything is said to break down any defense.

This is Genichiro Sanada's "Light and cloud are as unobstructed as the void".

And at the end of the match, Sanada also played the ultimate secret.

"This is my answer three years later!!"

"Feng Lin Huo's dark thunder and dark light!"

The sound was like a shocking explosion and passed to everyone's ears. Everyone felt a flash of white light, and the color in their eyes dimmed for a moment.


"competition is over!!"

"This set was won by the Neon representative team."




Make up for yesterday’s chapter.

I was called out to help out at night, and it was so noisy that I didn't come back until two o'clock.

worn out.

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