Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 817 812 is still far away!

Chapter 817 812. It’s still far behind!



The situation in the field has already entered the tiebreaker, and the fierce fighting still does not stop.

"The two are still in a stalemate."

"Stalemate? Are you blind? That guy Bai Jin started to withdraw his strength a long time ago."

Hearing the words coming from his ears, Atobe retorted disdainfully.


"Why did he do this?"

Hearing this, some people didn't understand the situation and were confused for a while.




The ball passed by, but Ryoma found himself out of reach.


The first time the score was overtaken in the game, he seemed a little stunned.

"What's wrong, Ryoma, do you find it unbelievable?"

"You should know it yourself."

Seeing Ryoma's expression, Bai Jin showed a joking expression.

"Jue Chi Jue Ming still has fatal flaws."

"Although I don't know if it's because you haven't practiced well enough, or because you can only reach this level."

“But in this fast-paced situation the deficiencies are exposed.”

From the very beginning of the tie-break, Shirazu had noticed that Ryoma felt like he couldn't keep up.

It does not refer to the issue of strength, but refers to the interval between the triggering of Jue Ti Jue Ming

Compared to Baijin's ever-present growth, it takes a certain amount of time for Jue Tai Jue Ming to be triggered again.

In the past, it took one game to make a difference, but in a very short game like the tie-break, the flaws appeared.

In just two or three goals, Ryoma began to be unable to keep up with Shiratsu's getting stronger, so much so that he began to lose touch.

"Although you subconsciously want to prolong the confrontation to delay it."

“But it’s still a bit too grinding.”

"In a game like a tie-break, the time between your two triggers is enough for me to beat you easily."

After Bai Jin pointed out the problem, Ryoma looked very solemn.


Initially, whoever reaches seven points first wins.

Only after a tie at 6-6 will the team leading by two goals be declared the winner.

The interval between the second triggering of Ryoma's Ultimate Ultimate is one round according to the previous normal game.

That is, at least "4 goals" of confrontation time

And 4 goals in the tie-break is a bit too long.

It's so long that Shirazu can end the game directly without withdrawing his strength.



"You see, my body can't keep up with my reflexes."

"It will be at least two balls before your next trigger, right?"

This slight oversight and weakness caused Ryoma to begin to fall into a disadvantage.

It can only be said that the two people who are constantly strengthening have also created a rhythm that does not drag on.

Points can often be taken from the opponent with just one counterattack, so the game seems to go very quickly.

"The triggering interval of Ryoma's Ultimate Death is about 30 seconds."

"It's obviously not very long, but in front of him, it's very fatal."

If Ryoma's serve was good, he would be able to delay the serve to some extent, but if it was Shirazu, the fight would be over in 2-5 seconds.

"After endless strengthening, the better side will undoubtedly have the upper hand."

"A confrontation that is too short would be detrimental to Ryoma in a sense."

If the players could fight each other for a few times like a normal game, then the triggering interval of Jue Tai Jue Ming would not be a big problem at all.

But in this high-intensity confrontation, Shirazu and Ryoma stood out with great strength.

A point almost always ends between "2-4" balls.

There is no room for pulling or delaying, which makes the 30-second vacuum period of Jue Chi Jue Mi seem too dangerous.

"Such a rapid growth may be a little too early for that child."

Yukimura also saw the problem inside, and then spoke.

"It should be said that he is unskilled."

"No, he doesn't adapt as quickly as Shirazu."

Akashi and Tezuka felt extremely familiar with this scene.



"The next time is indeed the time for you to trigger Juejuejue again."

"If nothing happens, it will surpass me now."

"Come on, hit your last shot since you became stronger."

Just now, Bai Jin deliberately delayed part of the time and calculated the distance between Ryoma and Ma, and Bai Jin spoke with ease.


Hearing Bai Jin's words, Ryoma had a bad feeling for a moment.

He didn't understand why this senior was so confident all of a sudden?

You know you will surpass him, but you are still so relaxed?



The serve was hit, and the golden ball flew into the air and plummeted. It was already a blow that most players could not catch.

"Ryoma. Maybe I have to tell you something."

"You have indeed found the right way to fight against the Infinite Light."

Seeing the ball coming, Bai Jin had no intention of giving in, but took a stance and waited.

"But we always have another decisive gap"

With those words echoing in his ears, Ryoma opened his eyes wide.

The hot breath has been transmitted, and the indescribable slash appears in a diagonal posture.

"Heaven and earth ashes!"


The venue fell into an atmosphere of silence, and the lively shouts stopped at this moment.

Only huge slash marks remained in the field.

There were scorching cracks visible to the naked eye on the court, stairs, aisles, and the top of the venue opposite Baijin.

Like the mark of being chopped by a knife


The racket in his hand had been broken into two sections, and Ryoma finally came to his senses.

"This set was won by the Neon representative team."



The referee also announced the big score of the event at this time, and the first set of the showdown came to an end.

"To defeat the weak with the strong does not just rely on the strength of the realm."

"This can also be a key element."

In his field of vision, Ryoma saw Shirazu's racket pointed at him, and the other party's serious expression was also advising him.


Even though the answer was not clearly stated, Ryoma already knew it.

"That's right."

"You are now half a step behind me in terms of level, and your moves are not even half as good as mine, so if you want to beat me."

"Still a long way to go!"

In the wordless silence, Ryoma really couldn't refute.

"The existence of the Infinite Light makes it easy for people to ignore that this guy actually has technical abilities that ordinary people can't imagine."

Nanjiro stood on the sidelines with his arms folded, looking at the end of the game and then spoke.

The Infinite Light is powerful, but Baijin also has moves that can completely over-exploit it.

It's not enough to be on par with him in terms of realm. You also need to have the technical ability to cope with his moves.

"Sa, young man, if you don't solve these two problems immediately, you will still lose the next game."

After returning, Ryoma sat in a chair and pondered.

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