Net King: Age of Miracles!

Chapter 830 9 Longma VS Polk! (Happy New Year!)

Chapter 830 9. Ryoma VS Polk! (Happy New Year!)


"Is this the end result?"

When it was clear that the Neon team was tied with the German team with 2 wins and 2 losses, the people who came to watch and the players from other countries were full of surprise.

It is a rare sight in ten years for a king who has won nine consecutive victories to be able to fight to such an extent without falling behind.

"The next step will be a showdown between the generals, right?"

"No matter what, the German team will definitely win."

"There's no way that Polk is going to lose."

The bald head that is very eye-catching in the venue has warmed up and is ready to go on stage.

But when he entered the field, he discovered that the opponent standing opposite him was not the expected opponent.


"Why him?"

"Is Team Neon crazy?!"

The little man wearing a hat and holding a red racket around his waist looked so handsome.

"Echizen Ryoma."

"Why is he the number one singles player in Germany?!"

"Where is Byodoin Phoenix as the general?!"

Not only the audience was puzzled, but the players from other countries were also full of questions.

Even Pruns, who had fought against Ryoma before, was shocked.

You must know that this is a life and death battle for the Neon team. No matter how you think about it, it should be the general who takes the lead, not an unknown junior high school student.

"What's your plan?"

One tall figure and one short figure faced each other in front of the net, and Polk asked condescendingly.

The Neon team's move really exceeded their expectations.

According to the previous order of appearance, no matter how you think about it, it should be Byodoin who will confront him this time.

And it's obviously wrong for Echizen Ryoma, a junior high school student, to come and finish it off, right?


"Is there anything strange?"

"As a general, shouldn't you appear last?"

Raising his head slightly, Ryoma put one hand in his pocket, and the coat he wore looked so chic.

People who didn't know it felt too arrogant just by looking at him.

But for Ryoma, he just "imitated" the words and practices of his two seniors, Shirazu and Akashi.

I have to say that in such a highly anticipated situation, it is indeed very "exaggerated and eye-catching".


Such blatant words from a junior who has just entered the first grade of the country are really laughable.

Thanks to a serious and calm player like Polk, anyone else would have been "laughing" and mocking him.

"If this is your Neon team's choice"

"Then I can only say that I am."


Turning around and even giving up the right to serve, Polk finally said coldly.

Although he didn't know why Byodoin didn't choose to play in the singles, Polk wouldn't ask in detail at this point.

It's just a playful drama, it's better to end it as soon as possible.

The opportunity that everyone in Neon finally obtained was so wasted.

I really can’t understand it!

"How generous."

Instead of dwelling on the issue of being given up the right to serve, Ryoma raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Even if you didn't listen carefully, you could still feel the doubts and disdain coming from the audience.

That's a mockery of his overestimating his abilities.

"Well, judging from my past videos, it is indeed the case."

Walking outside the baseline to prepare to serve, Ryoma recalled how he evaluated himself in this world.

Polk. The strongest professional player in the world.

Even in this world, he is a powerful enemy.

(When I have time, I will take you to challenge Polk. For my sake, he will agree.)

I vaguely remember that Bai Jin-senpai once promised such a thing.

But I didn’t expect that I would ever realize it myself.

Although this Polk may not be as strong as that other side.

But he is also a player who needs to be taken seriously.

"Then... let's get started!"

"Eh? The first thing I did was an outspin serve with my right hand!"

"The little devil is serious."

Seeing Ryoma hitting a familiar serve, the group of relatives and friends immediately shouted.


A strong spin is imparted to the ball, and then it hits the ground and causes a rebound.


It wasn't a serve worth making any fuss about. Polk took a step back expressionlessly and swung back.


Ryoma's feet were sliding against the ground, as if he were skating. The coat on his shoulders was even fluttering violently, but there was still no sign of falling off.


Jumping lightly, he hit the golden volley ball in the low air with the help of inertia.

"A combination of a whipping ball and a light ball!"


Seeing through the trajectory at a glance, Polk ran forward, then aimed at an uninhabited area and swung away.

The ball hit the corner and bounced at an extremely fast speed.

"Just hitting the ball was hit back like that!!"

"Score! There's no way we can catch up with that kind of distance!"

Seeing that Ryoma's position was so far behind the ball, many people expected the ending.

"No, he has a stronger field."

As someone who has seen it, I know that just hitting the ball far is meaningless.


"Hoo ho ho!!"

Everyone will be pulled back by Ryoma's magical "field"!



Even though the ball was about to fly out of bounds, it still turned in the air.

The ball drew a "C"-shaped trajectory in mid-air, and reached Ryoma's swing range with a rotation that ordinary people could not understand.

"That is the field that is stronger than you. Guoguang."

Q·P stood on the sidelines with his arms folded, watching this scene, and then said to Tezuka next to him.

"Any clues? It looks amazing to be able to guide the ball without relying on spin."

Bismarck was also very interested and curious about its principles.

After playing tennis for so many years, this is the first time I have seen such an exaggerated move.

Only Q·P had seen the video of Ryoma's previous battle with Pruns. After all, no one expected that Neon would send Ryoma out in the battle with Germany.

Even if they were sent out, they would still be number one, which was completely beyond Q·P's expectations.


After pondering for a while, Tezuka's serious expression did not change, but he felt incredible about this in his heart.

Ryoma actually studied the field more thoroughly than he did.

This ability to attract the ball without relying on rotation is much better than his "Tezuka Domain".

Even the Supreme Realm seems a bit inadequate in this comparison.

After all, there are flaws in areas where rotation is always needed to pull the ball.

However, Ryoma's "field" does not have such flaws.


On the field, Polk, who was already on guard, naturally would not let go of losing points for the second time.

He frowned as the ball kept being drawn to Ryoma and failed to see through the field's weakness.

(No matter what style of play, what kind of strength, what kind of ball path to attack)

(The ball always comes back to him.)

(And I don’t understand the principle of it at all, just like gravity.)

As a master, Polk is naturally well-informed, but even so, he was stunned by Ryoma's domain.

This is really something I have never seen before

"But...what will happen to you if I do this?!"


"That's the move."

"Be careful!"

In front of everyone's eyes, Polk grabbed the handle of the ball tightly and then swung the racket and hit the familiar shot.

"Baptism of the Uzumaki!!"

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