New Game+
177 Purpose and Money
Lara silently walked over Charm and tapped her on the shoulder.
"What exactly is going on, Charm?"
"The Novelty-Blastoise Clan is a very special Pangean family. In fact, of all the families, it is probably the strongest." Harker emerged from the hallway.
"Sorry I had to make you wait. Charm… I hope that you are alright. And pardon me for the rush. I was…busy."
"We saw. The attack of the Australians." Charm answered stoically.
"The priority was to protect Seeker and Lynd. Seeker has been moved back to an undisclosed location…" Harker glanced at Lara.
"You understand, right?" Harker smiled.
"An EAA student with vast connections. Of course. As you can see, General, I am very patient and have even allowed you to take me under custody."
"I am very much appreciative of your tolerance and understanding. The world is changing as you can see. The attacks have occurred. I was right. In return to my power, they are betraying me." Harker laughed.
"Truth be told, I expected it. Sadly, they haven't fulfilled their part of their promise. I got what I need, but when they learned I planned to betray them, they halted their plans. At least, from what I know, they will still pursue their attack on Australia."
"Who?" Lara asked.
"Who do you think, Miss Charm?" Harker turned and asked her.
Charm was confused.
"The WGP?" Charm was confused.
Harker shook his head and gave a light laugh.
"I'm disappointed. You really don't know. Well… it is expected. You are merely one who holds the right to challenge that seat. I won't beat around the bush, Miss Novelty-Blastoise, I want you to challenge that seat. We will support you in your rise. You have to do it quickly though. Pangea doesn't have much time."
"Pangea?" Charm asked in surprise.
"The WGP was formed after World War Three. But when they were formed, they held incredible power. You may know more about the details of that era as you must have learned something from your parents. Let me ask you this, what caused the rise of the WGP?" Harker challenged.
Charm gave Harker a confused look. Lara, on the other hand, tried to contain her curiosity and remained wearing a confused face.
"I don't understand the question. You're presuming that I know something, but I don't. All that I know about the history of that era, is all that we all know in our textbooks."
"So even a True Inheritor doesn't have it… Maybe you should have at least vied for the throne or sat on it to learn… but let me suggest something. In World War Three, and even the times before that… There was a battle that was happening before the events that led to World War Three. It was a political, military, and even religious battle. It was between two particular groups who vied to rule the world. They controlled media, governments, companies and used their power to shape culture into what it was at that time."
"Two organizations?" Lara asked.
"Correct. I'm not sure how they were formed. Some say they were the Free Masons, others the Illuminati, others avoided conspiracies and simply believed it was an organization that wanted total control of the world. Regardless of who they were, one was destroyed, and the other won and reigned to rule this world now. They are, of course, the ones that paved the way for your ancestors. The WGP."
"Who was the other?" Lara asked again.
"I suppose there is no harm in telling you this… Perhaps if I can ally with the Diamons, then I can get help from you. The enemy that lost against this mysterious group was just as powerful as the first. So imagine two organizations owning one half of the world and used their half to fight."
"Wait. Are you saying that the countries of this world, belonged to two organizations?" Charm asked in confusion.
"Wrong. That would reveal them as one organization. These two groups weren't one specific country, although there were many instances that they were basically the rulers of a country, they did not have such methods. Let me ask you this, to take over the world, what are the things you need?"
"Money." Lara answered instinctively.
"What else?" Harker smiled.
"I would say military might… But I have a feeling that it's not the right answer here." Charm thought.
"Is it… allies?"
"Very good. Allies. That's a broad term… And you should use these terms instead of specifics."
"Purpose." Lara answered.
"Purpose?" Charm asked in confusion.
"I think I know what you mean, Miss Diamon. You're right. You have to give those who follow you, who are allied towards you a sense of purpose. Simply put, these two organizations pursued these things. Money, Allies, and purpose."
"That's very broad."
"Exactly. Because a politician, a military group, an organization or whoever can become your allies, provided you give them purpose."
"What exactly is this purpose?"
"Purpose is the most important of the three. It gives you both money and allies. I only said purpose, because that's what I would call it. For some people… some who… yearn for it… they always seek something that gives their life meaning. For others, it's merely motivation."
"I don't understand anymore." Charm shook her head in disappointment.
"This is interesting. You caught on the heart of the matter easily… it makes me question your origin. Are you one of them? Sent to spy me? Impossible. I checked the Diamons…"
"A spy? How could I be a spy from this organization?"
"How can you not be? These two organizations fought each other. There was probably a time when neither knew the other existed. At least, from the organization that won, I know they didn't because I learned a bit of their history."
"What can I do to prove that I'm not a part of this mysterious organization?"
Harker was in deep thought.
"Then grant me the health technologies specific to your family," Harker demanded ruthlessly.
"Done." Lara answered.
Harker was stunned.
"I don't know about the True Inheritor business of Charm's family. But I am the heir to the Diamons. In fact, you could say I am the leader in training."
Harker turned to a soldier who was next to him and whispered something.
Charm was astounded and looked at Lara in surprise while Lara glanced bravely but secretly listened to Harker.
"Get a connecting transmitter here." Harker ordered.
"Alright, Miss Diamon. Prove then your worth. If you really are not from this organization, and you claim to have such authority, I will need you to do several things for me. Because even if you are a part of that organization, you will be greatly constrained."
"Fine. The information that you are talking about sounds very very scary. If I am to assume the mantle of leading the Diamons, and you are possibly the only person who knows of this group's existence and is planning to fight back, then I have to make a choice. We can negotiate the constraints in my family. As long as it isn't greedy-"
"I do need money. But such large actions will draw attention from that organization. The demands I have is mainly to monitor you. The first demand is that you will allow your network to be integrated into my Block-Chain network. The second is to allocate a space in your headquarters, your family residence, and other possible important facilities of my choosing, to be a small base for my forces." Harker demanded boldly.
"Oh. Just that? You're being awfully nice. Fine." Lara countered with an arrogant smile.
Harker's brow rose up as he looked at the confident stance of Lara.
He walked closer to Lara.
"This is it. I have to try to capture her expression…" Harker thought in his heart and was slowly pushing his Unlocking.
"Then it's a deal. Shall we shake on it?" Harker asked.
"Why bother? You did betray the organization that is trying to help you take revenge with Alean. But sure. To formalize it. Why not?"
Lara reached out and extended her hand.
"I never shook their hands in agreement. That's my principle. My daughter would always make me shake her hands for any promises she made. And for those promises that I make, I always shake on it." Harker declared boldly.
"Quite old fashion of you. But I can't help but respect you, General. You really are a man of such dignity." Lara smiled smugly and slightly waved her hand to signal Harker.
Harker sighed.
"A pity. Seeker sought imperfection because he too was imperfect in many ways. Seeker is a very insecure kid. He said he liked that you're perfect, but the truth is, he was hoping you'd be imperfect so he'd fell that he got a shot. But now I see with your resolve, your confidence, and your authority… such perfection will drive him crazy. Why do you have to be so perfect, Miss Diamon?" Harker smiled. Almost immediately, Harker clapped Lara's hand and gave a firm handshake.
Realm Somatotopy.
In that exact moment, Harker focused on the expressions of Lara and used the connection to feel the heartbeat and pulse of Lara.
Lara was startled at Harker's words that she even lost her composure fell into a blank trance.
Harker then removed his hands and turned around. As his face was out of Lara's sight, Harker could not help but have a satisfied smile.
"She really is in love. My what cruel tricks have you prepared for her, oh Seeker Carlean?" Harker thought.
"It's not my business. Perhaps Seeker's fame attracted you, or maybe it was his charisma. But regardless of what you plan on Seeker, delay it. Seeker is my cash cow. He is an emotionally unstable kid. The utter form of melancholy and insecurity. I will not tell him of who you are, and what you are really capable of. It would be presumptuous of me to assume your desires for him… Just don't show him this perfect side of you. If you want to… then take baby steps and assure him that you like him. But believe me, taking care of that brat is perhaps one of the hardest things I had to do in my entire career!"
Harker could be heard calling out the soldiers to hurry up in delivering the device and gave more instructions on what to do.
Lara, on the other hand, remained with a blank expression on her face.
"Lara? Are you alright?" Charm wondered why Lara had such an expression.
Lara gripped her fist and turned to Charm with a calm look.
"Wow. That man really listened to my talk with Seeker. I'm honestly embarrassed." She gave a dry laugh.
"Oh don't let that bother you. I'm sure Seeker will accept you for who you are." Charm comforted.
Harker returned and glanced at Charm and Lara.
"I will be preparing the line that you will be using. If during the call, you go off script and tell them anything weird, we will kill you. I'll prepare a script of what you will say. Of course, to make it look natural, the script will only contain a general outline of the topics you will be ordering them. And just because I'm paranoid, you will be allowing me to talk to them at any time that I demand in case you are secretly sending some message to them."
"Isn't that a bit too much, General?"
"Believe me, Charm. Those are but necessary measures. If you want to vie for the seat of the True Inheritors, you'd need such caution."
"I will. But while you are preparing the line, can't you go ahead and give us a brief explanation of what happened in the past? Especially to the identity of those secret organizations back then?"
Harker raised his eye-brows in defiance.
"What I'm asking is the basic details of what you know. If I am a spy, tell me information about those which I should already know about the past." Lara pointed out.
"You're a scheming brat. But that I can say. Fine. As we discussed earlier, the two organizations needed money, allies, and purpose. Purpose as you said, was the most important. What motivates them? The era of the post-modern world came about because of these secrets wars. Perhaps these two knew that the other existed, or perhaps they didn't. The first thing they needed was purpose. And both picked various means to acquire that. Charm… what would you do, to ensure that your allies and followers have some form of purpose that would guide them and confirm their loyalty?"
"Religion comes to the top of my mind."
"That was one of it. But the Post-Modern era could be described as an era of agendas. The two organizations profited from any opposing groups. Some from religion, but most of the profits were from the clashing of cultures. We've discussed it before, Miss Diamon. My political standing."
"What's he talking about?" Charm then asked.
"Something we talked about earlier. Now I understand the limitations of Harker's actions. I mean, General Harker's actions. You might have noticed, but Harker had no political alliances which made him a mystery. And even when he allied with Colestar we thought he would have sided with Colestar's allies but he didn't. Do you understand why?"
"The basic rule of politics, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. General Harker can't choose a political side to avoid making any enemies."
"Exactly. Now Charm, imagine that on a grander scale. Two mysterious organizations holding the powers at the helm. What would that entail?"
Charm thought for a bit.
"Impressive that you could imagine what it was back then from so little information." Harker laughed.
"Our family had long since studied the eras of World War Three. There were too many inconsistencies. Even the era after that, when the Continental wars happened, it had strange undercurrents that surprised us. The truth is, we always theorized the existence of certain powers. We suspected other families around the world to be stronger than they actually appear."
"You're almost right. The WGP did the same thing, hence we have the Novelty-Blastoise clan."
"You mean that the families are actually working for this organization?" Lara frowned.
"I don't know. But that's the best guess. As I said, their allies were not bounded by any alliance. If it was, it would have been noticeable even in the eyes of the common man. Who knows? Maybe your family has always been under the shadow of this organization or the WGP without you knowing it." Harker laughed.
Lara did her best to maintain a confused expression. But Harker saw a millisecond where her facial muscles almost twitched and slightly trembled.
"It is a scary thought," Lara admitted.
"Then what bounded them?" Charm finally asked.
"For the sake of time, allow me." Harker began.
"The best way to think of it is comparable to the Left and Right parties of America during the Post Modern era. See what movements both parties pushed, that would give you an idea of the purpose which united the groups. This had staggering implications."
"The Republican and Democratic groups?" Charm was confused.
"Let's use the old fears that were spread regarding climate change. If you checked your history, that has and always been a movement made by the Democrats. You cannot be a Conservative and support climate change because of that. Especially if you are someone of power, let's use the President of what used to be the United States of America. As President, you had no luxury to support the things that the other party pushed. If you did, it would only make the other party earn more power and have more money."
"For climate change? You mean the mysterious organization controlled that entire party?"
"They didn't have to. You just control the areas where the money comes in or goes out." Lara continued.
"Exactly. And that was greatly abused on that era. You see, it wasn't who was morally or factually right at that point. Both groups were trying to convert the other and those they can't convert, they try to bully or harm. Both parties were guilty of this. So almost all views that people stood for in that era, became bastions of financial support. Abortion became a tool that one party used. The other, would side and give power to the other party in hopes of stopping it. Religion became one of the tools used on one party, and the other group empowered any religious and areligious groups that would take away support and stop people from being part of that religion would grow."
"Isn't that what the parties were called in that era? Conservatives, referring to those who took a more serious, firm and dogmatic stand with the Bible, and the Liberals who initiated liberal theology which takes a different view of the bible. They allegorize, dilute or mystify the bible. And what did the Liberal groups stand for?"
"They supported the LGBT, abortion, feminism…"
"Right. These were all views that went against the beliefs of the Conservatives. America was a bastion of various Christian denominations. And with its deep roots, it wasn't easy to uproot it. So the political party that formed was actually from one theological perspective that would allow this. And thus, the liberal party was born. And it became great on its own. The number of presidents this party managed to produce were just as many as those the Conservatives produced."
"And you're saying… this was all a way for this organization to earn money?"
"While I don't think they crafted this purpose, they rode on it and controlled it. And with it, they had the money. The people of that era were fooled. The purpose instilled on to them, that they fought for, regardless of how true, righteous or how morally right it was, these were all money-making and power gaining tools used by these organizations. And that's just within one country. These organizations held something on a grander scale. Anything that was popular and had another popular counter view, could be assumed to be their means of earning money. They controlled the top, which was the flow of money. And of course, because they had the money, they controlled the people who moved under this umbrella."
Lara revealed her surprise. But this wasn't something she faked. It was real. She knew the Pioneer's plan of that day. And what Harker explained were the strategies they used. Her shock, however, was not in the accuracy of how Harker explained Pioneer's plan, but the fact, that there was another organization fighting them.
The urgency was now taking root and it gave birth to worry and fear in Lara. She had always been lax and uncaring to the plans of this world and generally would not worry. But the existence of an organization that challenged and even eliminated all Pioneers could harm her.
"I have to find a way to communicate with the Presiders!" Lara thought in her heart.
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