New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 585 Mount Hyjal

Lordaeron does not completely represent the Alliance, but Lordaeron's stance also has a decisive effect.

In the afternoon of the same day, King Var also expressed support for Lordaeron's decision, followed by Gilneas, Dalaran, Kul Tiras, the Kingdom of Stromgard, and the nominally existing Alterac.

The seven human nations all expressed support for sending troops to Kalimdor.

Of course, this is only nominal support.

Except for Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Stormwind, the other countries have no interest in going on an expedition to Kalimdor, nor do they have the ability.

For example, the Kingdom of Alterac is only in the official documents of Lordaeron. The Kingdom of Stromgard is very enthusiastic, but its own strength is too weak, so it only needs a few shouts.

The dwarf kingdom of Khaz Modan agreed to send troops to participate in the war after the Three Hammers Council made a resolution, but the number of participants was not large.

Quel'Thalas had been laughing at the night elves' embarrassment. The domestic mages and Farstriders did not move, and only sent the Knights of the Broken Sun led by Liadrin to join the battle.

Lordaeron built a portal that day and sent the most elite Knights of the Silver Hand in the country to the battlefield of Mount Hyjal.

Now the old Fording is consciously withdrawing from the daily management of the Knights of the Silver Hand. The Fording family has the title of two dukes, and its prosperity and wealth have reached the extreme. Considering all factors, the two Dukes Fording are weakening their own power. Influence.

The Knights of the Silver Hand are currently led by the deputy leader, Darion Mograine, who is young, decisive, and highly skilled in martial arts. He has just been promoted to the legendary Paladin.

There is no rule in the Knights of the Silver Hand that they can only fight the undead and not the orcs. The original intention of the establishment of this knighthood is to fight the orcs. Whether it was Uther back then or the old Fording later, everyone was in the Silver Hand. Under the banner, thousands of orcs were killed.

Our ancestors could kill, but why can’t we kill today? nonexistent!

One thousand paladins stayed at the Stratholme headquarters, and the remaining three thousand paladins rushed to Mount Hyjal.

At the same time, Vanessa also mobilized Lordaeron's troops in Northrend, dispatched 30,000 soldiers, and rushed to Kalimdor by ship.

The addition of human paladins instantly filled up the night elves' slightly weak defense line.

In Ashenvale, they can fight guerrillas against the orcs. When the enemy advances, we retreat, and when the enemy retreats, we chase, etc., but this is not possible on Mount Hyjal. They cannot give up any inch of land here. They must defend it, or defend it to the death.

"Please rest assured, the Alliance's army will arrive soon." Vanessa followed the Knights of the Silver Hand and teleported to Mount Hyjal. She met Tyrande and Malfurion first.

"Thank you for the alliance's assistance. The night elves will never forget today's support." Tyrande's gratitude was sincere. Malfurion didn't like war. He wanted to resolve the matter peacefully, but he couldn't reach out when people came to knock on his door. He was being slaughtered with his neck cut off, and he was nodding his head to express his gratitude at this time.

"Sigh... It's really hard here. I'd better go back to Thunder Bluff." Old Bull Hamuul Rune Totem is also a disciple of Malfurion. After receiving a summons from Vanessa, he and another great The druid and Ellerithe Revral were on guard for the meeting. The two of them joined forces to kill the Twilight believers without causing any misunderstanding in the original time and space. Now that the Alliance and the Horde are at war, he is in a very difficult position. .

"Tauren are a race that loves nature. The war has nothing to do with you. Leave." Malfurion sighed.

The fact is that not all tauren have a peaceful personality, and there are also characters who like war.

The Grimtotem clan joined Garrosh's army, but Cairne Bloodhoof was not dead, and the old chief's prestige was still there. Even with the Grimtotem, less than 800 tauren joined the Mount Hyjal expedition.

All the remaining tauren from the clans returned to Thunder Bluff. Although they did not say it explicitly, their actions were obvious, that is, they remained neutral in the war between the Alliance and the Horde.

Hamuul Rune Totem's position is a little more relaxed than in the original time and space. He is just the chief of Rune Totem. There is also Kane Bloodhoof, the tauren war chief. Since the war chief ordered to withdraw from the war, he can just follow the order. Pressure Not on him.

"It's a pity that all our years of hard work have been in vain." Lao Niu sighed.

"I hope Garrosh still has sense. The current battle is simply unnecessary."

Vanessa and Malfurion comforted each other, but no one mentioned the tauren joining the alliance.

The old cow can't make the decision, and the loyal tauren will not defect in the face of battle. It is inappropriate to talk about this now.

Lao Niu took his disciples, a total of one hundred and fifty tauren druids, to leave Mount Hyjal and officially withdrew from the war.

In the evening, King Wa and Bolvar rushed to Mount Hyjal.

They put aside the rebuilding of Stormwind City and rushed to the continent of Kalimdor together, which shows the importance they attach to the night elves and this war.

Coming with them was the Seventh Legion, which had experience fighting in Kalimdor. UU reading www.

A full legion was formed, and they also brought two hundred paladins and one hundred mages.

"Your Majesty Menethil, you came so quickly." King Wa said without much surprise.

Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Stormwind are both secretly vying for dominance in the alliance. Lordaeron has Quel'Thalas as an ally, and King Var wants to draw the night elves to the friendly side of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

However, this is quite difficult to do. Vanessa's female identity makes her naturally friendly to the Night Priestess. What's more, she is a genuine archdruid. One priestess and one druid form the two major military groups in the social structure of the night elves. They all have a good relationship with her. No matter how hard King Wa puts in his efforts, the night elves will probably remain neutral in the battle between Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Vanessa didn't care. She could speak to the priestesses and druids around her, but it was limited to individuals. Lordaeron soldiers and night elves had no common language.

"My secret message told me that Garrosh has increased his troops again, and we will face more than 40,000 Horde troops at Mount Hyjal." At the foot of Mount Hyjal, many generals from the alliance began to discuss this battle plan.

"The Land of Fire is rapidly entering the material world. We cannot allow the fire element to attack Mount Hyjal. We must maintain two fronts at the same time." Jarod Shadowsong also returned to Mount Hyjal. Everyone present believed in the strategic analysis His judgment.

Weighing the pros and cons of several aspects, Vanessa slowly said: "Ragnaros and I still have some personal disputes..."

She was also a little speechless. She felt that she had too many old enemies. Ragnaros, the Lich King, and Deathwing were all her old enemies, the kind that she couldn't even hide from.

She and Ragnaros, the Firelord, must come to an end.

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