New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 173 Dementors

Xia Ran used the Patron Saint Spell to summon his own Patron Saint, which first dispelled the bone-chilling chill that had invaded his body. Then Xia Ran turned his wand and the Patron Saint began to attack the dementors.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Moody, Sirius, Lupine, Mundungus, Mr. Weasley, and Bill all recited the Patronus Charm one after another, and their respective Patronus appeared in the void, cooperating to attack the group of Dementors.

Although their patron saints are not weak, especially Xia Ran and Moody, the two patron saints took away seven or eight dementors, but the number of dementors is too many, at least four to five hundred dementors. , it is really difficult for just a few patron saints to completely stop and drive away these dementors.

There are naturally a large number of wizards in the camp, but not many know how to use the Patronus Charm. There are very few wizards who can use the Patronus Charm under the coercion of such a large group of dementors, maybe even a hundred. None left.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

There are also wizards in several other places chanting spells, recalling the happy past despite the coldness of hundreds of dementors, and must successfully summon the patron saint, which is not easy at all.

It may be okay for many wizards to face one or two dementors, but four to five hundred dementors... forget it and run away as soon as possible to avoid the kiss of the dementors.

"Where are the wizards from the Ministry of Magic? Why haven't they arrived yet?" Xia Ran frowned. It would be difficult for them alone to stop the progress of this group of dementors for a long time.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

There were several sudden explosions, and a group of wizard officials from the Ministry of Magic descended from the sky. They all looked solemn and recited the Patronus Charm in unison, but not everyone successfully performed magic.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Cornelius Fudge cursed, "Get back! Guard your Azkaban prison!"

His magic power is not weak, and he is also one of the wizards who successfully summoned the patron saint.

The dementors did not respond to Fudge. It seemed that the former big boss was no longer recognized by them, especially when facing the tens of thousands of firefly-like wizards in the woods not far away...

The Dementor's urge to eat became stronger.

Xia Ran and his group looked at Fudge coldly, and controlled the patron saint to start going deep into the group of dementors. After all, there were wizards within the area covered by the dark zone just now.

"We found someone!" Lu Ping suddenly shouted, "Many people, more than a dozen of them, are unconscious. We must take them out of the attack range of the dementors!"

"We rush in, remember to cover us!" Moody shouted, "Xia Ran, let's go!"

Xia Ran's thoughts moved slightly, and his patron saint ran back and circled around him. He followed "Mad Eye" Moody into the dark area.

Moody had his own reasons for asking Xia Ran to go with him. After all, among the large group of wizards at the scene, Xia Ran was the most powerful besides him.

Xia Ran would not refuse. Although it was more dangerous to go deep into the dark area, he was still sure of saving his life. The top priority now was to rescue the unconscious wizards. He just hoped that they had not been kissed by the dementors.

After all, there were so many people present, and the dementors might not have the patience to kiss them one by one.

Now we can only hope for this.

Sirius, Lupine, Mundungus, Mr. Weasley and Bill all controlled their patron saints to help Moody and Sharon clear the way, trying to push back the Dementors on the way.

Amelia Bones said in a deep voice: "Those who can summon the Patron Saint stay where they are, and those who cannot successfully use the Patron Saint Spell retreat and go to maintain order in the camp!"

Immediately a group of wizards retreated.

"See clearly the direction Moody and Xia Ran are heading, and which direction all the patron saints are moving closer to!" Ms. Amelia Bones ordered.

So nearly ten wizards' patron saints moved closer to Xia Ran and the two. The dementors had no choice but to retreat to both sides, as if they wanted to bypass this group of wizards and throw themselves into the woods behind.

That is the place they dream of and desperately want to wreak havoc on!

Fudge's face was livid, his lips moved slightly, but he did not refute Ms. Bones's order. However, looking at his eyes, it seemed that he wished Xia Ran and the two of them were lost deep in the dark zone created by the dementors.

Xia Ran was walking deep in the dark zone. Although there was a silver-white glow around him, which was like the light radiating from the depths of his soul, giving him a sense of warmth, the icy coldness naturally carried by the dementors around him still seemed to be freezing. His body and mind are ordinary.

He remained silent, and as he breathed, the chill in his body was dissipated by the fluorescent light. He tightened his wand and followed Moody to the group of unconscious wizards.

"Carry it out!" Moody said solemnly.

Xia Ran nodded, carrying a not too old wizard on his back, and turned around. A silver-white passage appeared in front of him, with various patron saints flying on both sides to resist the dementors.

"Hurry up!" Moody said, carrying a wizard on his back and speeding outside.

Xia Ran followed closely, and his patronus ran in the air, slapping away several dementors who were trying to suck Xia Ran away.

The two quickly returned to their original place, put down the unconscious wizard, pointed their wands, and said: "Resuscitate quickly!"

But what made everyone's hearts sink was that the wizard did not wake up, but only twitched his body.

Xia Ran's expression changed slightly, no way...


"Resuscitate quickly!"

Xia Ran used several healing spells together, but the wizard still didn't wake up, and the situation seemed to be very clear.

Everyone's expressions darkened.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from the camp on the other side. The voice was old but full of anger.

"That's..." Lupine suddenly turned his head, with joy on his face, "Dumbledore! He's here!"


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief - only Fudge's face turned livid - after all, Dumbledore is the most powerful white wizard in the world and a powerful wizard of legendary level. His arrival will have a calming effect on people's hearts. , even if he is not an official leader of the Ministry of Magic.

A silver-white light curtain swept over, as if the rising sun had driven away all the darkness and haze in the world. That blurry light and shadow carried a ray of light like the sun, and instantly drove away hundreds of soul-catchers. Strange.

The power of the level 7 legendary wizard is so terrifying!

Xia Ran waved his wand, and the patron saint turned into a ball of light and disappeared into the tip of his wand.

And many of the patron saints in the sky also disappeared.

I saw a tall old wizard with silver hair and beard striding towards Xia Ran and the others. His expression was very solemn, and there was endless anger in his eyebrows.

It was Albus Dumbledore!

Dumbledore waved the Elder Wand, and his Patronus chased the dementors away, away from where people were.

"Dumbledore!" Xia Ran stood up and said, "Take a look at the situation of these people first. Is there anything you can do?"

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