New Story of Lv Bu

: : Patience is better than sacrifice

When Diao Chan and Linglong drove to the main entrance of Henan Yin Mansion, the entire Henan Yin Mansion was in chaos.

Lao Wangshu has three sons, the eldest son Wang Wei, the second son Wang Mao, and the third son Wang Yun. The eldest son Wang Wei was Henan Yin, Da Simahu Cao Zhuan, and the second son Wang Mao stayed in Taiyuan County. He had a title of servant on his head. The third son Wang Yun was the most beautiful and Situ of one of the three princes. Although Lao Wang Shu never went to an official position in his entire life, he had given birth to three sons like this, which was enough to comfort his ancestors.

Wang Wei has two sons, Wang Chen and Wang Ling. At the time of the Nanyang Change, Wang Chen was in the Wang Yunjun under the name of Taizhong. At this time, Wang Lingzheng was far away in Jizhou, and Ren Changshan had just experienced a **** battle. Compared with Wang Ling’s strength, Wang Chen is a very gentle person. This does not mean that he has no knowledge. As early as three days before the Nanyang Change, he asked Wang Yun for an envoy and rushed to Pheasant County to supervise the transportation of grain and grass. Up. When the bad news of the Nanyang Change reached Luoyang City, the capital of the Han Dynasty, everyone thought he was in Wancheng.

Wang Mao has only one son, Wang Hong. Compared with the three reading seeds of the uncle's family, Wang Hong is actually a military commander. He has little strength and does not stick to meticulousness. Now, as the general Sima, he is far away in the northern Xinjiang, which is the Wanli Xianbei Grassland. It is said that he has an excellent official voice and is both wise and brave. If it takes time, a two-thousand-stone prefect of a prefecture and county is stable, and it is roughly in the frontier. Wang Situ had three sons, the eldest son Wang Gai, the second son Wang Jing, and the third son Wang Ding. During the Nanyang Revolution, they all died with his father.

After hearing the bad news, Lao Wang Shu was so angry that he vomited blood three times. His life was hanging by a thread. Patriarch Wang Wei also fainted. The uncle was in Nanyang and he did not live or die. The second master was far beyond Jizhou. Wang Mao in the second room is in Taiyuan County, and San Ye is thousands of miles away in Saibei. Wang Situ and his three sons in Sanfang were killed again. Wang Shu and Wang Wei's wives both died young again, and there happened to be no one in charge in the mansion. The order of the Henan Yin Mansion is that the old family who has followed Wang Kui for decades, all their thoughts are on Wang Shu Wang Kui's body. Therefore, in the Yin Mansion in Henan, hundreds of family members are in a mess, not knowing what to do and where to start.

Hundreds of family members went in and out, busy going around, not knowing what they were up to, and whom to report to, just like a honeycomb.

At the sight of this chaos, Diao Chan's brows frowned. After a while, she immediately had an idea. She turned her head and said a few words softly in Linglong's ear. "So! Diao Chan, no, my aunt! Don't worry! My Linglong will definitely help you!" Linglong chuckled. "Ghost girl!" Diao Chan was about to tear her mouth in a pretentious manner.

"Ms. Diao Chan of the Grand Sima Mansion is here!" "Princess Linglong is here!" "All the deacons and others will gather in the lobby of the Fuzhong. Those who can't be found within a hundred breaths for no reason, engage in military law!" The male and female soldiers of Linglong lined up neatly. The team lined up in front of the mansion gate. Eight sturdy male soldiers opened their way in front and shouted loudly. Behind are sixteen female soldiers, all riding tall and strong Xiliang horses. Behind, there are more than a hundred men and women soldiers, with their heads high and their chests high, surrounded by Diao Chan and Linglong's Eight Treasure Chariots slowly moving forward. , Filed in from the middle door. As the two of them, as usual, they have to "hard in and hard out".

After a while, Diao Chan and Linglong sat down on the first seat in the lobby. Diao Chan gave a light cough, and silently warned herself "Tighten your face! Tighten your face!" in her heart. It's strange to say that with this tight face, I immediately felt confident in my heart, and even the voice of my speech became much louder. Alas! The trick Madam Zhao Yi taught me really worked! Diao Chan was overjoyed immediately.

"Everyone, I, Diao Chan, is the wife of Da Sima, and this one has a bigger name. It is the fiancée of Tiance General Lu An, and the Linglong princess of Xiqiang! Now the old family owner and the family owner are sick, and there is no one in the family. The person. I, Diaochan, will be the principal for the time being! When the second master and the second master come back, this messenger will be handed over to them. Have you ever heard that?"

"Understood!" All over the hall, there was a sudden promise. Diao Chan is the adopted daughter of Situ Gong, and the wife of Da Sima, plus the princess Linglong by her side, her status and status are not mentioned. And the people of the state are strong, even women are skilled at bowing horses. At this moment, the three remaining Wang Chens were not at home, and it was natural for her grandmother to come out to take care of the affairs.

"Okay! From now on, I will be the principal of this Henan Yin Mansion! Let's start with a villain and then a gentleman. Let's have three chapters: No negligence of duty! No stealing or skidding! No opportunity to eat or get cards! If there is a violation, depending on the severity of the plot, the spine will serve you. After a severe beating, the family will be expelled and sent to Luoyang County for punishment! If you are serving on a regular basis, after the big event is done, you will have your own reward! Princess Linglong, you and your subordinates, Let’s temporarily charge the supervisory official in the mansion! I don’t know how you like it?"

This long talk was finally finished, Diao Chan took a breath and looked at Linglong. "Yes!" Linglong replied loudly. "What about you?" Diao Chan raised his eyes and scanned the faces of dozens of deacons one by one. "I dare not obey the order!" everyone responded with cross-handed. Since ancient times, nobles have rewarded meritorious services, those who have done meritorious work will reward them, and those who have departed will be punished severely. Do everyone dare to disagree?

"Okay, I'll start dealing with housework in the mansion!" The big rock hanging in Diao Chan's heart finally fell to the ground.

"You wait for the two, and bring twelve maids, who are responsible for the daily life and eating of the two genius doctors. You must not be a little slack!" "No!" "You wait for four people, responsible for correspondence between the Fuzhong and Yingxin. Quickly send out an eagle letter, and let relatives in other places come to the funeral." "No!" "You wait for the four people, and immediately go to Wancheng with your whip and bring the corpses of Situ Gong's family to Luoyang City." "No!" "You" Wait for eight people to be responsible for the funeral affairs in the Fuzhong!" "No!" "You wait for four people, and you are responsible for receiving gifts and filing them separately." "No!" "You wait for four people and are responsible for the food and beverage of the attached middle school!" "No!" "You wait for four people to be responsible for the softness of the clothes in the mansion!" "No!"


In this way, while instructing, there was a handmaid who was recorded in the book one by one, thinking that the basis for future rewards and punishments, everything was arranged in order within a quarter of an hour. Dozens of deacons slammed their promises, and took their orders one by one. They performed their duties and led the servant girls. They immediately became busy, and the chaos and chaos that had just happened was never seen again. .

"Diao Chan, Chuzhang, I didn't expect you to handle it so well, you are really a prime minister!" Linglong glanced at Diao Chan with a deep and thoughtful look, and stretched out a bright white thumb. "Didn't you learn it from your future mother-in-law? She did it in the front. I looked at the back carefully. I learned it once and again." Diao Chan covered her mouth and yawned, saying tiredly.

"Really?" Linglong asked, blinking. "Study slowly, your mother-in-law has great abilities!" Diao Chan replied.

Almost while Diao Chan was dealing with housework on the lobby, in a secret room deep in the mansion, Lao Wang Shu and Wang Wei and his son were lying down and talking. Lao Wang Shu's originally gray hair was completely white in an instant. He was lying on a pile of brocade mattresses, his chest rising violently, as if every word he said exhausted his whole body.

Wang Wei's situation is better. He leaned on a pile of pillows and tried his best to resist the constant drowsiness. His face was pale, without a trace of blood. Within a day, the bad news came one after another. The third brother Wang Yunhe’s family was killed, and his eldest son didn’t know the life or death of his father and his own body. He had already realized that the Wang family’s disaster was coming. .

"Ki'er, I'm dying, I can't hold it!" Lao Wang Shu breathed hard. "Father, why are you saying this? Even if your old man rests assured, he will be fine." Wang Wei said these unnutritious words, perfunctory to his father. To be honest, he didn't even believe these words. But what can we do if we are not perfunctory? He is really exhausted.

"Zhuzi! When is this? It is the critical moment of the Wang family! If you go well, the Wang family in Taiyuan can last for thousands of years. If you don't go well, it will be the same as the one hundred and sixty-eight families in Luoyang City. Son, all have to let the family chop their heads! I'm done, and you won't be able to hold it for long. Remember my words, the Patriarch must not let Wang Ling do it!"

Lao Wang Shu hammered the bed with his skinny right hand and said firmly. "Don't let Wang Ling do it, who should I do it?" Upon hearing this, Wang Wei's eyes widened immediately. "It is best to be Wang Han. Secondly, Wang Jin can do it. If it is not, it is also Wang Chen! Wang Ling's arrogant temperament is just like a sub-master. The Wang family has already produced a prince and can no longer produce a second. Hey! If the sub-master's temperament is softer, not so sharp, and there are still ten years, I can look at me!"

Having said this, Lao Wang Shu gasped for a while before continuing. "Remember one of my words, remember with your heart, don't use words, and then tell this sentence to the next Patriarch. Forbearance, like a hyena in the desert, so that you can live longer. At least, in you Not yet able to control! In the overall situation, you must be forbearing! Remember, tolerating humiliation is better than heroic sacrifice! Throughout the ages, how many heroes have died for not being tolerant enough? Remember! Remember!"

"Father, I remembered it!" Wang Wei said silently in his heart several times, confirming that every word was remembered, and then he answered.

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