Night of apocalypse

Chapter 59 Foggy City

When Shen Qiu shook his head, the overlapping blurry world became clear.

I saw him standing on the roof of the roof, looking over at a glance.

Surrounded by mist, towering towers, magnificent glass churches, and Gothic buildings carved with various reliefs are looming.

A cool breeze blew past.

Shen Qiu suddenly felt a chill in his crotch, and the cool wind directly penetrated the bottom of the slit bathrobe and pajamas.

He looked down at the pajamas he was wearing and the slippers on his feet, and he was speechless.

"Hey, I'm really going crazy. It can also be overlapped at home. It seems that in the future, I might really reverse my work and rest. Even if I really want to rest at night, I have to wear clothes and shoes, and hold equipment. !"

Of course complaints are complaints, Shen Qiu quickly adjusted his mentality.

The most urgent task now is to figure out the current situation and ensure safety. Who knows where it has been overlapped again this time.

Not to mention anything else, judging from the looming buildings in the mist, it is obvious that the world he overlapped this time is not the same as last time.

Shen Qiu first took a deep breath, and then coughed violently.

The air mist is very pungent, like old industrial waste gas. This feeling reminded Shen Qiu of a very famous city in the Blue League, Fog City, and the atmosphere of the two was very similar.

Shen Qiu turned his head and looked down at the rooftop, and soon saw a tightly closed iron sliding door.

If there is no accident, this door should be able to go downstairs and enter the house under his feet.

Shen Qiu put his backpack on his back, drew out the mechanical blade, tied the scabbard around his left waist with a rope tied to his bathrobe, then walked to the edge of the roof, and took a look down!

He found that the house under his feet was three stories high, located on the edge of the main street, with buildings of different styles on both sides and opposite.

There are kerosene street lamps erected on both sides of the street. The most creepy thing is that those street lamps are still on, exuding a yellowish light, illuminating the blackened ground.

A closer look at the street floor reveals some torn clothes and body remains.

There are various indications that Shen Qiu is not the first person to visit here. It is estimated that some unlucky ghosts have been overlapped here before, and this place is not as quiet and safe as it looks on the surface.


Shen Qiu let out a long breath, then turned around and walked to the iron sliding door, he tried to pull it.

With a harsh friction sound, the iron sliding door was pulled open.

Looking inside, the inner staircase was pitch black. Shen Qiu walked in cautiously, then stood quietly on the pitch-black stairs, let his eyes gradually adapt to the darkness, and after he could see the stairs faintly, he walked down cautiously.

The staircase is narrower than imagined, and the material used is wood. Due to the long time, the process of going downstairs continued to produce creaking noises.

If there are enemies in the house, nine out of ten you will hear abnormal noises.

Therefore, Shen Qiu's nerves were tense, and he tightly held the mechanical blade in his hand, ready to fight at any time.

However, when Shen Qiu reached the third floor, he didn't see any enemy figure, and the surroundings were quiet.

After careful observation, there are two houses on the third floor, as well as a large movable living room. On the walls of the living room, there are oil paintings covered with mildew.

There are some landscapes and exquisite utensils painted on the oil painting.

Shen Qiu walked to the nearest room holding his breath, and he gently pushed open the half-hidden door.

What came into view was a dark study room.

Shen Qiu glanced in all directions, confirmed that there were no enemies hiding, then ignored this room and walked towards another room.

He must first confirm whether the house is safe, and then conduct a detailed search.

Soon Shen Qiu walked to the door of the second room, which was also ajar.

He gently pushed it away, but the inside was empty, only some piled up sundries.

Shen Qiu immediately moved towards the second floor, and soon he came to the second floor, where there were also two rooms and a living room.

However, compared to the 3rd floor, the decoration is better here, with a table and chairs in the living room.

Shen Qiu went straight to the first room, he gently opened the door and through the gap, a mahogany coffin came into view.

Shen Qiuxin suddenly raised his throat, and he observed the room carefully. This is a spacious master bedroom for women, except for the coffin in the middle, there is a wardrobe next to it, and there is a dusty dressing table next to the window.

There are some exquisite jewelry boxes on the dressing table, as well as some strange cosmetics.

What made Shen Qiu's hair stand on end the most was that a black kerosene lamp was lit in the middle of the dressing table.

Kerosene lamps lit up the whole room.

Shen Qiu touched the coffin little by little. This coffin looked quite delicate, with intricate pattern marks on the surface.

Looking at this coffin, Shen Qiu couldn't help but think of vampires in movies and TV dramas.

He was also a little curious, wouldn't there really be a vampire lying in it? Is there really such a creature in the world?

Holding this doubt, Shen Qiu took a deep breath, stretched out his left hand to press the coffin lid, and pushed it away little by little.

Immediately afterwards, a lady with her hair coiled up, wearing a red gemstone necklace, and wearing a retro long dress came into Shen Qiu's eyes.

The entire face of this noble lady is like a mummy, with sunken faces, and her eyes are closed!

With his hands folded on his chest, at first glance, he looks like a Sleeping Beauty.

Shen Qiu's eyelids kept twitching, he would not be so foolish as to think that this was a simple corpse.

Without hesitation, he raised the mechanical blade in his hand and pointed it at the heart of the sleeping lady.


The entire mechanical blade penetrated in response!

Black blood immediately seeped out, and the lady who had her eyes tightly closed suddenly opened her piercing eyes, struggling to raise her withered right hand.

Shen Qiu turned the mechanical blade violently, completely crushing his heart.

The lady's body jerked, her raised hand dropped, and she immediately lost her vitality.

Shen Qiu immediately pulled out the mechanical blade, then left the room and walked towards the second room. Although I don't know why these monsters hide in coffins and sleep. But this is a good opportunity to kill them, clean up first.

Soon Shen Qiu pushed open the door of the second room, only to see a smaller coffin.

He stepped forward and pushed open the lid of the coffin, and inside lay a girl holding a moldy doll.

Without the slightest hesitation, Shen Qiu swiftly stabbed his knife into his heart, killing him!

After finishing, Shen Qiu went down to the first floor to search around, and after confirming that there were no other coffins, he returned to the second floor.

He first went back to the body of the lady, stretched out his hand and searched, only to find some jewelry.

Shen Qiu just looked at it, then threw it away.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the closet, which was full of moldy and old ladies' clothes.

Shen Qiu frowned when he saw it. He was originally thinking about whether he could find some better clothes and change out the pajamas on his body so that he could move around more conveniently.

Now I can only look for other things to see if there is anything that can be used.

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