Nightmare Card House

Chapter 510 Waterfall

Fang Tian noticed that Heather was directing actions among a group of trialists. It was obvious that the field was divided into two distinct groups.

A group of trialists from Heather Card Hall and Yurien Card Hall.

As far as Fang Tian could see now, they were blocked by the river. The trialists blocked the water elemental creatures that were condensing from the dark river, but they could not go further and cross the dark river.

While the members of the mouse team began to move down the chain, Fang Tian winked at the mouse and asked him to go aside and talk.

The mouse swallowed, went up cautiously, and said tentatively in a questioning tone: "Boss?"

Fang Tian took off the mask on his face, then quickly put it on again, and whispered, "Go, help me find a card to disguise my face. Many people have this kind of card."

Hearing Fang Tian personally admit his identity, Mouse became even more upset. He was smart enough to know what not to ask, so he quickly nodded and said: "Okay, boss, please wait a moment, I will help you right now..."

"Wait, don't tell anyone about me." Fang Tian grabbed the mouse and stared into his eyes, "Do you understand?"

"I know," the mouse felt fear rising in his heart. He quickly stretched out his index finger and nodded hurriedly, "I swear."

"I don't believe in oaths, I believe in visible benefits. If you do things for me, you can get much more than what you can get by following Heather." Fang Tian said, flipping his wrist and pointing a card towards The mouse handed it over.

"Boss, I..."

"Take it."

The mouse took the card and his heart skipped a beat.

This card alone is worth six thousand points.

"No matter how much you do, how much you get paid, this is your reward for helping me hide my identity and my human skin mask."

The mouse rolled his eyes.

Anyway, he didn't want to betray Fang Tian at the beginning. After all, in his heart, Fang Tian was a weird and powerful person. Not only could he escape from Heather once, but he rushed to come here in person this time, he probably had something to do. Be prepared, if he directly reported this matter to Heather, and if Fang Tian accidentally let Fang Tian slip away, he wouldn't get any benefits at all, and he would be jealous of Fang Tian, ​​and he wouldn't even know how he died by then. have no idea.

We've all come to this point, and we can't escape anyway. If you don't take it, you won't get it!

The mouse was heartbroken and took the card handed over by Fang Tian.

"Thank you, boss!"

"very good."

Behind the mask, Fang Tian has been observing the mouse's expression. If he finds anything wrong, he will make another choice.

Fang Tian said and pointed down again, asking: "Let me ask you, why are these people gathering down there?"

"Oh." This question was very simple. The mouse answered directly without thinking: "The two museum owners both want to cross the river, but the river is full of elemental creatures, and the space for us to dodge is limited on the river. The two previous The famous museum owners also tried to cross the river, but the closer they got to the waterfall, the more water elemental creatures gathered. They tried several times but failed."

Fang Tian stared at the dark river and frowned: "There is a waterfall on the other side of the river. Do you want to climb the waterfall?"

"I don't want to go to the waterfall, but the owner seems to think there is something in the cave behind the waterfall."

"Behind the waterfall..."

Fang Tian squinted his eyes and looked behind the waterfall.

Unfortunately, it was too far away and from this angle, I couldn’t see what was behind the waterfall.

"Brother Mouse!" As the two were talking, a trialist hurried over and handed over a card.

"Well done, don't mention this to others, just go ahead." Mouse patted the player on the shoulder and walked over with a smile, "Boss, I got the stuff."

Card - Disguise.

Equal order sequence: white.

Star rating: 1.

Description: Change appearance in a short period of time (2 hours). The higher the opponent's perception level and the closer the distance, the higher the chance of being seen through (some special reconnaissance effects will see through the disguise).

After all, it is a one-star level card, and its effect is not very good, so it can barely be used.

Fang Tian raised his hand high, and his face gradually changed, becoming a completely different person.

"You go and report to Heather, I'll go down first to check on the situation."

With that said, Fang Tian grasped the iron rope in his hand and jumped off the raised platform.

The trialists in both card halls were busy dealing with the elemental creatures crawling out of the River of Sighs, and few paid attention to the situation in Fang Tian's corner.

Even in the corner, there were still many water elemental summoned creatures on the water. They sensed Fang Tian approaching the River of Sighs and slowly gathered towards him.

Since these creatures move very slowly, Fang Tian is not in a hurry to dodge backwards. He has enough time to calm down and observe.

Looking at the waterfall from this position, Fang Tian could indeed vaguely see a dark shadow behind the waterfall.

So the two museum owners were right. There was no doubt an accessible cave behind the waterfall.

Just when Fang Tian tried to get closer to see more clearly, he suddenly sensed something, raised his brows, and lowered his head to look at his pocket.

The water spirit crystal that he had hidden in his pocket before emitted a weak mental response.

It's strange, why does Shui Lingjing react?

Looking up, what made Fang Tian even more confused was that the water elements that had condensed in the water and approached him all turned their attention away from him.

They showed no interest in Fang Tian, ​​and instead approached other trialists in the distance.

Fang Tian lowered his head and thought.

It was the water spirit crystal that affected these creatures.

The water spirit crystal can make oneself immune to the attacks of these elemental creatures.

So, if you want to enter the waterfall in front, you must get a water spirit crystal.

Recalling the scenes he experienced in the cave before, Fang Tian licked his dry lips lightly.

"So that's it..."

Fang Tian suddenly realized, he turned his head and looked at Heather not far away.

In a short moment, a plan emerged in Fang Tian's mind.

This is an opportunity to trick Heather. It is not guaranteed to be 100% successful, but at least it can teach Heather a lesson.

Fang Tian slowly retreated. He noticed that the mouse was about to go to Heather to report, so he consciously released the sun beetle.

The sound of the waterfall was very loud, and most people's attention was focused on fighting the water elemental creatures, so no one noticed the tiny sun beetle.

The sun beetle quickly caught up with the mouse close to the ground and climbed up the back of the mouse's neck from the trouser leg.

Mouse was about to report to Heather the water crystal he had seen before, but he suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck. He consciously reached out to touch it, and it seemed as if he had touched something, and he immediately shuddered.

He reached out and put the thing he had touched on the back of his neck in front of him.

"Sun beetle!"

Mouse broke out in a cold sweat.

The sun beetle in front of him immediately reminded Mouse of Fang Tian.

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