Nine Domain Sword Emperor

Chapter 519 Eighteen Demon Generals

The power of each of these weapons composed of white bones is no weaker than that of earth-level spiritual weapons. There are hundreds of them covering the sky and the earth.

These bone weapons gathered together and turned into a huge formation, adding strength to each other, making it even more powerful.

"Hahahaha, junior, just die! You have good blood. If I kill you and refine your bones into a bone demon, I can also add some strength to me!"

Mr. White Bones laughed and said, the formation gathered together, and the power in his body increased steadily. He controlled the formation and bombarded Chu Fengmian.

"What a joke, these mere bones can suppress me like this?"

Chu Fengmian raised his head and looked at the bones with disdain in his eyes.


Chu Fengmian shouted softly, and behind him, the shadow of the ancient killing god suddenly condensed out.

The endless murderous intention in the shadow of the ancient killing god combined with the dragon power of Zhanlongjue in Chu Fengmian's body. When they condensed, they immediately turned into a terrifying blood dragon.

"Break it for me!"

Chu Fengmian moved his feet and suddenly stepped forward. He punched out, and the countless blood energy in it suddenly turned into a huge and terrifying blood dragon.

This terrifying blood dragon roared and roared, filled with boundless killing intent.

A long roar immediately broke the formation formed by countless bones and weapons.

At the same time, this terrifying blood dragon opened its mouth crazily and swallowed one after another. These countless white bone weapons were all made by Master White Bones with his supreme spiritual power.

Now completely swallowed by the terrifying blood dragon, Chu Fengmian quietly activated his power. All these bone weapons were refined and turned into essence of spiritual power, which was completely integrated into Chu Fengmian's body.

"Some tricks!"

Seeing the bone weapon being easily dispelled by Chu Fengmian, Mr. Bones also showed a bit of shock on his face.

"In the Northern Territory, I have never heard of a person like you. Your dragon martial arts are even more powerful than that of Long Weiyang."

Although Mr. Bones was shocked, there was no panic on his face. Instead, he showed a bit of excitement.

"Okay, it seems that your adventure is much greater than I imagined. Today, I will kill you and steal your adventure!"

"Eighteen Demon Generals! Show up for me!"


Beside Mr. Bones, almost instantly, countless bones appeared one after another, condensed, and turned into eighteen bones.

The power in these white bones is at the level of life and death. It is obvious that the strength of these bones during their lifetime was enough to reach the level of life and death.

Each of the powerful people in the realm of life and death has a very high status. If placed in some small countries, they are invincible monsters that dominate the world.

But now, these are actually refined by Mr. Bones into Demon General of Bones, and are driven by him.

"These are the Eighteen Demon Generals of Mr. Bones! Each of these Demon Generals is at the first level of the life and death realm. It took Mr. Bones thirty years to kill the eighteen demon generals. The strong men in this realm have refined all their bones.”

Bai Xuan looked solemn on the side.

"These eighteen demon generals were all refined by Master White Bones using the supreme magic power Ten Thousand Bones General King Jue. According to legend, these eighteen demon generals of white bones, working together, can even compete with the strong men of the third level of life and death. Even defeated.”

"Bai Xuan, it seems that you have also heard of my young master's Eighteen Demon Generals. If that's the case, then you should quickly surrender and submit to me as my concubine, so as not to suffer the pain of skin disease. "

Mr. Bones laughed and looked at Bai Xuan, his eyes filled with pride.

These eighteen demon generals are his biggest trump card. Once used, warriors at the third level of the life and death realm can compete with them and even kill them.

He didn't believe that Chu Fengmian and Bai Xuan were so powerful that they could compete with him.

"Bai Xuan, please be more obedient now. I can't help but consider giving you some of the harvest from Yan Gulong Emperor D's house."

"It's just a few bone demon generals, little devil, how can you be so confident?"

Chu Fengmian glanced at Mr. Bone Bones and said with disdain in his eyes.

"These Bone Demon Generals of yours are all condensed using a lot of rare items. Today is the perfect time to send them over for me to use to condense my strength!"

It is not easy to train one of these white bone demon generals. In addition to the bones of a strong person in the life and death realm, it also needs countless miraculous objects from the sky to be integrated into them before they can be trained.

Refining these white-bone demon generals is equivalent to refining countless wonders from the heavens, not to mention that the bones of powerful people in the life and death realm are treasures in themselves.

Each of these bone demon generals, if refined, would be comparable to an earth-level elixir.

"You little beast! How dare you speak harshly when you are about to die!"

After hearing Chu Fengmian's words, Mr. Bones burned with anger.

"Eighteen Demon Generals, kill him for me!"


Following the command of Mr. Bones, these eighteen demon generals took action at the same time, and huge skeletal palms fell from the sky one after another.


Chu Fengmian's figure flickered, disappeared all of a sudden, and suddenly arrived at the center of the Eighteen Demon Generals, suddenly bursting with spiritual power.

Seeing Chu Fengmian's actions, Mr. Bones suddenly burst out laughing.

"What a stupid waste. He dares to come to the center of the Eighteen Demon Generals. He is simply asking for death! The Eighteen Demon Generals! Arrange an array to kill them!"

The eighteen Bone Demon Generals, under the control of Master Bone, gathered their spiritual power and bombarded towards the center at the same time, forming a shocking killing array.

The center of this killing array was none other than Chu Fengmian, and countless bone spears were thrust towards him one after another.

"Searching for death? How about a killing array? Do you still want to trap the real dragon?"

Chu Fengmian said disdainfully, and with a wave of his big hand, endless spiritual power burst out in all directions, immediately turning into countless golden lights.

In this countless golden light, you can still see all kinds of dragon shadows in it!


The golden light scattered in all directions, and the countless bone spears around them were all broken and destroyed immediately under the golden light.

The bones of that white-bone demon general were also penetrated by countless golden lights.

Under the power of this golden light, the power of the eighteen bone demon generals are all weakened. The power of fighting dragons is to restrain all evil.

Each of these white-bone demon generals is the most evil among evils. Chu Fengmian's power is simply his nemesis.


Chu Fengmian let out a long roar and waved his hand. The eighteen demon generals were all suppressed by layers of golden light.

The eighteen demon generals were compressed step by step under Chu Fengmian's power, and finally turned into a small particle, which was directly swallowed by Chu Fengmian.

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