Chapter 1005

“Thanks a lot.”

Seeing that he didn’t seem to be lying, Ye Xiu thanked him, anyway, he was kind, and also provided some information to himself.

Although what he said could not change anything at all, it also prepared himself.

“Don’t thank me, I just did what I should do.”

Zuo Liuyun drank a glass of wine, and then said: “By the way, my Junior Sister Liu is missing. I don’t know if this matter has anything to do with you?”

After Liu Ruoxian left some time ago, he lost track of him, and has not returned to Jianzong. If her soul Jade Slip hadn’t broken, he would have thought this girl was dead.

Although he doesn’t like Liu Ruoxian’s character very much, she is his own sister after all, and he has to deal with this matter.

As for asking Ye Xiu, it was because he was the only one who had conflicts with Junior Sister, and through his investigation, this girl was going to trouble Ye Xiu.

So he thought this matter was related to Ye Xiu, but he had no evidence, so he asked Ye Xiu privately.

Of course he knew nothing to ask, but he could also get some clues from Ye Xiu’s expression.

“Haha, to be precise, your junior is not named Liu Ruoxian, but Mu Qinglan…”

Ye Xiu didn’t hide it, and said the whole thing directly.

“how so!”

Zuo Liuyun thought about many possibilities, but what Ye Xiu said was not among the possibilities he had considered before.

After all, in his eyes, although Junior Sister was a little selfish, she was not so selfish yet, she was a little clever at best.

But he also knew that Ye Xiu had no need to lie to himself on this matter, he just didn’t say anything.

Anyway, I have no evidence to prove all of this.

“That’s the truth. The real Liu Ruoxian is a disciple of the Tiansha Clan. I think you should have seen it before, and there are many people who know this. If you don’t believe it, you can investigate it yourself.”

Ye Xiu immediately told Zuo Liuyun the names of those people Liu Ruoxian had given him before, which was regarded as repaying him for his reminder.

“I will investigate this matter. If the matter is as you said, I will report it truthfully like Sect, and I will never involve you. After all, this matter was caused by her.”

Zuo Liuyun nodded. Of course, he couldn’t fully believe Ye Xiu’s words. The necessary investigation still needs to be carried out.

If the facts are exactly what Ye Xiu said, then Jianzong would not be able to intervene in this matter. After all, this is a personal vengeance, which Mu Qinglan owed before soaring.

Even if they want to avenge Mu Qinglan, Tianshamen is not easy to provoke.

As for Ye Xiu, they didn’t intend to offend him. On the one hand, he was leaning on Tian Jue’s back, and on the other hand, he was not easy to provoke himself.

They had heard about what happened in Lincheng. This kid emptied the treasure house of the Four Martial Arts under the eyes of everyone, directly causing them to suffer heavy losses, and it would be difficult to recover their vitality within a hundred years.

Because of this incident, the four main sects in Yuecheng have strengthened their guards of the treasure house, for fear that this kid will come here too.

“Such the best.”

Ye Xiu nodded. He didn’t want to cause trouble, but he was not afraid of trouble.

If the Yuecheng sect wants to deal with himself, then he really doesn’t mind copying what happened in Lincheng.

For him who possesses advanced breathing techniques, it is not difficult to do this.

Even if they can’t steal the treasure, they can burn their Buddhist scriptures.

After that, the two briefly exchanged a few words, and then they parted ways.

Before Ye Xiu walked far, he ran into Bai Longfei, led him to the restaurant rented by Tian Juemen, and saw Chu Ruqing.

“Renxian, third rank, is about to break through fourth rank, with a strong aura. Your speed makes me a little envious.”

Chu ruthlessly said with envy, he could see that Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base was not forcibly ascension. It had a strong aura, and he knew that the foundation was solidified at first glance.

If someone else wants to reach this point, it will take at least a year or two, but how long has he been soaring.

The speed of this Ascension has broken the record of Tian Jumen.

“Do you know the rules of the competition?”

Ye Xiu didn’t talk nonsense with him, but went straight to the point.

He just listened to a rough idea from Zuo Liuyun. He didn’t understand the specific rules. As Chu Wuqing was the master of the Heavenly Jue Sect, the various sects would definitely ventilate with him in advance.

If Chu ruthlessly disagrees with this matter, no matter how well they plan it, it will be of no avail.

“I see, these guys are going to use the ring game method to decide the winner.”

Chu nodded mercilessly.

“You promised?”

It was not Ye Xiu who asked the question, but Bai Longfei, but he understood the problems that existed in this way.

Only Ye Xiu in the Tian Jue Clan played in the battle, while dozens of other sects participated in the battle. Once Ye Xiu appeared, he would definitely be targeted by the various sects, but he could also be consumed by the number of people.


Chu ruthlessly nodded again.

“Fuck, you are always confused, they are bullying, how could you agree.”

Bai Longfei was so angry that he didn’t unite with outsiders to bully himself.

Had it not been known that Chu Ruqing was the master of Tian Jue Clan, he would have suspected that this guy was a spy who had been planted in Tian Jue Clan by various cliques.

“What do you guys say, believe it or not, daddy kicks you back.”

Chu ruthlessly stared, wishing to go up and slap this guy to death. Is there anyone who talks to an elder like this?

“You were kicked back by me, I also want to say, didn’t you hurt Junior Brother by doing this?”

Bai Longfei held his head high and did not retreat.

“As long as you know to protect this kid, as the master of the Heavenly Gate, would I not know?”

Chu ruthlessly glanced at him and said: “Things are not as bad as you think. I have already told them that the arena is ok, but one must be added, that is, you can win ten games in a row. In this way, Ye Hugh only needs ten matches, maybe less than ten.”

“Ten games are a bit too much, right!”

Bai Longfei breathed a sigh of relief, but it might not be easy to even play ten games.

In this competition, it is obvious that the four major factions are targeting them, or against Ye Xiu. Once Ye Xiu is on the court, they will definitely send the strongest lineup.

One or two games of Lien Chan is nothing, but if there are more games, Ye Xiu will definitely consume a lot of time, and it is very likely that he will not be able to persist.

After all, the arena is a round-robin competition. With the urination of the four major sects, he will definitely not give him time to adjust.

“No way, this is the best result I have achieved.”

Chu Ruqing was also very embarrassed, but these sects seemed to have been discussed. No matter what he said, they had settled on ten games, and in the end he could only compromise.

This is not just the meaning of a sect, nor can he offend the anger of the people, otherwise, Tianjuemen will survive in Lincheng.

Yuecheng Tianjuemen was so sadly exited.

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