Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Three. What, dissatisfied?

The wind region is located in the northern part of the wasteland, and the three regions of Heli, Qing, and Sheng guard the wasteland. It is also among the 36 regions of Eastern Wasteland, except for the wasteland, the four most powerful regions.

At the same time, the branches of the Lingwu family in the four domains are also the four of the six-veined martial arts.

The remaining two branches, one is the square inch domain, and the other is the martial domain adjacent to the wind domain.

In other words, the Fangcun Domain is the only one of the six remaining branches of the Lingwu Family that is far away from the wasteland.

Regardless of the remoteness of Fangcunzhi, it is a very magical place. There are often some amazing talents. Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye are the representatives.

It was the appearance of these people that allowed Fang Cun Zhiyu to create a miracle of oneness, which magically continues to this day.

Even the Lingwu Family Headquarters didn’t expect that Fang Cun Zhiyu could persist until now.

There is a very huge city in the center of the wind field, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of hectares.

This city is also called Lingwu City, but it is at least ten times larger than the Lingwu City in the Fangcun Domain.

The difference is that the Lingwu Family of Fengyu is located in Lingwu City, or the entire city is the residence of the Lingwu Family of Fengyu.

At this time, a golden eagle chasing the wind descended from the sky and landed at the gate of the city, and a group of people jumped down from above.

It was Ye Xiu and others.

They have walked this way for a full month, and the Cultivation Base of Xiaohu and others have already made breakthroughs.

Especially the little fox, at this time has already broken through to the Ning Yuan realm.

This speed is simply not too fast.

Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base still hasn’t made a breakthrough, but after a month of tempering, his body has been ascension as much as three times, fully adapting to the surge of soul power.

The power of the soul has greatly increased, giving him a great Ascension in his control of his own power.

Although Cultivation Base didn’t have a breakthrough, his strength was at least twice Ascension, the average Ningyuan Fourth Stage master, at this time he was confident to defeat it.

“Oh, isn’t this the old style? I didn’t expect you to send someone to fight.”

At this moment, an arrogant voice came from behind them, following the reputation, only a huge golden wind chasing golden eagle fell beside them.

A group of dozens of people jumped from the eagle’s back, more than three times their number.

Among them are three masters of Ningyuan Second Stage.

He was talking about a big Fatty, his age was about the same as the wind, his hair was gray, and his body was full of flesh. Under the sunlight, he could even see a layer of oily shine.

This appearance couldn’t help but Ye Xiu and the others looked back at how much money they were together.

In their impression, only a lot of money a while ago can compete with this Fatty.

“Dage, what do you guys see me for? I’m a handsome boy now.”

There is a lot of money, and he is really handsome when he loses weight. If he loses another twenty catties, he will be a little handsome.

So after he lost weight, he gained another hobby, which is looking in the mirror.

He also carried a mirror with him, and took a look at it from time to time, with a stinky face, so much hatred that Mu Tianye wanted to kick him off the golden eagle of chasing the wind many times.

“For some reason, I suddenly miss you a little bit.”

Zhang Ming missed the authenticity, if he were the same as before, he would be able to compare this guy with just a gluttonous body.


Mu Tianye really missed it. As soon as he lost weight, he fell in love with dressing up and looking in the mirror, making him a fake mother.

It’s not as masculine as it was back then.

“no kidding.”

Feng Baizhan said, then looked at this person, and said in a playful manner: “Wang Fatty, why are you fatter than before.”

“Wind wars, do you want to fight, don’t you?”

This person’s name is Wang Sheng, the patriarch of the Wuyu branch, and his Cultivation Base has reached the Ninth Stage, with a strong aura.

Compared with Feng Baizhan, it is not far off.

Although he is very fat, he hates that others call him Fatty the most.

This Feng Baizhan said this deliberately, obviously deliberately looking for faults, and he almost ran away with anger.

“Hit it, I’m afraid you won’t succeed.”

As Feng Baizhan said, he set his posture, everyone was Ninth Stage, and he had already stepped half of his foot into the Tongxuan Realm.

In a real fight, this old boy can only be beaten.

And I wanted to get fat and beat up this guy a long time ago.

“Haha, I’m kidding you, you take it seriously.”

Wang Sheng also knew that he was not an opponent of all kinds of battles, so he smiled.

Don’t look at Feng Baizhan coming from a small area like Fangcunzhi, but the strength is really not covered.

Thirty years ago, he was the only one from the Lingwu family of the Fangcun domain to make it into the top ten, and won the first place in the Qimai Huiwu in one fell swoop.

This allowed the Lingwu family of Fangcunzhi to survive.

Thinking about it now, he still remembers fresh.

“Not funny at all.”

Feng Baizhan glanced at him and said that if it weren’t for this kid’s tricks, his junior could at least be in the top three.

But it was the battle that broke his Dao heart, and he ended in depression shortly after returning to Fangcun’s domain.

If this kid were not for the Lingwu family, I would never spare him lightly.

“Ahem, I heard that your Fangcunzhiyu has received two amazing characters this year, one is called Mu Tianye, and the other is called Ye Xiu, don’t you know they are here?”

Wang Sheng coughed twice, concealing his embarrassment, and hurriedly changed the subject.

He didn’t expect that kind of thing would happen back then, so he was very guilty of Feng Baizhan.

It can be said that the person he didn’t want to see this time was Feng Baizhan.

“Of course, as for you, I heard that your Wuyu has also accepted a lot of geniuses, and there is also a person named Shang Peng who is known as the first person in the young generation of Wuyu. He is also here.”

Feng Baizhan didn’t get entangled in this matter either.

Decades have passed since this matter, and Sect has already punished Wang Sheng, so there is no need to hold on.

“This is Shang Peng. Now he has reached the second stage of Ningyuan. This year’s Six Meridian Wushu top ten will definitely have his place.”

Wang Sheng pulled out a teenager next to him, confidently and authentically.

This Shang Peng is eight feet tall because of his national face and burly posture. He looks like a bear, and his eyes are very aggressive.

After he walked out, his eyes fixed on Mu Tianye, his eyes full of provocation.

Because he is the highest Cultivation Base in Fangcunzhi, challenging the strong is his pleasure.

“Just him?”

Mu Tian Ye Man disdainfully said: “If he didn’t touch me before, he might have a chance to be in the top ten.”

“What did you say.”

Shang Peng was angry. He was ignored by people from such a small place as Fangcunzhiyu. It was so annoying.

“Why, dissatisfied?”

Mu Tianye strode out, and suddenly a huge momentum burst out, pressing on Shang Peng’s body.

He directly pressed him back a step.

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