Chapter 168: Inheritance Mode

“Tongxuan Realm? Xiu’er, you underestimate him.”

Feng Baizhan appeared next to Ye Xiu and others at this time, and said: “He is the Sect Leader of Xuan Lei Sect, Lei Jinlong known as the Eastern Wasteland Thunder God, and his Cultivation Base has reached his destiny, not to mention you, even if I can’t stop him with a casual move.”

“Ben, this fate!”

Everyone including Ye Xiu was taken aback.

The master they had seen before was Zhao Qiankun with the highest strength, but that was nothing more than the Profound Realm.

This Lei Jinlong turned out to be in the realm of life, but it was two realm taller than Zhao Qiankun, and it was definitely the overlord-level existence of the entire Eastern Wasteland.

It’s just how can such a person appear in Feng Yu.

“This Six-Mai Martial Meeting is a grand event for the Lingwu family, and it is also a battle for the close of the Lingwu family’s millennial efforts, so we have invited bigwigs from various forces to come and observe. Lei Jinlong is just one of them, except In addition, the Sect Leader from the main gate, Yujian Villa, and Jindingzong also came.”

Feng Baizhan came here because he saw Lei Jinlong coming.

I was afraid of something.

After all, Lei Jinlong’s identity can be compared to the head of the headquarters. If he provokes him, it is not as simple as one or two deaths.

“Do you want to be so exaggerated?”

Ye Xiu couldn’t believe it. It was just a contest between the disciples under his sect. As for how to make these big brothers stir up the crowd.

“You don’t understand this. They came to observe Huiwu just by the way. Their real purpose is to learn our inheritance model.”

Feng Baizhan laughed and said, this matter is only known to the high-levels of the various forces. Ye Xiu and the others just joined the Lingwu family, so naturally they don’t know it.

“Inheritance mode? What is there to learn from.”

Mu Tianye didn’t quite understand.

“What is there to learn? Do you know how many years our Lingwu family has existed, and how many years has Xuan Lei Sect existed?”

Feng Baizhan glanced at Mu Tianye, knowing that the most powerful of the Lingwu family is actually the inheritance mode, which is also the basis for them to be able to pass on for thousands of years.

How could other schools not be jealous.

“I heard that our Lingwu family has been inherited for thousands of years. As for this Xuan Lei Sect, I really don’t know.”

Mu Tianye has never been to the wasteland, so he only knows the situation of the Lingwu family, and he has only heard this name for Xuan Lei Sect.

I don’t know anything else.

“More than a thousand years. To be precise, it is 1,345 years. Other schools are similar. Only the Heavenly Demon door has a slightly longer history, but it is only 1,800 years. But now, they Sect’s The development has already shown signs of decline. If you want to continue to develop, you can only seek a breakthrough, otherwise, there is only a way to eliminate the clan.”

Feng Baizhan replied.

Over the past ten thousand years, new forces have continuously appeared in the barren state, and the original forces have been annexed.

Just like the change of dynasty, after a certain number of years, it will become corrupt and will eventually be swallowed up by the new ones.

Nowadays, the nine major forces in Huangzhou, except for the Lingwu family, are all new forces developed.

But their vitality generally does not exceed a thousand years, and at most two thousand years, they will be replaced by other new strengths and become completely history.

Why can the Lingwu family be passed on to this day? It is this mode of inheritance.

They want to find breakthrough, and the easiest way is to learn from the Lingwu family.

Xuan Lei Zong, Heavenly Demon Gate is one of the best.

“I think they should have only learned the fur.”

Ye Xiu said, he has actually understood that the so-called inheritance model is actually equivalent to a country’s education method.

A good way of education can bring in fresh blood from this country.

So as to always maintain vitality and extend the life of a country.

But this kind of thing can’t be learned casually, it is the cultural embodiment of a country, and this is the result of the hard work of several generations, even dozens of generations.

It is easier said than done to imitate.

“You are right, do you know why?”

Feng Baizhan asked with a smile, Ye Xiu could see that this was already very powerful, and many disciples of the Lingwu clan still didn’t understand this.

“Because of the mentality.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, just as he thought before, the inheritance model was formed by the efforts of the Lingwu people through generations, even dozens of generations.

This method has been carved into everyone’s bones.

Many things that are normal in their eyes have become incomprehensible things in the eyes of others.

If you rush to learn in this situation, there will be deviations in the implementation process.

With a little carelessness, it is possible to get the whole martial art into it.

“You kid deserves to be a young man, and I am ashamed of this vision.”

Feng Baizhan really didn’t expect Ye Xiu to see this, but he only understood it after he became the patriarch.

In the entire Eastern Wasteland, the Lingwu family has the longest inheritance time and the most complete. Therefore, their inheritance model is recognized as the best and the one that can most stimulate the potential of their disciples.

During these ten thousand years, many forces have also learned.

But it was because of their mentality that caused them to be afraid of the head and tail in the execution process, and there was a deviation, so in the end they only learned the way.

It consumed a lot of resources, but it didn’t achieve the desired effect at all, and in the end they gave up.

In the end, those forces, without exception, were all submerged in the long river of history.

Although Xuan Lei Zong and Heavenly Demon have learned some depth, they still can’t compare with the Lingwu family, and the support for each branch and the degree of magic power is far inferior to the Lingwu family.

Even some places are seriously deformed, and a lot of resources are wasted in vain.

So much so that it has an irreparable impact on Sect.

They came here this time to learn from the experience, otherwise one by one, the Lord of Sect, the existence of the overlord, how could it be possible to come to the wind domain by surrendering their identity.

“Uncle Master is utterly praised.”

Ye Xiu shook his head. He could understand this because of his previous experiences.

So I can’t say how strong his eyesight is, only that he has experienced it personally.

“This is not ridiculous.”

Feng Baizhan smiled, and then looked at Qian Duoduo and said, “Your kid has good luck. If you can make thunder, it will be of great benefit to your dreams.”

He had learned about a lot of money from Mu Tianye before, and he also knew his dreams.

Because of the relationship between Aiwu and Wu, his impression of this little Fatty is also very good, so he pointed out aloud.

If it wasn’t for this kid who had his own dream, he would plan to put a lot of money into the Lingwu family and let him take charge of all the business of the Lingwu family.

With his talent in business and his keen sense of smell, Fang Cun can definitely have inexhaustible primordial stones and resources.

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