Chapter 186: Pointing Little Fox

“My son, are you asleep?”

That night, Xiaohu came to Ye Xiu’s door, hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and knocked on the door.

“not yet.”

Ye Xiu’s voice came from the room, and soon he opened the door, looking at the little fox standing outside the door timidly, and asked: “Little fox, it’s so late, why don’t you take a break? You have to try tomorrow. Woolen cloth?”

“My son, I’m worried about the test tomorrow, so I want my son to give me some pointers. I don’t know if it’s okay.”

Little Fox asked, although she had won the first few battles, most of them were due to the mind-conflicting skills, and other aspects were extremely lacking.

After several days of competition, she also has a clearer understanding of own situation, and own confusing mind technique is not always disadvantageous.

If it fails, then he has no strength to fight back.

This was far from her expectation, so she thought of Ye Xiu, hoping that he could point herself to Ascension’s own strength.

Only with own strength Ascension can really help Ye Xiu.

“Of course, let’s go to the small courtyard.”

Ye Xiu naturally wouldn’t refuse. He also watched the battle of Xiaohu a few days ago. Every kind of combat technique she used was very powerful, but they couldn’t achieve the desired effect when used.

And she uses it passively most of the time, and there are some problems with the change of moves.

The reason why he has been able to go to the present, the mind puzzle has played a decisive role.

Although this method is difficult to resist, the effect of the mind-confuse technique will not show up if it meets a real master.

Tomorrow’s competition will be more intense. After all, everyone who can go to the present is a generation with amazing combat power, and they are also wary of Xiaohu’s methods.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for her to win by confusing minds as before.


Little Fox nodded, and then followed Ye Xiu to the small courtyard.

“Little Fox, do you know what your biggest problem is?”

Ye Xiu didn’t have the experience of Lin Qingcheng, and he couldn’t explain the profound things in simple terms like she did.

And now they only have one night, and it is unrealistic to make the little fox’s strength ascension by a large margin, it will take a long time to accumulate.

Therefore, he intends to go straight to the subject and point out the shortcomings of Xiaohu in order to maximize the effect.

“do not know.”

Little Fox shook his head and said.

“I have watched your battles in the past few days. It is very difficult to make a large Ascension in a short period of time, so I will only say three points today. One is that when fighting with the enemy, the first priority is the aura. If the battle has not yet started, Your aura will be the first to be weak, so no matter how strong your strength is, you will not be able to fully display it.”

“Secondly, it is to understand the enemy’s purpose, which is also extremely important, because you cannot know the means that everyone has, so you have to understand what they do and what they want to achieve before they take action. The effect, and then the corresponding countermeasures will be given. This is the so-called feeding the enemy aircraft first.”

“As for the third point, it is necessary to clarify the purpose of the own. For example, if you want to make others unable to move, then take action to abolish the opponent’s legs. But the enemy is not a wood, he will not stand in place to let you fight, so you What needs to be done is to use various means and conditions to achieve this goal, and the process of release should be simple and direct, and the simplest way to obtain the greatest effect.”

Based on his own experience, Ye Xiu pointed out three points that Xiaohu lacks the most and needs to be resolved.

“Then what should I do?”

Little Fox nodded and said, because she had gone through several competitions before, she could still understand what Ye Xiu said.

At the same time, she also knew that what Ye Xiu said was indeed what she lacked.

Especially the first point Ye Xiu said, she felt the most profound.

When she stood with them before, she felt extremely strong pressure before she even took a shot, and sometimes she didn’t even dare to look at them.

Once you do it, your strength is affected, greatly reduced, and very strength can only play seven or eight points at most.

“In fact, the reason for these three points is that you have done too few hands, which has also led to your lack of confidence, so this is the case. Therefore, next I will release my momentum and engage in demolition moves with you. You don’t need to learn from me, because my fighting style may not be suitable for you. You just need to remember this feeling, and then find the best way to own through the battle.”

Ye Xiu said.

“okay, I get it.”

Little Fox was also very clever, and he directly paid homage to Ye Xiu’s meaning.

“Now I am attacking you and defending. Through actual combat, I will let you understand what I said. I believe it should have a good effect.”

Ye Xiu said.

“bring it on.”

Little Fox nodded, and got ready for it.

“Be careful.”

Ye Xiu’s voice fell, and a powerful aura was released. At the same time, he stepped forward and came to the little fox like a ghost, directly hitting the little fox’s left shoulder.

“The purpose of my punch is to abolish your arm, but your reaction is too slow, you need to be aware of it when I make the move, and then come back.”

“This time it was good, but you just wanted to defend, and you didn’t see the loopholes in my body. You can fight the injury to give me a fatal blow, and use one leg for another life. This is the most suitable way. If you do this, I will definitely give up offensive, because I will not lose big because of small.”

“Although you are aware of my intentions, the movements on your body can’t keep up with the reaction speed. You have to act upon the idea the moment it comes out, and you can’t leave any chance for the enemy.”

In this way, the two of you came and fought for a whole night.

Little Fox is a very clever person, coupled with her powerful blood, there is infinite potential in it.

After Ye Xiu’s constant guidance and oppression, her potential was squeezed out little by little, and her strength Ascension was also very fast.

At the beginning, Xiaohu could only defend passively, but afterwards, she was able to free her hands to counterattack herself, and she looked good.

With her current strength, ordinary Ningyuan Second Stage masters can hardly beat her.

It’s a pity that the time is too short, no matter how good Ye Xiu’s teaching method is, it can’t replace the real battle. Therefore, if she wants to continue to grow, she can only experience the battle of life and death in person.

This can only depend on her, and even Ye Xiu can’t help her.

“Little Fox, let’s stop here today.”

Ye Xiu looked at the sky already darkening, and it hadn’t been long since the second round of competition.

There will be a big battle next, so they must leave enough time to adjust their own state.

“Okay, I’ll get some food for the son.”

Although Xiaohu was still unfinished, she also knew that business matters, so she walked to the kitchen and simply made some snacks and sent them to Ye Xiu’s room.

Then just stay here to recover the true yuan that you have consumed.

Approximately an hour later, Mu Tianye and the others came. After making some adjustments, the group left the small courtyard and walked towards the martial arts field.

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