Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Nine

“Are you doubting my strength?”

Lei Jinlong’s face sank. He felt that this old boy must know who did it. To say this was just to divert everyone’s attention deliberately.

But the master of his dignified life, Divine Sense has already been born.

Divine Sense swept away, let alone a room, even if the entire Lingwu family had a clear view, how could it be possible to miss a thunderstone in the room.

“You misunderstood. I mean, I didn’t tell anyone about this matter. I don’t know why this kind of human matter happened.”

Zhao Qiankun simply bites his mouth to death. As long as he doesn’t say it, Xiao Can’s kid will definitely not be stupid enough to confess it, so there is no way to investigate this matter.

Lei Jinlong’s strength is very strong, but it is impossible to torture himself in the Lingwu family.

“What did you say!”

Lei Jinlong was angry, this matter was already obvious, this guy dared to pretend to be confused with himself, he was really old-eyed and dizzy.

“Lei Sect Leader, I can understand your feelings at the moment, but don’t forget, this is the Lingwu family, not your Xuan Lei Sect. If you want to bully the weak with strength, I have nothing to say, but you better get Consider the consequences of doing this.”

Zhao Qiankun also let go, he just didn’t say anything anyway.

Unless you disregard the relationship between Lingwu Family and Xuan Lei Sect, otherwise, you have nothing to do with me.

As for tearing the skin, it’s okay. Anyway, I have very little chance to see him in the future. Even if I do, I am already a member of the Elder regiment.

No matter how strong his Lei Jinlong is, it is impossible to ignore the Lingwu family and directly do it on himself.

“good, very good……”

“Lei Sect Leader, this matter is obviously targeted at me. Even if you are not there, he will take action, so you don’t need to pursue it. I will solve this matter myself.”

Ye Xiu said suddenly.

At first, he did feel that Lei Jinlong did this thing, and he also had sufficient reasons.

He is a genius of the Lingwu family. If he kills himself, he will be able to lose a genius to the Lingwu family, and he will be able to push the blame away.

But after hearing what he said and seeing Zhao Qiankun’s expression change, he knew that Lei Jinlong had also been taken advantage of.

The person who can make Zhao Qiankun not hesitate to offend Lei Jinlong or protect him, absolutely has a very high status in the wind.

With this calculation, the scope is reduced a lot.

Considering that the people who do this kind of thing must be extremely hostile to themselves, and when they first come here, there are only a handful of people who have offended them.

As far as Feng Yu wanted to kill the own person, Xiao Can was the only one.

So he has locked the target.

Anyway, he was going to kill him sooner or later, and Lei Jinlong didn’t have the need to continue to pursue it.

“Brother Ye, have you guessed something? Tell me, I will make him pay.”

Lei Jinlong said angrily, in the entire Eastern Wasteland, even the patriarch of the Lingwu family headquarters did not dare to calculate himself in this way.

If you don’t get this person out and let him get the punishment he deserves, it’s hard to get rid of the hatred in your heart.

“Lei Sect Leader, since I helped you, you don’t care about this anymore. Don’t worry, I won’t make this person feel better.”

Ye Xiu said, it’s not that he doesn’t want to say, but that he has no evidence.

The only person who knew that Xiao Can was doing this was Zhao Qiankun.

But what he meant was that it would never be possible to tell Xiao Can.

In this way, his guess can only be a guess.

For Ye Xiu himself, just guessing was enough, but for Lei Jinlong, guessing alone couldn’t do anything to Xiao Can, and it might even startle the snake.

“Well, if you need my help, you can come to Xuan Lei Sect to find me at any time.”

Lei Jinlong thought for a while, and finally agreed. He understood Ye Xiu’s implication. He really couldn’t deal with the murderer just by guessing.

After all, he is not a member of the Lingwu family, and if he rashly moves, it will only affect the relationship between the two cases.

Although he is very angry, he is the Sect Leader of Xuan Lei Sect after all, and everything must be based on the interests of Xuan Lei Sect. It is impossible for him to ignore Xuan Lei Sect’s future for Ye Xiu.

Although this is not very authentic, but he has no other choice.

“I remember.”

Ye Xiu nodded, and then said to Feng Baizhan and Xiaohu: “Uncle Master, Xiaohu, let’s go back.”

There is no need to stay here anymore, and he also wants to go back as soon as possible to try the Thunder Change he just opened.

The opening of Shura before, brought him the powerful Shura power and the seal of the Nine Shades, and the opening of the mysterious fire also brought him a powerful golden flame.

If thunder changes today, he shouldn’t be disappointed either.

He was a blessing in disguise this time.


Little Fox and Feng Baizhan nodded, and then left here with Ye Xiu.

Lei Jinlong glanced at Zhao Qiankun coldly, and left with the people of Xuan Lei Sect. He was afraid that if he continued to stay here, he could not help but make a move.

“This bastard, did you dare to provoke Lei Jinlong? Don’t hold me when you want to die.”

Zhao Qiankun cursed secretly in his heart, this time he was really almost killed by Xiao Can.

If Lei Jinlong took a desperate move to deal with himself, even a hundred of himself would not be worth a little finger.

So he followed and left.

He had to figure out that if Xiao Can didn’t do this thing, wouldn’t he offend Lei Jinlong in vain?

After half an hour of questioning, Zhao Qiankun pried Xiao Can’s mouth open.

He did this thing, but he didn’t expect Ye Xiu’s life to be so big, and he couldn’t kill this kid under this circumstance.

“Xiao Can, I have already helped you suppress this matter, but Ye Xiu probably guessed that you did it. You, please do it yourself.”

Zhao Qiankun did not intend to continue to confuse this matter. Strictly speaking, there is no special relationship between him and Xiao Can. Helping him to conceal this matter by himself is regarded as the most benevolent.

But compared with Ye Xiu, to be honest, Zhao Qiankun is not optimistic about Xiao Can.

This is not difficult to see from Ye Xiu’s performance in Liumai Huiwu this time.

And Zhao Qiankun also investigated some things about Ye Xiu during this period. This guy usually looks harmless to humans and animals, but his methods are extremely harsh.

Especially when dealing with the enemy, he will never be soft-hearted, and will not leave any future troubles. It is simply outrageous.

If Xiao Can continues to fight with Ye Xiu, it is very likely that he will die in Ye Xiu’s hands.

Anyway, all of this was caused by him, so he had to solve it by himself.

Zhao Qiankun left after speaking.

“Ye Xiu, this time you didn’t die for your fortune, next time, I will definitely want you to die without a place to be buried.”

Xiao Can clenched his fists tightly, and the blue veins on his arms appeared, and a boundless murderous intent filled his eyes.

Although Ye Xiu helped him and promoted him from Ningyuan Third Stage to Ningyuan Fourth Stage, it also caused him to endure endless humiliation and pain.

Asking him to admit defeat in front of his fiancée is more painful than killing him.

Since Ye Xiu won’t make me feel better, then I will definitely not make you feel better.

And this is just the beginning, wait, I will let you know how terrible the consequences of offending me are.

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