Chapter 218 Fantastic Skills

“This dragon step is worthy of being the No. 1 Movement Technique in the wasteland. Every step reveals an unstoppable aura. The dragon walks the tiger step, the momentum is extraordinary, this time I picked up the treasure.”

Standing not far away, Qi Tian looked at Ye Xiu, who was constantly flashing, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Although Wu Liangzong is not the best at Movement Technique, it also possesses a lot of powerful Movement Techniques. As far as he knows, there are more than ten Movement Techniques in the lower rank of Shan Xuan Tier.

In order to capture other Sect disciples, he also specially practiced several powerful Movement Techniques, so that he could carry out his own plan unconsciously.

But compared with Ye Xiu’s Dragon Step of his cultivation, it was completely incomparable, and it was not at the same level at all.

The power of this dragon step is that it can ignore all obstacles, whether it is invisible obstacles, such as formations, Restrictions or seals, or visible obstacles, such as mountains, rocks and trees.

This is something other Movement Techniques cannot do.

Qi Tian didn’t know why You Long Bu could achieve this level. After all, he had never cultivated You Long Bu, and it was the first time he saw someone use it now.

But he believed it very much, because Wuliangzong’s classics had detailed records about You Longbu.

It is said that the first-generation Patriarch of the Lingwu Clan back then, alone frustrated the masters of the major forces, and became famous in the wasteland, thus establishing the Lingwu Clan.

Relying on it is a Movement Technique.

But it won’t take long for all of this to be owned.

Ye Xiu also felt Qi Tian’s attention to own, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, his heart said, this is just the beginning.

One month later, Ye Xiu had basically completely integrated the last three sets of footwork of the dragon step, and successfully condensed the eighth set of footwork.

Although this eighth set of footwork has just been completed, there are still many areas to be improved, but it is no problem to leave here.

However, he didn’t mean to stop, and while continuing to perfect the dragon step, he also spared a half of the time to come to Ascension own Cultivation Base.

This made Qi Tian very angry, after all, he couldn’t wait to leave this ghost place now.

But Ye Xiu only used the sentence “The power of You Long Step is also related to Cultivation Base”, which not only blocked his words, but also made him a supplier of vitality to his own world.

The vitality of heaven and earth here is very thin, and it is even more difficult to breakthrough Cultivation Base here.

In order to speed up Ye Xiu’s cultivation, Qi Tian not only released the power of his own soul, but also absorbed all the heaven and earth vitality within the entire seal, and also took out the remaining vitality stone from Nie Wudi to use for Ye Xiu’s cultivation.

Of course, he did not ignore the monitoring of Xiaohu.

In case this kid Cultivation has success and runs away with the little fox, then he will find someone to make sense, so he can only take the little fox as a hostage.

With the help of such a huge world of vitality, Ye Xiu’s Ascension was also very rapid. By the end of the second month, Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base had broken through to the Third Stage of Ningyuan.

Strength greatly increased.

Of course, with his Cultivation Base at this time, it is still not enough to compete with Qi Tian.

As for the Dragon Step, after this month of cultivation, the eighth set of footwork has been perfected to a very high level. It is almost impossible to have ascension in a short period of time.

In the next time, he began to cultivate his own combat skills.

The two combat skills of the Nine Temples King Seal and the Profound Fire and Six Sun Palms are constantly switching, and from time to time they also release a thunderous force to embellish them, as if they are showing off, and the eyes of Qi Tian are fiery.

Ye Xiu’s dazzling skills like this is actually to attract Qi Tian’s attention and let him focus all of his attention on Own.

Although he didn’t know what way Qi Tian used to occupy Di Nie Wudi’s body, one thing was certain, it was related to the power of the soul.

Moreover, since he can occupy Nie Wudi’s body, he can use the same method to occupy himself or the body of Little Fox.

Therefore, he must focus Qi Tian’s attention on own, so that after he leaves, he only considers himself and ignores the existence of the little fox.

He didn’t do this for death, but to prevent Qitian from crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

You must know that the power of the soul is the embodiment of the soul. To put it bluntly, it is also a power of Yin attribute, and it has another form-the ghost.

Under normal circumstances, after a person’s death, the soul will also dissipate, and no one knows where it went.

Some people say that he went to Jiuyou The Underworld and was reborn. Others said that it dissipated directly and returned to the embrace of heaven and earth.

Of course, whether the soul went to Jiuyou The Underworld, reborn, or dissipated directly, and returned to the world, it was not what Ye Xiu needed to pay attention to.

What he is concerned about is that under certain circumstances, the soul will not dissipate or disappear, but will appear in the form of nothingness, staying between heaven and earth.

This is the ghost, which is what people often call ghosts.

It’s just that the conditions for the formation of the ghosts are very harsh, requiring great obsessions in life, and a specific environment to form them.

And Qi Tian’s soul state is very similar to the ghost, except that he can control his own soul to snatch the flesh of others, so as to continue to survive in the world.

But whether it is the power of the ghost or the soul, once it is free from the protection of the physical body, it is afraid of the power of the sun, and Thunder is one of them.

With Qi Tian’s huge soul power, he is naturally not afraid of ordinary thunder, but own Zixiao Divine Thunder is not ordinary thunder.

Therefore, as long as he dares to seize own body, then he is sure to wipe him out completely.

This is also his ultimate goal.

As he thought before, if Qi Tian keeps his promise to let them go, then everyone will be well for each other, but if you want to cross the river to tear down the bridge and take my body, you will be embarrassed.

Although there is a certain risk in doing so, this is the only way Ye Xiu can think of to save himself.

“This kid is really extraordinary. He has the three attributes of darkness, fire, and thunder at the same time, which is greater than my potential back then, not bad, very good.”

Qi Tian didn’t know what Ye Xiu was thinking. At this moment, he was completely attracted by Ye Xiu’s talent.

You should know that in the wasteland, people with three physical constitutions at the same time are also very rare. Each one can be said to be a talented person. With a little training, it is a seedling to be promoted to the King of Human Realm.

Moreover, every physique of Ye Xiu was extremely powerful, comparable to the ancient divine body.

These three powerful physiques converged on Ye Xiu’s body, and the potential was so great that he could think of it with his toes.

Therefore, the more he watched, the more excited he became, and the more he watched, the more excited he became. He wanted to grab his body immediately for his own use.

With such a powerful body, relying on his huge soul power and experience, he is confident that he will return to his life within a hundred years.

In one hundred and fifty years, he was promoted to the King of Human Realm. By that time, the entire Eastern Wasteland would crawl under his feet.

But he also knew that he couldn’t do it yet, because he still needed Ye Xiu’s power to leave this ghost place.

So he can only bear it.

“For a while the wind is calm and the waves are calm for a while, and the sea and the sky are broad for a while…”

Qi Tian kept repeating these two sentences in his heart, as if he was chanting sutras, but his eyes became more and more fiery.

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