Chapter 222: The Origin of Soul Refining Sect

“You actually have the method of soul cultivation!”

Qi Tian looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief. The method of soul cultivation was a very precious thing. As far as he knew, there was no such powerful secret technique in Eastern Wasteland.

He has been able to continuously Ascension own soul power, relying on soul transfer and reincarnation and soul refining.

This soul transfer and rebirth and soul refinement are both the results of my own research over those years, and the secret techniques that have been formed after continuous running-in. The two complement each other and are very powerful.

Soul transfer and reincarnation can make his soul go out of his body, free from the shackles of the physical body, and forcibly occupy the body of others, while soul refining can allow him to refine the power of the soul of others to strengthen himself and speed up the occupation of the body.

But soul-refining is only a means of absorbing and refining the power of the soul of others, not a method of soul cultivation.

Moreover, the power of the soul refined is also very complicated, so after he uses the power of soul refinement to refine the soul power of others, he still needs to spend a lot of time to refine it in depth.

Only in this way can the power of his soul be kept pure, otherwise, he will be turned into a lunatic by the mixed will.

Ye Xiu was able to actively refine his own soul, and the efficiency and the condensed degree of soul power were many times stronger than his own simple devouring.

Except for the method of soul cultivation, he couldn’t think of other possibilities.

“I know now, don’t you think it’s a bit late.”

Ye Xiu said, the core part of his plan is the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder and the Universe Soul Forging Technique.

One is used to resist Qi Tian’s swallowing, and the other is used to pick up leaks, constantly Ascension own the strength of the soul, and grinding can also grind Qi Tian to death.

And oneself can also take this opportunity to get benefits, let the power of own soul greatly Ascension.

Of course, the premise is that there are no accidents.

Who knows if this guy has any other powerful methods in his hands.

“Sure enough.”

Qi Tian’s eyes lit up, and the method of soul cultivation was what he dreamed of.

With it, coupled with own soul transfer and reincarnation and soul refining, own soul will be more condensed and powerful.

It’s a pity that he searched for a long time and didn’t find it, but he didn’t expect that when he got out of trouble, God would send him such a big gift, which really made him overjoyed.

“Why, do you still have the means?”

An ominous feeling arose in Ye Xiu’s heart. This guy was a guy who had lived for more than three thousand years. He was once a powerhouse in the natal realm, and his background was not comparable to him.

If he really did come up with any means to counter his own, then the situation would be about to change.

“What do you mean, don’t forget, I am the strongest genius in Wuliangzong. Today I will let you know how small and ridiculous your actions are in the face of absolute power.”

Qi Tian let out a cold cry, and the power of the soul immediately dispersed, turning into a Deva shadow and enveloping Ye Xiu.

“Soul refining formation, how can you refining soul formation?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes immediately turned round, and he was no stranger to this situation.

At the beginning of the Liang Palace, he competed with the masters of the Soul Refining Sect.

The trick they used at the time was this soul refining formation.

The situation is exactly the same as Qitian used at this time.

It’s just that Qi Tian lays the soul refining formation by himself, while the soul refining sect uses more than a dozen people to lay it at the same time, which is completely different.

“How do you know the soul refining formation?”

Qi Tian was also startled. This soul refining formation was created by relying on soul refining, and it was created after he was sealed. It has not been used at all, let alone spread.

Ye Xiu was able to explain in a word, how did he know.

“Why, you don’t know about Soul Refining Sect?”

Ye Xiu frowned, and he found Qi Tian was surprised that he knew about the Soul Refining Array.

He originally thought that Qi Tian had obtained the Soul Refining Technique and Soul Refining Array from the Soul Refining Sect, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Moreover, Qi Tian’s soul refining formation seemed to be more complicated and powerful than the soul refining sect.

Could it be…

Suddenly Ye Xiu thought of a possibility, and his eyes went round.

“Soul Refining Sect? What school is that?”

Qi Tian didn’t know, so he hadn’t heard of any soul refining sect at all.

“The Soul Refining Sect is a power that has suddenly risen in the past few hundred years, and it is one of the nine powers in the barren land today. The best at it is the Soul Refining Technique and the Soul Refining Array.”

Ye Xiu repeated what Own knew, and he also wanted to figure out what was going on.

“So, it seems that someone has obtained the research notes I left back then. This person is a talent. It is interesting to be able to restore the soul refining technique and the soul refining formation only with my notes.”

Qi Tian’s eyes lit up.

After he chose to leave the Immortal Sect back then, he took his own research notes and put them in the Immortal Cave that he had prepared before.

The place was very secretive. He thought no one could find it. Of course, even if he found it, it would be difficult to get anything out of it.

After that, he was deceived by the people of Wuliangzong to come here, and the difficulty was more than three thousand years.

Unexpectedly, someone found own Immortal Cave, got own notes, and realized soul refining and soul refining formation from it.

This shows that the person who gets his own notes is definitely a genius, even dazzling genius than himself.

This made him immediately give birth to the idea of ​​accepting him as a disciple.

Maybe, he can perfect his own soul transfer and reincarnation technique and truly achieve immortality.


After listening to Qi Tian’s words, Ye Xiu understood all this immediately.

In this Soul Refining Sect, the feelings were created by Qi Tian’s notes that year, and it was a coincidence that couldn’t be more coincidental.

“Okay, I have no time to waste it with you, refining the soul formation, give it to me.”

Qi Tian is now a little impatient to meet the Sect Leader of the Soul Refining Sect, such a genius must not be missed.

As soon as the voice fell, the Soul Refining Array began to operate, and a powerful suction came down, and began to pull Ye Xiu’s soul power. The strength was not comparable to the Soul Refining Sect’s Soul Refining Array.

In an instant, Ye Xiu’s wisps of soul power were forcibly pulled out by it.

“me too.”

Ye Xiu’s complexion remained unchanged, her eyes flickered, and with a movement in her heart, the Universe Soul forging technique immediately began to operate, stabilizing the power of his own soul.

At the same time, a group of golden flames emerged in his mind, and instantly turned into a monstrous fire wave rushing out.

Wherever he went, Qi Tian’s soul clone was immediately refined into a masterless power, and then was rolled by Da Ri Jin Yan, pulling this power back to Ye Xiu’s side.

Qiankun Soul forging directly absorbed this power.


The sudden scene directly caused Qi Tian to stay in place.

What a terrible flame!

The own soul clone has condensed the power comparable to the peak of the cave sky, but this flame can refine it in an instant, which is incredible.

Suddenly, he found that he had underestimated this kid from the beginning.

Maybe, he might actually fall into his hands.

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