Chapter 226 I give you two choices

“My son, where’s that guy?”

Little Fox saw Ye Xiu coming in, with a faint worry in his heart.

From her point of view, Qi Tian was too terrifying, it was not something they could fight against.

“He is in my mind now.”

Ye Xiu said.


Little Fox was shocked. In his mind, didn’t that mean that the son was captured by him?

So he subconsciously took a step towards retreated, shaking his right hand, a sharp sword straddling his neck, and a trace of determination flashed under his eyes.

“Xiaohu, what are you doing, put the sword down quickly, I’m fine, I signed a contract with him, and now I have a cooperative relationship with him, and he won’t hurt me.”

Ye Xiu knew that Xiaohu had misunderstood, and hurriedly stepped forward to take the long sword in her hand.

“Don’t come over, or I will die in front of you.”

Little Fox immediately shouted, she doesn’t believe this now, after all, Qi Tian can occupy the body of others, and it is also possible that Qi Tian can occupy Ye Xiu’s body to deceive herself.

If the son is dead, then she will not live either.

“Don’t, Xiaohu, don’t do stupid things. Things are really not what you think. He didn’t do anything to me. Don’t you know my skills? I can’t do things that are uncertain. .”

Ye Xiu hurriedly shouted, if Xiaohu really committed suicide because of a misunderstanding, then he would hate himself to death.

“How do you prove?”

Xiaohu looked at Ye Xiu suspiciously. She did feel that Ye Xiu had not changed, but Qi Tian was able to refine the souls of others, and maybe he could get all of Ye Xiu’s memories.

So it is possible that all of this was deliberately pretended to be just to deceive himself.

Therefore, she couldn’t believe it at all.

“Do you still remember when you were in Daliang, you helped me block the sword and almost died? No one else knew about this. This can prove my identity.”

Ye Xiu asked.

“No, it is also possible that Qi Tian got the memory of the son, so this does not prove your identity.”

Little Fox shook his head.

“Little Fox, you are embarrassing me a little bit. If you think so, then no matter what I say, I won’t be able to prove that I am myself.”

Ye Xiu was very helpless at the moment, he was fine at first, but he wanted to prove that he was himself.

That’s fine, but she said something that only she and Xiaohu knew, but she didn’t believe it at all, wouldn’t it be a dead knot?

“Anyway, if you can’t prove it, I won’t believe it.”

Xiaohu also felt that this was a dead knot, but she had to guard against it.

“What’s so tangled about this? Just let her come in and check it out.”

Qi Tian can’t wait to get revenge now, how can he have the time to accompany them to play house and play word games, so he reminded him.

“Yes, I let go of my body, you send in the power of your soul, so you understand.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up, this is indeed a good way.


Little Fox thought for a while, and agreed.

Although she also knew that there was a certain risk in doing so, but it was the only way to prove it all.

If all this is a conspiracy of Qi Tian, ​​the big deal is death.

With that said, the little fox released his own soul power into Ye Xiu’s body, and immediately saw Ye Xiu and Qi Tian’s souls getting along peacefully.

“Now you believe it.”

Ye Xiu asked.

“My son, you are fine.”

Little Fox could feel Ye Xiu’s breath, which Qi Tian couldn’t simulate, so she believed all this and immediately threw herself into Ye Xiu’s arms.

She was very worried about Ye Xiu’s safety before.

So she decided at that time, wait another month, if Ye Xiu didn’t come to save herself, then she would choose to commit suicide.

If Ye Xiu died, then she wouldn’t be able to survive.

“Well, isn’t it all right? Go, let’s go out. I promised Qi Tian to help him with one thing.”

Ye Xiu patted Xiaohu on the back. He knew that what had happened during this time had scared her, and he felt a little distressed for her.

But now is not the time to rest.


Little Fox nodded, and then maybe left here.

“Little Fox, Qi Tian will control my body to do one thing next, don’t be surprised, don’t be afraid, you know.”

Ye Xiu reminded him to prevent this girl from being stimulated again.

“Okay, I get it now.”

Little Fox nodded, then walked aside.


Immediately after Ye Xiu’s body I released a terrifying aura, as if to poke a hole in the sky.

“Wuliangzong, I am here.”

The aura on Ye Xiu’s body has changed, and his expression has also become extremely hideous, he looks like a wild beast, and there is endless murderous intent in his eyes.

Under this situation, Little Fox jumped. She knew that Ye Xiu was no longer Ye Xiu at this time, so she instinctively stepped back.

But “Ye Xiu” didn’t care about her at all, and rushed out in a flash.

“People from Wuliangzong get out of me.”

Qi Tian yelled loudly, and the voice rolled, resounding like thunder in the sky above Wuliangzong.

The power of that terrifying soul spreads around like a tide, directly destroying the powerful formation.

“Who dares to provoke my Wuliangzong.”

At this moment, a group of several people arrived here. The leader was the previous horse Elder. Now he has replaced Nie Wudi and became the new Sect Leader of Wuliangzong.

“Wuliangzong is so bad that there are no masters connected to the Profound Realm, which is really disappointing.”

Qi Tian glanced at these people, and he didn’t even have a master at the Profound Realm, which really disappointed him.

You know, the Wuliangzong was the top power in the wasteland, and the so-called lean camel is bigger than the horse. It has only been more than three thousand years before it has been reduced to this point.

It’s really not as good as one generation.

“You, how can you come out alive, what about our Sect Leader?”

Ma Sect Leader recognized Ye Xiu. Isn’t he the one who entered the forbidden area three months ago? How did he come out alive?

If he could come out, wouldn’t Nie Wudi also come out.

But he hadn’t seen Nie Wudi’s figure after watching for a long time, and an ominous premonition was suddenly born in his heart.

“Are you talking about him?”

Qi Tian waved his hand, a burst of soul power was released, pulling Nie Wudi’s body from behind, and threw it directly in front of Elder.

“How can it be.”

Ma Sect Leader looked at Ninth Stage’s body in disbelief and said, Ye Xiu is now only the Third Stage of Ning Yuan, how could he have killed Ninth Stage of Ning Wudi.

“You are the current Sect Leader of the Infinite Sect, now I give you two choices, either disband the Infinite Sect on the spot or die, you choose.”

Qi Tian said lightly, originally he was forced by Heart’s Demon to swear that he chose to disband Wuliangzong.

But after seeing the current situation of Wuliangzong, he didn’t even have the idea of ​​shooting, which was too disappointing.

In this state of Wuliangzong, his disciples are weak and pitiful, like ants, even if he kills them all, it is meaningless to him.

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