Chapter 348: Silver Emperor Sky Falcon

“Qi Tian, ​​how do I feel that this dragon battle is different from what you said.”

After throwing off those tails, Ye Xiu’s speed slowed down again. At the same time, he focused on two tasks, running the dragon step to continue on the road, while concentrating on continuing to study the dragon and the four wilds.

But after his cultivation and research during this period of time, he discovered that this dragon battle is not simply based on swimming dragon steps.

“What’s the meaning?”

Qi Tian asked, he had never cultivated the Dragon and the Four Wilds, because some of the content collected by Wuliangzong at that time was also incomplete.

Don’t say it’s cultivation, it won’t work for research.

So he didn’t even watch it at the time.

As for the things he said before, they were all secrets he had heard or seen before, but he didn’t know exactly what Dragon Fighting Four Wilds was like.

“That’s it…”

Ye Xiu told Qitian about his own discovery.

In his opinion, this dragon step is not just the basis of the four wilds of the dragon battle, because even without the dragon step, the four wilds of the dragon battle can also be used.

That’s how Xiao Zhong cultivated, he must have not mastered the Dragon Step.

Therefore, in his opinion, this Dragon Fight Four Wilds should be created on the basis of You Long Step.

In other words, as long as you have mastered the swimming dragon step, when the cultivation of the dragon fights the four wilds, it is like knowing its principles in advance.

Cultivation is even more powerful without saying twice the result with half the effort.

If he is allowed to use the dragon to fight the four wilds, then its power can be at least ten times Ascension.

Moreover, each clone is an independent individual, which can cause substantial damage to people just like the own ontology, instead of Xiao Zhong, which can only be used to confuse the enemy.

It is a pity that Xiao Zhong only has the former Fifth Stage of Long Zhan Siye in his hands, and the Xiao family behind the Fourth Stage is not found.

Otherwise, he might actually fall into Xiao Zhong’s hands.

“In this way, we all underestimate the Dragon Step. No wonder it will be called the No. 1 Movement Technique in the Wasteland. It is even possible that the Dragon Step and the Four Wilds are only part of a powerful combat technique. .”

Qi Tian guessed.

“You mean the dragon fights the eight wastes?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Yes, Longmen’s strongest combat skill is the Dragon Fight and the Eight Wilds, but no one has seen what it looks like, and there is no relevant record in the classics of the various martial arts.”

Qi Tian continued: “There are two reasons for this. One is that the disciples of Longmen haven’t used it at all, but this is obviously unrealistic. The other is that all the people who have seen the dragon fight and the eight wilderness have died. ”

“Everyone I’ve seen is dead?”

Ye Xiu took a breath of air, and if he could do this, then how amazing the power of this dragon war was.

“Yes, only these two reasons can explain why there is no relevant record in the classics of the various martial arts, but in comparison, the second one is more likely.”

Qi Heavenly Dao, the so-called combat skills are tactics used to enhance one’s own strength.

But it is impossible to live in this world without encountering difficulties. Even a genius like Ye Xiu, who has been able to go to this day, has gone through many lives and deaths, and the person in Longmen must be the same.

Then it is impossible for them not to apply Dragon Fight Four Wilds.

Therefore, the people of the Dragon Fighting Four Wild Dragon Gate must have used it, and someone must have seen it, but all the people who have seen it have died, so there will be no records.

“Speaking of which, I would like to see and see how this dragon battles the wilds.”

Ye Xiu said, although his Nine Shas King Seal was not bad compared to it, it would be a good thing for him if he could get another combat skill equivalent to it.

“I’m afraid it will be difficult. This Dragon War and Eight Wastes is likely to be sealed in the depths of the Longmen Ruins, but after so many years, the Longmen Ruins have not been really opened, so this idea of ​​yours may not be realized.”

Qi Tian also wanted to take a look at this Dao-level combat skill, but even in his heyday he did not dare to venture into the Longmen Ruins.

The degree of danger is no less than the Four Jedi in the wasteland.

Although Ye Xiu’s strength is strong, it is impossible for him to contend with the various sects on his own. Therefore, he probably has no chance to see Long Zhan Si Ye in this life.

But I might still have a chance, after all, own transfer of soul and reincarnation with the bronze armored corpse, there is a chance of immortality.

Maybe someday an unworldly genius appeared in this barren land and opened the relics of the Dragon Gate.

“Whether it can be realized, people have to have a thought, in case it is realized.”

Ye Xiu smiled.

“That’s true.”

Qi Tian also has a deep understanding of this. If he hadn’t been thinking about Life after breaking out of the siege, he would have been suffocated alive long ago.

You know, more than three thousand years is a long time.

Maybe you can’t feel the passage of time outside, but once you lose your freedom, this time really passes very slowly. It is not an exaggeration to say that seconds are like years.

Looking back now, he admires himself somewhat.

If he were to come again, he couldn’t guarantee that he would survive, maybe he would commit suicide directly.


At this moment, a stern eagle murmur came from the air, which immediately attracted Ye Xiu’s attention.

Looking up, I saw a big snow-white bird chasing in the air with a golden eagle.

“Qi Tian, ​​what kind of monster is that big white bird that can hit the Lightning Golden Eagle without any power to fight back?”

Ye Xiu recognized the big golden eagle. It was the lightning golden eagle that Wu Santong had ridden before. It was the overlord of the sky and was known for its speed.

Although this big white bird is not small, it is a large circle smaller than the lightning golden eagle, and its wings are only more than ten meters apart, and the aura on its body is not as strong as the lightning golden eagle.

But as a result, the Lightning Golden Eagle was beaten by this big white bird and had no power to fight back.

This is still a wild lightning golden eagle, more powerful than those domesticated lightning golden eagles.

“Silver Emperor Falcon, this turned out to be a juvenile Silver Emperor Falcon.”

Qi Tian’s voice trembled a little, and he immediately said, “Little Ye Zi, hurry up, get out of here. This is the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon with the dual attributes of wind and space. If discovered by it, we will definitely be a dead end.”

“Silver Emperor Falcon?”

Ye Xiu was startled. It was the first time he heard of this name.

But Demonic Beasts, who can make Qi Tian be so ghoulish, is by no means ordinary. Thinking of this, he dare not stay, and turn around and run.


However, at this moment, the golden lightning eagle let out a mournful cry, and fell directly from the air, just in front of Ye Xiu.

At the same time, a white figure appeared out of thin air on the body of the Lightning Golden Eagle, and a pair of eyes looked at Ye Xiu with cold eyes.

When Ye Xiu’s eyes contacted that of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, Ye Xiu almost lost his spirit.

The eyes of this silver emperor falcon turned out to be white, and there was no variegated color all over the body. The white ones were so pure and so clean, as if they were piled up with white snowflakes.

But its body exudes a strong breath of Death.

This lifeless Death feeling was so cold and indifferent, just staring at Ye Xiu coldly like this made him feel cold, like falling into an ice cave.

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