Chapter 351 Ye Xiu’s Arrival

“You didn’t sin against us, but you, Dage, sinned against us, so you must die today. As for the rest of the matter, you don’t have to worry about us, because no one will know that we killed you.”

The leader said lightly that the reason why he talked nonsense with Mu Tianye was mainly because he was afraid of Mu Tianye’s Jedi counterattack.

Don’t look at this kid’s Cultivation Base, only Ninth Stage, but in terms of combat power, none of them are opponents when they are pulled out. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to kill two directly.

Now he is seriously injured, but he has not completely lost his combat effectiveness.

If Mu Tianye desperately fights with them, it is also very dangerous for them.

Therefore, before proceeding, they must try to dissolve the fighting spirit and fighting spirit in Mu Tianye’s heart, so that they can complete the tasks assigned above with the least loss.


Mu Tianye’s figure flashed like a ghost and rushed in front of the person next to him, and immediately slammed into the past.

This guy really intends to explain to himself. It’s really naive. Daddy asks you questions just to divert your attention. Isn’t it true that Daddy can’t guess at all?

From the very beginning, they deliberately targeted themselves and Xiaohu, and he and Xiaohu had never seen them before, let alone offend them.

The only explanation is that this matter has something to do with own Dage.

Ye Xiu’s business is his own business, not to mention that Xiaohu is still his sister-in-law, and he is naturally obliged to protect Xiaohu.

Although Xiaohu didn’t know where he was taken by the old woman, he was out of danger anyway, so he didn’t have any worries anymore.

For him now, killing one is enough, and killing two will make a profit.

“not good.”

Everyone was shocked, they didn’t expect that Mu Tianye would shoot directly.

Especially the person chosen by Mu Tianye was so scared that he immediately moved his body protection essence, trying to block his attack.

However, he was still a step too late. At this time, Mu Tianye’s fist had already hit his chest, and the billowing demon energy surged out and poured into this person’s body in an instant.

After that, he passed through all the way, tearing his internal organs to pieces.

Hearing a wow, this person directly vomited a mouthful of blood, and the whole person collapsed to the ground, his eyes filled with unwillingness and shock.

He did not expect that he would die in this place, at the hands of such a seriously injured and dying person.

At the same time, he also regretted why he wasted his tongue with this guy.

But now it was all over, and the endless darkness struck him. He only felt the darkness in front of him and fell to the ground. After a while, there was no life.


The leader was furious, and came directly to Mu Tianye’s side, kicked him out with a heavy kick, and fell to the ground for a long time without being able to get up again.

“Make another one!”

Mu Tianye slowly turned over from the ground, lying on the ground, looking at the white clouds floating in the sky, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Of the six masters of the Profound Realm, three were directly killed by him. Although they all succeeded in sneak attacks, they were also killed.

So he has made money now, even if he is dead, he can see clearly.

“Boy, I killed you.”

The remaining three people were furious, and the two before them were forgotten. After all, they didn’t expect Mu Tianye’s strength to be so terrible at that time.

Coupled with the sneak attack by Dayi and Mu Tianye, the two men died tragically on the spot.

But this time, Mu Tianye did it under their noses and made him succeed.

This is simply a naked face slap, if you don’t kill Mu Tianye, then their faces will be lost.

With that said, this person took a step forward, and the whole person, like a hungry tiger, pounced directly towards Mu Tianye. He would not give Mu Tianye any more opportunities.

So this trick, he tried his best.


At this moment, a sound of an eagle screamed from mid-air, like a sharp sword, directly piercing into their minds, making the movements of the leader stiff.

Immediately afterwards, before they could react, they saw the person going to kill Mu Tianye flying backwards at an extremely fast speed, and fell heavily to the ground.

“You, are you Ye Xiu?”

The expressions of several people changed drastically. Although they hadn’t seen Ye Xiu before, they had also heard of his name.

Especially Xiao Can’s death is also related to this person.

Of course, they were not very jealous of Ye Xiu himself.

The three of them are all masters of Tongxuan First Stage, and this Ye Xiu is now just the Cultivation Base of Tongxuan Seventh Stage, and it is impossible for him to be the opponent of the three of them.

What they were afraid of was the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon behind Ye Xiu.

This is a prestigious ancient fierce beast, very terrifying, even if the three of them join forces, they are not necessarily opponents of others.

In other words, as long as Ye Xiu thought, he could use the power of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon to easily wipe them out of this world.

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