Chapter 383: Purple Lightning Thunder Python

“What is this?”

Ye Xiu was startled, and immediately took a dragon step under his feet, turning into an afterimage and disappearing in the same place. Looking back, his pupils shrank suddenly.

This giant python was lavender, with the upper body exposed, and the scales on the body were completely composed of thunder and lightning, and it was constantly arcing. A head was the size of a grinding disc with two pale golden sharp horns growing on it.

It looks a bit like a dragon.

Moreover, there are two eagle-like claws under its body, glowing with a faint cold light.

At this moment, it was looking at Ye Xiu with its claws open, and its eyes were full of expectation.

And its lower body is always buried in the thunder pool, but unlike the upper body, it looks like a snake, just like a monster of half dragon and half snake.

“Little Leaf retreats, this is the Purple Lightning Thunder Python, and now it is evolving to the Purple Lightning Thunder Bird with the help of the power of the mine pool. The surveillance I had previously sensed should have originated from it, and our power at this time is not it at all. Opponent.”

Qi Tian said immediately.

The Purple Lightning Thunder Python is a very powerful Demonic Beasts. It has a true dragon bloodline in its body, and its strength is more powerful than that of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon.

The most frightening thing is that it has evolved with the help of mine pools.

Once it evolves successfully, even the masters of the Celestial Sky Realm will not be able to return to the sky here.

As for now, although it has only evolved by half, its strength is equivalent to that of the powerhouse of Tongxuan Sixth Stage, or even higher.

Coupled with its powerful bloodline, and the continuous supply of thunder power, it is not at all that they can contend with at this time.

The only good news is that it is at a critical moment of evolution. Its body cannot leave the mine pool. Otherwise, it will not only fail to evolve, but will also suffer a strong backlash.

Its strength can’t be fully displayed either.

So as long as they leave here, they can protect themselves.


Ye Xiu nodded and ran without even thinking about turning around.

Although he hadn’t heard of any Purple Lightning Thunder Python, since it could evolve into Purple Lightning Thunder Bird, it was enough for other attention.

Because he knew that something like this python can be advanced to the dragon, then there is a very rich blood of true dragons in its body, which is far from ordinary Demonic Beasts.

You know, true dragons are ancient divine beasts, and their bloodlines are naturally the strongest among the bloodlines.

In terms of strength, the bloodline of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon could not be compared with it.

Such a thing, you don’t have to think about how terrible it is.

Keep staying here, they are definitely a dead end.


It seems to be aware of Ye Xiu’s purpose, the Purple Lightning Thunder Python is naturally impossible to let him leave, but it still wants to swallow Ye Xiu and speed up its evolution.

In fact, it had already discovered Ye Xiu’s arrival.

But it was at a critical moment of evolution, and it didn’t want to lose big because of small losses, so it chose to forbear it.

The surveillance Qi Tian perceives indeed originated from it.

But after Ye Xiu used the Purple Sky Divine Thunder, even it was affected. It felt like facing Demonic Beasts whose blood was stronger than it.

This is a kind of oppressive force from the superior.

Although it was also very afraid of the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder on Ye Xiu’s body, it was also full of anticipation at the same time.

Don’t look at it’s now half of its evolution, but the evolution from the Purple Lightning Thunder Python to the Purple Lightning Thunder Bird is a life-level transformation, and the more dangerous it becomes.

Therefore, it is not fully certain that it will evolve successfully.

At this time, the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder appeared, which was simply a gift from the heavens.

If he can absorb the Purple Lightning Thunder from Ye Xiu’s body, he will be 100% sure of it and advance to the Purple Lightning Thunder Dragon in one fell swoop.

That’s why it would act desperately, and naturally it was impossible for Ye Xiu to escape.

Then, the power of thunder in the thunder pool began to roll, directly resonating with the thunderclouds in the sky.

Boom boom boom…

Then, countless thunder fell from the sky like rain, directly forming a thunder wall, completely blocking their way of retreat.

This situation can be seen clearly even from tens of thousands of miles away.

At this time, Lin Qingcheng and Qin Ruoshui had already ran out of the Thunder Mountain, but at this moment, there was a terrifying roar behind them.

Looking back, the entire mountain of thunder was covered by the power of thunder.

It has completely become a thunderous world.

“what happened?”

Lin Qingcheng was taken aback. They had just left Jilei Mountain, and such terrible changes had taken place inside, and it was almost a Jedi.

Even if they were far away from the Thunder Mountain, they could feel the terrifying power in it, which was shocking.


Qin Ruoshui’s expression also changed drastically, and he did not expect such a situation to occur.

Such a dense thunder power directly turned the mountain of thunder into a Jedi, if they came out a step late, they would surely be chopped into fly ash by the power of the sky full of thunder.

“Senior Brother Qin, please help bring this rising sun grass back.”

There was a firm look in Lin Qingcheng’s eyes.

It was because of her that Ye Xiu ventured into the Thunder Mountain. She had already thought of this when she saw Qin Ruoshui who was with Ye Xiu.

Later, he was fighting Fu Lianzhan alone to stay for himself.

Now that Ye Xiu was trapped in the Thunder Mountain, how could she leave him here alone.

Even if she died, she would die with Ye Xiu.

As for the father’s side, as long as Qin Ruoshui takes the rising sun grass back, and then asks the pill refining teacher for help, it will be fine, and she can be regarded as repaying her nurturing grace.

“You can’t go, Ye Xiu risked his life in exchange for your safety. Wouldn’t you be wasting his pains to go in at this time. Also, based on my understanding of Ye Xiu, he wouldn’t be like this. Those who are easy to die will definitely come out alive.”

Qin Ruoshui saw Lin Qingcheng’s thoughts, how could she do anything.

And he never believed that Ye Xiu would die inside.


Lin Qingcheng was startled, she really didn’t expect this.

She knew Ye Xiu’s abilities better than Qin Ruoshui, if Ye Xiu really didn’t die, wouldn’t she go in for nothing at this time?

“In this way, we just wait here for him to come out, and then how about going back together?”

Seeing Lin Qingcheng calm down, Qin Ruoshui also let out a long sigh of relief.

Counting this time, Ye Xiu saved him four times, and he also saw that the relationship between Ye Xiu and Lin Qingcheng was unusual.

This time Ye Xiu risked his life to let them escape from Jilei Mountain. If he watched Lin Qingcheng go to death, how would he face Ye Xiu afterwards.

“No, Brother Qin, you have to take a trip.”

Lin Qingcheng saw what Qin Ruoshui wanted to say, so he said: “Brother Qin, you know, I came here to look for the rising sun grass to save my father. Now his injury can no longer be delayed. He must be treated as soon as possible. Stay for yourself.”


If I said that I just wanted to say something, Qin Ruoshui’s voice came in my ear: “Senior Brother Qin, don’t worry, I won’t do stupid things anymore. I’ll just wait for Ye Xiu to come out.”

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