Chapter 386: The Body of Thunder God

“Little Ye Zi, this purple lightning python has the help of thunder in the thunder pool. Unless you can kill it with a single blow, you can’t kill it at all. You have to find a way to attract it.”

Qi Tian reminded.

“Easy to say.”

Ye Xiu didn’t want to bring it up, but if it were him, it would be impossible to leave the mine pool and expose his own weaknesses to others.

At the same time, this is equivalent to giving up one’s greatest advantage, and a fool would do this kind of thing.

“Then you can only try with Shura Jinlei, but in this area, you may also be implicated.”

Qi Tian said, Ye Xiu can now know that Shura Jinlei is a fusion of three powers.

This is an indiscriminate attack. Once used, even if the purple lightning thunder python is assisted by the thunder power in the thunder pool, it is difficult to recover quickly.

But in this way, he himself would be affected by Shura Jinlei.

“Then what if it detonates in its body?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up and he thought of a good idea.

“It’s natural, but is it possible.”

Qi Heavenly Dao, if Shura Jinlei is detonated in the body of the Purple Sky Thunder Python, then the Purple Thunder Python cannot withstand the terrifying power at all and will be killed directly.

But the problem is that the purple lightning thunder python is not wood, how can it stay where it is and let Ye Xiu do it at will.

“How can I know if I don’t try.”

Ye Xiu felt that this method was feasible, and Shura Jinlei exploded in the purple lightning thunder python’s body, with its body blocking it, and the outside would not be affected too much.

The purple lightning thunder python will also be killed directly, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

“Did you think of a way.”

Seeing that Ye Xiu was so confident, Qi Tian immediately understood that he had an idea.

The time he spent with Ye Xiu wasn’t too short. This kid was an extremely shrewd guy. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be fooled into signing an equality contract.

Now that he is so confident, it shows that Ye Xiu has an idea.

“Fu Lianzhan, I need five minutes, you can block it, don’t let it get close to me.”

Ye Xiu didn’t answer Qi Tian’s words, but shouted at Fu Lianzhan.


Fu Lianzhan frowned. This purple lightning thunder python was very powerful, and he could not resist it for a minute.

Hold it for five minutes, isn’t this asking him to die.

“I have thought of a way to deal with it. If you don’t want to die, just do what I said.”

Ye Xiu didn’t talk nonsense with him either, this was their only chance, and as time passed, the strength of the Purple Lightning Thunder Python became stronger.

So they have to fight quickly.

“Okay, I’ll trust you once, and hope you don’t let me down, the body of Thor.”

When Fu Lianzhan heard Ye Xiu think of a way, his eyes also lit up, because according to this momentum, they all had to die in the hands of the Purple Lightning Thunder Python.

If Ye Xiu really had a way to save himself, then he was willing to take a risk.

As he said, a strong thunder power appeared once again on his body, and it spread to the surroundings.

Gradually, these thunder powers condensed into a thunder giant tens of feet tall, lifelike on the periphery of his body.

It’s like the coming of Thor.

“This should be the body of the Thunder God of the gods, but I didn’t expect it to fall into his hands. It seems that this kid has a chance.”

Qi Tian was a little surprised.

This Thunder God’s body and Yin & Yang’s Five Thunder Sects are both from the gods gate, and they are also the two most powerful top combat skills of the gods gate.

Strictly speaking, the body of the Thunder God is more precious than Yin & Yang’s Five Thunders.

Because after using the body of Thunder God, after using the Five Thunders, its power will become more powerful.

It’s just that he only has Yin & Yang’s five thunder rectification methods in his hands. As for this Thunder God’s body has been lost, even Xuan Lei Sect should not have obtained it.

Otherwise, Xuan Lei Sect cannot be at the current level.

What he never expected was that such a powerful record appeared in the hands of Fu Lianzhan.

And judging from the situation he used, this should be a complete body of Thor.

Although he didn’t know how Fu Lianzhan got it, he was able to cultivate this technique to such an extent at such an age, and he was already a genius.

He also ran into Ye Xiu. If he changed someone, no one in the same rank would be his opponent.

Even if a master of Xuan Lei Zong encountered him, he was probably unable to deal with it.


Fu Lianzhan yelled, and the Thunder Giant on his body stepped forward and came directly in front of the Purple Lightning Thunder Python and fought with it.

At this time, Ye Xiu didn’t pay attention to them.

With a movement in his heart, three powers of darkness, flames and thunder immediately appeared on his body, and at the same time exuded a very terrifying aura.

But with Qi Tian’s help, this power did not leak in the slightest.

After that, under Ye Xiu’s control, the three forces quickly began to converge.

The three powers were intertwined immediately and began to roll violently. If someone else controls these three powers, they might have completely exploded at this time.

But Ye Xiu, with the help of Jiuchangtianxin, these three powers are like his arms.

With a move in my heart, the three forces quickly merged into one, completing the fusion.

And between his hands formed a dark golden energy ball the size of a human head, glowing with thunder.

This is not over yet, Ye Xiu is still compressing it continuously.

After all, it was not the ordinary Demonic Beasts that was dealt with this time, but the Purple Lightning Thunder Python with the blood of a real dragon, in order to kill him in one shot.

Otherwise, they will never have a second shot.

As time passed by, Fu Lianzhan was beaten by the Purple Lightning Thunder Python and was defeated steadily. He coughed up blood again and again.

“How much longer, I can’t hold on anymore.”

Fu Lianzhan asked loudly, Thor’s body is a powerful combat technique that consumes extremely power.

In his heyday, he could only hold on for a minute or two.

This place is full of huge thunder power, so he can hold on till now.

But the claws of the purple lightning thunder python are very sharp, and they also have heaven’s favor for the control of the power of thunder, which makes it more difficult for him to fight.

Now, he can’t hold on for too long.

If Ye Xiu wasn’t ready yet, then he would be killed by the Purple Lightning Thunder Python.

“Step aside.”

At this moment, Ye Xiu let out a loud shout, and the whole person turned into a stream of light and rushed from behind Fu Lianzhan.

Hearing Ye Xiu’s voice, Fu Lianzhan felt relieved and stepped directly to a hundred meters away.

Looking intently, he saw Ye Xiu dragging a fist-sized dark golden energy ball with a purple thunder light rushing towards the purple lightning thunder snake.


The energy of the purple lightning thunder python was attracted by Fu Lianzhan before, and the appearance of Ye Xiu was very sudden to it.

But when it saw the appearance of the incoming person, its eyes suddenly brightened, and immediately opened the blood basin and sucked in a big mouth. A horrible suction came into being, and it directly sucked Ye Xiu tightly.

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