Chapter 409 Is this still a human

“Little Ye Zi, is the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon advanced?”

Qi Tian asked aloud that this situation is extremely unfavorable to Ye Xiu. If it continues to develop with this momentum, it will not take long for them to catch up.

Once Ye Xiu was caught by them, their fate would definitely be miserable.

Now they can only pin their hopes on the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon. As long as it is successfully advanced, even if the strength of these guys is twice as strong, they can easily escape.

“Not yet!”

Ye Xiu also thought of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, but through the contract, he could feel that the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was at a critical moment of advancement and could not be disturbed.

Otherwise, it will not only fail to advance successfully, but it may also be life-threatening by backlash.

In that way, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon would not be able to help him in any way.

“how long will it take?”

Qi Tian asked, in this situation, Ye Xiu couldn’t hold on for long. The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon could be said to be their only hope.

If it can’t advance in time, then they are really helpless.

“Let’s go one step at a time.”

Ye Xiu couldn’t determine how long it would take, so he could only clenched his teeth and persisted.

Shura Jinlei, which combines four powers, is enough for them to drink a pot.

The time was lost every minute, and in a blink of an eye, Ye Xiu had already run for a whole hour.

Ye Xiu’s full use of the Dragon Steps consumes a huge amount of true essence. Even with the help of Jiuchang Tianxin and Medicine Pill, he still cannot make ends meet.

Now, 90% of his true essence has been consumed, and he is about to be unable to hold on.

His speed also gradually slowed down.

“This kid’s true energy is almost exhausted, chase after it.”

Nie Yuanshan saw that Ye Xiu’s speed had dropped significantly, and the distance between them was quickly shortened, and his mood immediately became excited.

After chasing for so long, he finally exhausted his true essence.

And in the process of chasing Ye Xiu, the three of them have reached a consensus, that is, to abandon the previous suspicions and work together.

Because they knew very well that none of the three of them could compromise on the inheritance of the gods, and it was precisely because of this that Ye Xiu found a chance to escape.

If this is the case, then they might as well continue to cooperate as before, share this inheritance, and move towards the pinnacle of life together.

“This kid’s Movement Technique, none of you are allowed to snatch it from me.”

Jiang Ruhai said excitedly, after an hour of chase, he has a new understanding of Ye Xiu’s Movement Technique, the more he understands, the more excited he is.

If he had thought that Ye Xiu’s Movement Technique was superior before, then he was completely dormant by this Movement Technique, and his own god wind stepped in front of it, like a lump of shit, smelly.

So now, he wants Ye Xiu’s Movement Technique more than the inheritance of the gods.

Because he was most proud of his own speed and Movement Technique, but now he was hung and beaten by a little guy with a profound knowledge of the Second Stage. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

If Ye Xiu’s Movement Technique can be obtained, his speed will be several times that of Ascension, and even the masters of Fifth Stage Heaven will never want to catch up with him.

For him, this is even more important than the inheritance of the gods.

“After receiving the inheritance of the gods, this kid will give it to me, and I will let him know what life is better than death.”

Fu Ziyu said viciously, his own two sons were beheaded by him, this hatred must be reported.

But killing Ye Xiu directly would be too cheap for him.

“Don’t be careless, catch him first.”

Nie Yuanshan said that this kid was more difficult than they thought, so he didn’t dare to relax in his heart until the last moment.

“En? Why did he stop.”

At this moment, Jiang Ruhai realized that Ye Xiu had stopped running, which made him a little confused about what Ye Xiu wanted to do.

Does he have any hole cards that can fight the three masters of Ninth Stage at the same time?

“He should know that he can’t run away, so he decided to give up.”

Fu Ziyu guessed.

“Shoot together and take him down.”

Nie Yuanshan felt that Ye Xiu wouldn’t give up so easily, he definitely wanted to play tricks.

But he didn’t intend to give Ye Xiu a chance to play tricks.

At this moment, Ye Xiu stood at the foot of a mountain in the distance and took out a Medicine Pill to take it. After that, a sly light appeared in the bottom of his eyes.

With a move in his heart, Shura Zhenyuan, Dahi Jinyan, Zixiao Divine Thunder and Otsuki Dragon Qi surged out of his body at the same time.

The power of the four colors circulated around his body, setting off his figure extremely tall.

“Fuck, four physiques, this kid actually has four physiques!”

Jiang Ruhai exclaimed, looking at Ye Xiu in disbelief.

He knew very well that in the wasteland, a person who possessed two physiques at the same time could be regarded as a genius that was rare in a century, and a person with three physiques at the same time would not necessarily have one in a thousand years.

As for people who have four physiques at the same time, they don’t have to say that they have seen it before, and they have not even heard of it.

Perhaps only in China can such enchanting existence be possible.

But now they saw one, and the impact was too great.

“What does he want to do!”

Nie Yuanshan was also shocked. He was also the first time he saw a person with four attributes at the same time. Just looking at it from a distance, he could feel the strong energy fluctuations.

However, he discovered that Ye Xiu actually brought these four forces together, and an ominous premonition was immediately born in his heart.

“He is not fusing these four forces.”

Fu Ziyu suddenly felt his own heart slowed down, and his eyes became even more round, filled with unbelievable expressions.

Ye Xiu didn’t pay attention to their exclamation, and was still fusing with all his strength.

With the passage of time, these four forces gradually formed between his hands, forming a ball that contained four colors and was filled with an aura of destruction.

It is Shura Jinlei.

“How is it possible, how can he perfectly integrate the power of four different attributes, is this still a human?”

At this moment, all three of them were shocked by Ye Xiu’s actions.

You should know that just merging the power of two different attributes is a very difficult and dangerous thing. A little carelessness may cause fire.

But Ye Xiu actually blended these four forces perfectly, which was completely beyond their cognition.

“You’d better not come over, otherwise, you will be at your own risk.”

Ye Xiu said weakly, the previous hour’s rush has consumed most of his true essence, and now Shura Jin Lei is condensed.

He was already out of oil and the lamp was dead.

He did this to delay time and create time for the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon.

As long as it is advanced, it will be saved.

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