Chapter 465: You should be on your way


Zhao Yanhu frowned. Although he has not studied formation systematically, he also has a certain understanding of formation. It is the first time he has heard of someone using the word weird to describe formation.

“Exactly, this formation is different from the formation I have been in contact with before. It changes all the time, and it is all basic formation. I have never seen such a weird formation.”

The one who spoke was the one with the highest Cultivation Base among the five people who had secretly deployed the Lockfield Array before.

In his eyes, the entire formation is alive, constantly changing its appearance, and sometimes two or three appear at the same time.

And the speed of change is so fast that people can’t see its essence at all.

You must know that any kind of formation is formed through thousands of tempers and has a fixed pattern. Even if it needs to be changed, it needs thousands of attempts to achieve it.

This situation is somewhat similar to cultivation techniques and combat skills, all of which have been exchanged for generations, even dozens of generations, of continuous attempts.

A detail that seems useless may have been deliberated and tried thousands of times.

Therefore, every Cultivation Technique can’t be changed easily, otherwise it would be fatal.

The same is true for formation, even more dangerous than Cultivation Technique. The so-called formation is actually relying on the power of heaven and earth to achieve the desired goal.

Any problem in any link will be backlashed by the power of heaven and earth.

At that time, death was not as simple as one or two people.

But this formation has no fixed rules. It will be this formation for a while, and then it will become another or several formations. This is the first time they encounter such a weird formation.

“Is there a way to break the formation?”

Zhao Yanhu asked, although he didn’t believe that Ye Xiu had the strength to kill them all, but for some reason, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

So no matter whether Ye Xiu was joking or not, they had better leave here as soon as possible to prevent any accidents.

“I can only say try, but I guess it will be difficult.”

The person replied that this formation is said to be complex and complex, simple and simple, and the reason why it is said to be complex is that this formation contains dozens of formations, each of which is different and almost includes all types.

Formation is different from the others, and consumes several times the energy and time of the pill refining division, so in order to save time, most of them focus on one or two.

Some main attack defensive array, some main attack kill array and so on.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to break this formation by one person, and it must be done by multiple people.

As for its simplicity, it is because these formations are all basic formations, and there is no difficulty in cracking them. The only thing about it is that it changes all the time and it is very fast.

This requires a solid foundation of those who break the formation, and they must be broken one by one before it changes, so that this formation will be self-defeating.

This requires the tacit cooperation of people like them. Everyone who is good at what they are good at, once they make a mistake, they may lose everything.

So it is very difficult to crack this formation, especially for those who are just getting started.

“Can you break the formation forcibly?”

Zhao Yanhu asked.

“Impossible. This formation is very magical. Although it is built from a basic formation, the connection between each other is very close. It is like an airtight wall. The knife cannot be inserted into the water and splashed into the sky. Maybe it can be forcibly broken. As for us, don’t even think about it.”

The man said again, if he guessed right, this formation should have been newly created, otherwise they couldn’t have heard of it.

However, he also had to admire the people who created this formation. Jian until he returned to the basics, he used the simplest basic formation to build such a powerful formation, which is simply turning decay into a miracle.

At such a level, ordinary Great Masters can’t do it. As for them, it is something that they can’t even think of.

“Forget it, you try your best to break the formation, I’ll go to hold Ye Xiu.”

Zhao Yanhu sighed. He felt that Ye Xiu was also prepared this time, otherwise it would be impossible to prepare such a formation to wait for them.

But he didn’t know what Ye Xiu was going to do next, so the only thing he could do was to delay time and wait for the arrival of Elder in the cave world. By then, Ye Xiu would be unable to return to the sky.

“Okay, it’s time for you to hit the road.”

Ye Xiu didn’t stop them from breaking the formation. With these wine bags and rice bags, it was impossible to break the formation in a short time, and he only needed a few minutes to send them on the road.

With a move in his heart, a dark green smoke emerged from his feet, and centered on him, quickly spreading around him.

Soon one person was touched by the smoke.

When the poisonous mist hit this person, it invaded his body along his pores, and soon dark green veins appeared on his skin.

Immediately afterwards, a pain of bone erosion appeared, and the pain was so painful that he was screaming, lying directly on the ground and rolling back and forth.

Before long, his voice stopped abruptly, turning into a pool of blood and deep into the ground.

“Fuck, this is poisonous smoke, everyone back away quickly, don’t let him get on your body.”

“What kind of poison is this? The poison is so violent that it will die when touched, and even the flesh and bones will be corroded into blood. This is too terrifying.”

“The poison of the bone-eroding clam, this must be the poison of the bone-eroding clam, and only this kind of poison can be corroded by training bones.”

“I want to know where he got it.”

Everyone was frightened, especially those who recognized the poison of the bone-eating clams, even their voices were trembling. This is a strange poison in the current world, and even the masters of this fate can kill it.

These people face the poison of bone-eating clams, and there is no chance of survival at all.

“Sun Qing, use the wind to blow the poisonous smoke over.”

Zhao Yanhu’s expression changed drastically, and he immediately ordered that this poison was too terrifying.

And there is no cure for this thing. The only way to save oneself is to blow the poisonous smoke away or disperse it with the wind. As long as it can be dragged to Elder Dao in the cave, they will be safe.


Sun Qing responded with a move in his heart, and a strong wind blew out of him, directly blocking the poisonous smoke.

“You are smart, but unfortunately, I am not dead.”

Ye Xiu’s expression was indifferent, and his figure rushed directly into the crowd. The poisonous smoke also entered them, and dozens of people were contaminated in an instant.

But Ye Xiu didn’t mean to stop at all, his figure flashed and shuttled among the crowd.

Soon, this poisonous smoke filled the entire formation.

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