Chapter 477 Bloodthirsty Vine

“Go away, go away, don’t come near me.”

“Don’t kill me, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die.”

“help me.”

For a time the scene became very chaotic.

“All stand still in place.”

The masters of the natal realm also recognized the origin of this thing at this moment, their expressions changed suddenly, and they immediately shouted, and the sound went straight into the hearts of everyone.

The hearts of these people were shaken, and they calmed down instantly, standing still one by one, not daring to move.

He didn’t even dare to let out the atmosphere, for fear that it would startle this terrible thing.

As soon as they stopped, these extremely crazy vines also stopped, like red snakes, wandering back and forth around the crowd, but no longer shot.

Then a master of the destiny stood up and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“Qi Tian, ​​what is the bloodthirsty vine, so weird?”

Ye Xiu couldn’t help asking, it was the first time he encountered such a terrible thing, and in just a few minutes, he killed more than a dozen of them.

You know, the lowest Cultivation Base of the people who entered the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery this time has the Tongxuan Realm, and they are just stepping into the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery.

Is this cemetery of ten thousand bones really a place that no one should enter?

“Bloodthirsty vine is a very old plant that feeds on the blood of living things, but it has no sensory organs and can only judge the direction and position of the prey by vibration. Therefore, if you encounter this thing, just stay where it is. , It can’t help you.”

Qi Tian explained.

The bloodthirsty vine has existed for a long time, and can even be traced back to ancient times. What they are encountering now should be the juvenile body, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

You know, the adult bloodthirsty vine is a terrible existence that even the legendary dragon clan can obliterate.

“Can’t you attack with fire?”

Ye Xiu asked again, since this bloodthirsty vine is a plant, it is naturally afraid of fire.

“No, this is just part of the roots of the bloodthirsty vine. Have you seen geckos? These roots are for the bloodthirsty vine and the tail is for the gecko. If you use fire, it will not cause it. Too much damage, and at the same time it will turn him from bright to dark, making him even more unpredictable.”

Qi Tian shook his head and said, if he could get rid of it with fire attack, the bloodthirsty vine would not be so terrible.

“Then what to do, is it not weak at all?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Of course there is. Its weakness is its body. Unlike these root systems, its body is quite fragile, so it is generally hidden in the grass in the distance. As long as its body is destroyed, these roots will have no foundation. , The natal master who just left should be looking for its body.”

Qi Tian replied.

The most powerful thing about the bloodthirsty vine is its root, which is almost endless and extremely vital.

Once cut off, its broken branches will take root and connect with the body of the bloodthirsty vine to form a new root system. Therefore, this thing is killed more and more.

The reason why it was able to obliterate the dragon race was based on this ability to grind the true dragon to death.

As for its body, there is nothing commendable. Like ordinary plants, it can be easily destroyed.

It is precisely for this reason that the Bloodthirsty Vine has been extinct long ago, but they did not expect that they would encounter one as soon as they entered the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery.

It can be seen that this cemetery of ten thousand bones is even more terrifying than he had previously imagined.

“Look, this thing is withered.”

At this moment, someone called out.

Sure enough, those blood-colored rattans were withering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally fell to the ground with no life.

“It seems that the person should have killed the body of the bloodthirsty vine.”

Seeing this situation, Qi Tian said.


As soon as his words fell, the master of the destiny who had left before turned back, but his face was full of bad luck.

“Brother Wang, what’s the matter?”

Someone next to him asked.

“Let it run away.”

The man was innocent.

“how come?”

Several other people asked inexplicably, although this bloodthirsty vine is a plant, it doesn’t have to stay in one place like a plant.

Once it perceives the danger, it can extract the roots from the soil and run away.

Once its roots are separated from the soil, other roots will instantly wither and lose their vitality.

It’s just that after it leaves the soil, it doesn’t run fast, and it can’t leave the soil for a long time, so it should be difficult for her to escape from the hands of the masters of the fate.

“There was a stream not far away. It jumped in and disappeared. I didn’t chase it anymore.”

This humanity, if he continues to chase, he can indeed catch up, but this is not another place, if he goes far, what if he encounters something terrible.

So he came back.

After all, cultivation has reached his level, so he won’t easily take risks.

Once he died, his efforts for so many years would be in vain.

Other people also expressed their understanding. After all, this is the cemetery of ten thousand bones. If they are not good, they will have to be planted here. Who dares to go deep alone.

“Clean up and get out of here as soon as possible.”

Another humanity, although more than a dozen people died this time, this situation was also in their expectations.

This is the cemetery of ten thousand bones, one of the four great Jedi. It is normal for a few people to die. If they are undead, they should be nervous.

“No, I won’t go, I want to go back, I don’t want to stay for a moment.”

“I’m not going either. It’s terrible. Please do your best and send a few people to send me out. I don’t want to die.”

“And me, I want to go out too, I haven’t lived enough yet, I don’t want to die here so early.”

After this battle, many people’s hearts collapsed directly.

So many people died just after entering the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, many of them were brothers and friends who walked with them, and a few others had a higher Cultivation Base than them.

But now, they are all dead here.

It is conceivable what kind of situation they will face next.

Continue to go deeper, they are definitely a dead end.

It is better to give up now, anyway, the main purpose of their follow-up is to increase their knowledge.

Now that they have seen it, they can leave.

“If you want to go, go by yourself, and the others will keep going.”

Several destiny masters said with a disappointed look, just now they entered the cemetery of Ten Thousand Bone, these guys were scared, cowardly and pitiful.

Even if this kind of person is talented and does not have the conviction to overcome fear, his future achievements will be very limited.

For this kind of waste, they will not keep it, they will go on their own if they want to go, and their lives will be settled.


Those people looked at each other, but in the end no one dared to leave.

Although they did not go too deep at the moment, and were only a few kilometers away from the edge of the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, after experiencing the previous scene, they did not dare to leave by themselves.

If they encounter bloodthirsty vines or something similar again, they won’t even have the ability to protect themselves.

In desperation, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

At the very least, with their protection, I can still find a sense of security in my own heart.

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