Chapter 494 Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor

“Just say what you want. I don’t have the time to play a guessing game with you.”

Xia Jiuyou was a little annoyed. The existence of Longmen dates back hundreds of thousands of years. At that time, his grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather hadn’t even been born yet.

Moreover, this matter was originally a mystery, and no records related to it appeared in the pre-existing classics in the wasteland.

They only knew that Longmen was once a great power in China. As for why it appeared in the wasteland, I am afraid that only the people in China know.

“All right.”

Sombra seemed to know that he had asked an idiot question, so he said straightforwardly: “I told you before that the entire wasteland was suppressed by a huge seal, and the vitality of heaven and earth was also affected by this, so that in the wasteland Few people can be promoted to the King of Human Realm.”

“I already know these, let’s talk about something else.”

Xia Jiuyou Dao, although there was a gap in the history of the wasteland, he also knew that in the ancient times, there were still many kings in the wasteland.

The specific number can refer to the current number of masters in this fate.

After his investigation, the results obtained were the same as what Sombra said, so these contents have been investigated and verified by him, and there is no need to say it.

“Well, I didn’t lie to you in this matter, but I didn’t tell you the cause of all this, because this matter concerns my master…”

“Your master?”

“Yes, my master’s name is Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor, and he created his own Ten Thousand Bone Grand Ceremony, and he can summon the bones of the dead to fight, open up frontiers and expand the land, and become the eternal emperor…”

“Devil, Devil Emperor?”

Xia Jiuyou was shocked, but he knew the Realm division after his fate.

According to him, above the destiny is the human king realm, above the human king is the supreme realm, as for the emperor realm, it is the existence above the supreme, should you be so crazy.

“Do you still want to listen?”

Said the black shadow irritably.

“You keep talking.”

Xia Jiuyou calmed down a little, said.

“First of all, my master is not the emperor, but the founding emperor of the Ten Thousand Bone Empire, but his Cultivation Base has also reached the supreme state, and he can become an emperor in just one step. Just when my lord is about to rule the world and unify China, a name People for Li Qingxuan were born, and led the lingering forces to defeat our lord.”

The black shadow continued: “But my lord has long since repaired the bone of Immortal. They tried everything they could, but not only could not kill my lord, but even the bone warriors summoned by my lord could not be completely killed.”

“So they thought of a shameful trick. They sealed our lord and the bone warriors in the wasteland, and sent the Nine Gates of Shenzhou at that time to guard the seal. Among them were the Dragon Gate, the Shenxiao Gate, and the Cleansing Face. Ancient school and so on.”

“It’s just that these sects of them have been crippled by my master, and the powerful seal has reduced the vitality of the world that integrates the wasteland so much that it didn’t take long for these sects to turn into a cup of dust. The annoying thing is that they are coming. Before I died, I actually strengthened the seal, so I couldn’t get it.”

“You mean, this Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery is the seal of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor?”

Xia Jiuyou asked.

“Of course not. The seals here are only those of my lord’s subordinates, but they set up a stronger seal based on this ground to seal my lord. I brought you here this time just to break this seal. , In this way, the seal that seals our lord will be greatly weakened.”

The black shadow continued: “In the future, my lord will break the seal. When the king comes to China, you will be the biggest hero. Therefore, this matter will be beneficial to you without any harm.”

“You are just a subordinate of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, what do you mean by his words?”

Xia Jiuyou was not fooled by his few words. Hearing the name, he knew that this Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor was not a kind person, and the things he did compared to him were nothing short of kindness.

If he helped rescue the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, he wouldn’t be dead if he turned his face.

After all, this thing is just a subordinate of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, so why should he be the master of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor?

“Of course I can represent what he meant. I am my lord using his shadow to refine a clone that represents part of his will, so I can say yes, that’s OK.”

Shadow Road.

“Why should I believe you?”

Xia Jiuyou still didn’t believe it, he felt that this matter was not very reliable and the risk was too great.

This Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor is a master at the Supreme Realm. If he rescued him by himself, once the other party broke his promise, then he would have no chance to regret it.

“You can only trust me, because you are in the same situation as me now, and you only have two choices, either choose to believe me or choose to die.”

The shadow sneered: “If you insist on begging for death, I don’t need to stop it. The big deal is that I will find someone else. I have been waiting for so long, so why not wait for tens of thousands of years.”


Xia Jiuyou was very speechless, this world report is too fast.

And he knows very well that if he refuses to cooperate, there is only a dead end to wait for own, so he really seems to have no other choice now.


At this moment, an angry shout came from behind, resounding like thunder in the sky over thousands of miles.

Then a golden light flashed from behind them, dyeing the entire forest golden.

“Nine-character mantra? How can the nine-character mantra appear in the wilderness?”

The black shadow was shocked. He was not Qitian, and he naturally recognized the nine-character mantra. The reason why they were defeated in the first place was because of the relationship between the nine-character mantra.

But it didn’t remember that Li Qingxuan passed down the nine-character mantra, otherwise, he would not have heard of it once for so many years.

“Nine-character mantra?”

Xia Jiuyou hadn’t heard of the nine-character mantra, and he hadn’t even heard what the other party was saying.

“You don’t care what it is, pour the blood down quickly. If they catch up, based on what you have done before, do you think they will let you go?”

Sombra urged.


Although Xia Jiuyou didn’t know the nine-character mantra, it was not difficult to see from what the shadow said that this was a very powerful trick.

To be sure, there has been a change on Wang Xuanyi’s side, and it will not take long to catch up. If surrounded by them, then he will definitely be a dead end.

Although he might not end up working with this shadow, at least he doesn’t need to die now.

So he made a decisive decision and immediately took out the black blood stone, and then used the secret method to draw the blood out and pour it into the pool.

This time he took a total of thousands of black blood stones, all of which were sealed with human blood.

It took him several months to fetch it from several other domains.

To help it, he slaughtered several countries.

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