Chapter 603: The Wandering Demon Ape


Rage Demon Ape was extremely angry in his heart, and he was defeated by a human being lower than his own Cultivation Base. This was a shame it had never felt before.

A boundless anger erupted in his heart, circling, and finally swept through his body like a volcanic eruption.

“What are you? Am I wrong?”

Ye Xiu asked back.

“This king is going to kill you…”

The berserk demon ape ran away completely under the stimulation of Ye Xiu, the devilish energy on its body began to roll, and its body size gradually grew at this moment, and it grew to a height of ten feet in an instant.

There was still a strange red light in a pair of eyes.

Against the backdrop of the billowing devilish energy, its eyes are like red lanterns in the dark night, with no sane light, only endless murderous intent.

It makes people shudder.

“It deserves to be a violent demon ape, after the violent, it’s simply different from before.”

Ye Xiu also sighed from the bottom of his heart that the violent demon ape after the violent anger seemed to have become another species, completely unconnected with the previous image.

Moreover, the breath on its body has become extremely tyrannical, giving people a very powerful sense of oppression.

However, this is also taking advantage of his mind, only the violent demon ape in this state can bring enough pressure to him.


After the rage, the demon ape screamed up to the sky and let out a deafening roar.

After that, his fists thumped his chest and made a thunderous sound, and his blood-red eyes were like two icy sharp swords, firmly locking Ye Xiu’s figure.

Then it slammed under its feet, and the whole earth shook along with it, and its figure rushed to Ye Xiu’s face instantly like a cannonball.

Because the speed was too fast, Ye Xiu didn’t even have time to defend, and in desperation he could only block his own arms above his fists.


There was a cracking sound, Ye Xiu’s arms broke in response, but before he felt the pain, he was taken away by a terrifying force.


The violent demon ape didn’t let Ye Xiu go because of this. His figure flashed directly behind Ye Xiu, and another heavy punch hit his back.

The force of terror invaded Ye Xiu’s body, like a sharp dagger ramming through his body, destroying his body in a mess.

And he was beaten out again all the time.


The violent demon ape still didn’t mean to stop, appearing by Ye Xiu’s body while flickering.

At this time, Ye Xiu was like a venting sandbag, ravaged wantonly by the violent demon ape, even unable to fight back.

“Or not.”

Long Aotian, who was not far away, felt that Ye Xiu’s situation was very dangerous, and he wanted to take action immediately.

But soon he denied this idea, because he saw that Ye Xiu’s hands had formed a strange handprint on his chest, which was different from the two mantras of fighting characters and xing characters.

“Could it be that this kid has other mantras?”

Long Aotian suddenly realized this, and he couldn’t calm down.

You know, back then, Li Qingxuan only got two mantras, and the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor who fought him had no power to fight back, so they could only let them seal it.

Ye Xiu actually mastered three of them now, which is incredible.

But while shocked, he also wanted to know what kind of mantra Ye Xiu had mastered besides the fighting word and the running word mantra.

You know, the nine-character mantra, each word represents a kind of Tao, a kind of ultimate power, and it is unique.


Ye Xiu slowly spit out the word, and immediately the power between the heavens and the earth was under his control and gathered in his body, and his strength instantly doubled.

This is actually a helpless move for him.

This violent demon ape was too strong after he ran away. If he didn’t take any measures, he would surely be beaten to death by him.

What can change everything is definitely the mantra of Linzi.

After the strength Ascension, Ye Xiu finally recovered a certain decline, and was able to keep up with the offensive of the violent demon, punching out to meet him.

Boom boom boom…

A new round of collisions opened again, and they were directly hit by fire in the sky, and every time they collided, the space was directly shattered, making the entire area extremely chaotic.

Many Demonic Beasts of Life in the woods also fled here because they couldn’t bear this terrible pressure.


It was another fierce collision, and the two Daoist shadows quickly staggered, standing thousands of meters away, looking at each other.

Ye Xiu’s face was pale at this time, blood was flowing out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth, and the aura on his body was a little messy, and the whole person seemed to be extremely embarrassed.

But his eyes are like Stars in the night sky, they are so bright, and the corners of his mouth are still raised, showing a smile.

He estimated that it was right. The violent demon ape at this time brought unprecedented pressure to him, prompting his Cultivation Base to ascension at an extremely fast speed.

In this way, he is not far from breakthrough.

“Come again.”

Ye Xiu roared, and before the violent demon ape could take action, he sent it directly to the door.


The violent demon ape felt the provocation, roared in anger, and once again turned into a phantom and rushed in front of Ye Xiu.

This strike exploded with all its power, blasted out with a punch, and directly rubbed the air into sparks. It looked like a meteor falling from the sky, slamming heavily on Ye Xiu’s fist.

Ye Xiu was knocked down and flew out, smashing a big hole directly on the ground.

The violent demon ape didn’t let Ye Xiu go. His figure flashed directly on top of Ye Xiu’s head.

The ground cracked directly, spreading around like a spider web.

“Do you still insist?”

Long Aotian squeezed a sweat for Ye Xiu from the side, and now Ye Xiu has fallen into an absolute disadvantage, completely suppressed by the violent demon ape.

It’s the strength of this punch, but I have a deep understanding of it, even if I get a punch, it is very uncomfortable.

Ye Xiu is no more than the Eighth Stage Sky, and with such a heavy blow, the consequences can be imagined.

He wanted to make a move, but he was afraid of affecting Ye Xiu’s breakthrough, but he couldn’t bear it just looking at it, because if Ye Xiu persisted, he might be killed by the violent demon ape.

So Long Aotian is quite contradictory now, he wants Ye Xiu to stick to it, but he doesn’t want him to stick to it.

It would be fine if Ye Xiu asked for help at this time, so he wouldn’t have to worry about it.

But he waited for a long time and still didn’t wait for Ye Xiu’s help, which made him more irritated.

“do not care.”

In the end, Long Aotian couldn’t help it, and if the delay continued, Ye Xiuke was beaten to death, so no matter what Ye Xiu thought, he had to take action.

His figure flickered, and he came directly to the top of the berserk demon ape’s head.

But when he was about to make a move, Ye Xiu’s voice came in his ears.

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