Chapter 612: Infiltrating the Crazy Corpse Sect


Ye Xiu nodded, took the Jade Slip directly, and began to cultivate.

Since he had already had the cultivation experience of the ancient technique of facial cleansing before, he also cultivated very quickly, and it only took half a day to fully master the former Third Stage.

After that, Ye Xiu and Long Aotian left here and found a lonely corpse sect disciple outside.

This person’s name is Zhao Liankui, an inner disciple of the Inner Sect of the Crazy Corpse Sect, and his Cultivation Base has also reached the Seventh Stage of Dongtian. This time he came out to purchase a batch of Medicine Pill.

In fact, there were a few people who came out with him, but when they came back, they were scattered when something happened, so they acted alone, and then they were caught by Ye Xiu.

After that, under his gaze, Ye Xiu became his appearance.

And whether it’s the breath, appearance or Cultivation Base, it’s the same, it’s just like carved out of a mold, it’s unbelievable.

“This… what transformation art is this?”

Zhao Liankui’s eyes widened, this was incredible, even he couldn’t find the slightest flaw.

If he hadn’t seen all this with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe that there was such a magical transformation art in this world, it was incredible.

“I have planted the bone-eating clam poison in your body. You should be able to feel its terrible. If you don’t want to die, you can stay here honestly during this period of time. Otherwise, I can ask for it at any time. If you don’t believe me, you can try it.”

Although Ye Xiu had already imprisoned his body, although the chance of him escaping was very small, he was not afraid of ten thousand things just in case.

So he still keeps a back move.

“No, I dare not.”

Zhao Liankui shook his head quickly and said that he was just an inner disciple of the mad corpse sect, not even the true story. Joining the mad corpse sect was also to gain powerful combat power.

So he didn’t sacrifice his own consciousness for Sect at all.

In addition, although he didn’t know if the poison in his body was the poison of the legendary bone-eating clam, the poison was enough to kill him.

“Such the best.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he walked out of the cave and put Long Aotian into the storage ring, before rushing towards the mad corpse sect with Zhao Liankui’s storage ring.

The guard of the mad corpse sect at this time is very severe. Just at the entrance of Sect, there are more than 30 people guarding there, and there are people in the king realm who are constantly scanning.

Ye Xiu easily sneaked into the mad corpse sect with Wang Liankui’s identity token, and he did not arouse anyone’s suspicion.

After that, according to what Zhao Liankui said, Ye Xiu handed in the Medicine Pill collected this time, and asked some people to find out where they were arrested.

But unfortunately, he found a lot of people, and he didn’t get any results.

Because these people only know that Sect has captured a lot of people, but they don’t know the specific use of arresting them, and where they are being held.

It can be seen that these people themselves did not know that they had become a member of Emperor Wangu’s banner.

“Little Ye Zi, look, another group of people have arrived. We should be able to find a lot of whereabouts after following him.”

Qi Tian reminded.

Ye Xiu also noticed that there was a group of mad corpse sect disciples coming in under the pressure of a group of people, and he immediately followed after them.

After a while, Ye Xiu found that they had pressed these people into a huge tower, and there were still many people guarding the door.

So he tried to get closer, but before he got to the front, he drew the glares of the guard in front of the door, and it was almost like saying something to make him go quickly.

“How can I get in?”

Ye Xiu frowned and said, a lot of money should have been sent into this high tower.

However, this place was heavily guarded, and the surrounding area was extremely empty. He thought it would be impossible to get in without knowing it, and he had no idea for a while.

“Why are you hiding here sneakily? Don’t you know that this is a forbidden area?”

At this moment, a loud voice came from behind.

Ye Xiu looked back and saw a thin old man appeared behind him.

The thin old man wears a gray robe, and his breath is also very strong. Ye Xiu can’t see it with a body cultivator. This shows that his Cultivation Base is at least the Sixth Stage of his life.

“Inner disciple Zhao Liankui, meet Elder.”

Ye Xiu hurriedly bowed to this person.

“I ask you what are you doing sneakily hiding here?”

The thin old man asked again.

“No, nothing. It’s just a little curious. The disciple won’t dare anymore, so I will leave.”

Ye Xiu said that he was about to leave here, and later tried to find a way to get in.

“Since I’m here, follow me in. I happen to be short of an assistant.”

The thin old man immediately reached out and blocked Ye Xiu’s path.


Ye Xiu didn’t expect his own luck to be so good. He was still thinking about how to get in, but he didn’t expect that the thin old man would come to the door by himself.

It’s really what I want to do.

“Ah what, aren’t you curious about this place, you can go in as an assistant for me, but the things inside cannot be spread out, understand?”

There was a playful look in the old man’s eyes.

“Yes, thank you Elder for the cultivation.”

Ye Xiu certainly wouldn’t refuse, and directly followed the thin old man into the tower.

From the outside, this high tower looks so tall and magnificent, but inside it is very ordinary, as if it was built hastily, and they do not go upwards, but go underground.

“Elder, what exactly is this here?”

Ye Xiu asked curiously.

“You’ll find out later.”

The thin old man didn’t answer his question, but still buried his head down. After walking for about half an hour, they came to an artificially excavated room underground.

There are a total of eight gates here, with the eight characters Gan, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, and Dui written on them, which are arranged in accordance with Eight Trigrams.

Skinny Elder stretched out his right hand, pinching his fingers and presuming that he walked in with Ye Xiu towards the dry character door for a while.

Ye Xiu only felt the light in front of him dimmed and came to a dark place, and at the same time a weak wailing sound came from the front, very sad.

Looking intently, I saw that in a huge space, countless people were hung above, Cultivation Base was completely imprisoned, but their wrists were cut and they were bleeding continuously.

There was a long gully beneath them, and the dripping blood was gathering together along the gully, and finally flowed into the unknown.

The whole room is full of strong bloody air, it is simply a purgatory on earth.

“follow me.”

Skinny Elder saw Ye Xiu look like this, smiled, and then led him through the crowd again to a room with eight doors. This time he calculated for a while, and finally chose the Genzi door and walked in.

A similar situation was staged five times, and finally they arrived in a small room.

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