Chapter six hundred and thirty-two


With Ye Xiu’s angry shout, eight figures shot at the same time, ten thunder pillars rose from the ground, and the sky was filled with thunder in an instant, directly forming a thunder curtain to block the world.

“Five Thunder Forbidden Domain?”

Xia Jiuyou frowned, which was completely different from the Five Thunder Forbidden Domain in his memory.

He remembered that these five thunder forbidden domains used to be the iconic combat skill of the gods, and they were acquired by Xuan Lei Zong after several twists and turns.

However, in his impression, the Five Thunder Forbidden Domain is composed of five thunder pillars, and the Five Thunder Forbidden Domain used by Ye Xiu is composed of ten thunder pillars, and the power is more than several times stronger.

“No, this is the Yin & Yang Five Thunder Forbidden Domain. How could this kid get the Yin & Yang Five Thunders Righteous Method of the Gods Gate?”

Xia Jiuyou only remembered at this time that the most orthodox method of Shen Xiaomen’s thunder method was Yin & Yang’s five thunder method, which was once famous.

However, since Yin & Yang’s five thunder rectification method emphasizes the harmony of Yin & Yang, it is difficult for ordinary people to grasp it, so Shenxiaomen spent a lot of time to weaken it, and divided the Yin & Yang five thunder rectification method into Yin & Yang five thunders and five thunders. To make it simple.

Compared with the five yin thunders, the five yang thunders are obviously easier to master, so over time, few people know about this.

If Ye Xiu wants to use the Yin & Yang Five Thunders Forbidden Domain, he must master the Yin & Yang Five Thunders rectification method. Very few people mastered this thunder method back then. Is it possible that Ye Xiu could not be reincarnated with great power.

Not only that, but he also easily mastered the three mantras of presence, action, and fighting. This talent is also terrifying.

“Five thunders destroy the world.”

Ye Xiu yelled, ten thunder pillars began to tremble violently, and the thunder light on them became brighter and brighter. They looked extremely dazzling and made people unable to open their eyes.

The Destruction of the World by Five Thunders is a killer move hidden in the Forbidden Domain of Five Thunders. Just listen to the name and know that this is a very terrifying method.

Use Yin & Yang’s five thunders to forcibly strip away a world and tear it to pieces with the power of thunder, turning it into nothingness.

Of course, the word “Mie Shi” is a bit exaggerated, but a powerful person in Cultivation Base can completely destroy a world with this method. Ye Xiu is doing this right now.

The power of the powerful thunder is like a sharp dagger, instantly tearing the space into pieces, and the area covered by the five thunder forbidden area has also become a chaotic place.

The space debris flew, and the power of the void filled.

Xia Jiuyou’s face also changed drastically, and his body was directly cut by sharp space debris.

This space debris can be said to be the sharpest thing in the world, and he couldn’t bear it at all with the strength of his physical body at this time.

“Heavenly Demon handprint.”

Xia Jiuyou shouted, the nine clones shot at the same time, and the nine huge palm prints merged together.

He knew that he had to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise he would be torn to pieces by the Five Thunder Forbidden Domain along with this world, and he would die.


The palm print hit the five thunder forbidden domain, making a loud noise, but unfortunately, although the power of this palm is not weak, it is only capable of shaking the Yin & Yang five thunder forbidden domain.

You should know that Yin & Yang’s five thunder forbidden domains Yin & Yang are in harmony, mutually reinforce each other, and form a perfect balance.

Although Xia Jiuyou’s strength is good, if he can’t break this balance, then he can’t break the Yin & Yang Five Thunder Forbidden Domain, let alone escape from it.

Therefore, the rupture of the heaven and earth continued, and sharp spatial cracks continued to appear, leaving scars one after another on Xia Jiuyou’s body.

It was terrible.

“Damn it.”

Xia Jiuyou’s face was gloomy, and he was a powerful existence created by his master, inheriting most of the memories of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, and also controlling Xia Jiuyou’s body.

Under the superposition of the two, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Now that he was ruthlessly crushed by a fellow like Ye Xiu from the Celestial Cave, this really made him unacceptable.

But in the current situation, with his strength at this time, he couldn’t escape at all, so he immediately abandoned Xia Jiuyou’s body, then turned into a black shadow and plunged into the ground, fleeing outside.

As the saying goes, staying green hills are not afraid of not having firewood.

But just when it was about to rush out of the five thunder forbidden domain, a huge energy palm fell from the sky and directly smashed a huge hole out of the ground.

This black shadow was also shaken out of the ground by this force.

“You can’t go anywhere without my consent!”

Ye Xiu came to it in a flash, grabbing it in the palm of his hand.

“There is a way to heaven, you don’t go, The Underworld has no way you can vote on your own, go to death.”

The dark shadow that was caught by Ye Xiu was not worried, but showed a light of excitement. The moment Ye Xiu caught it, it went through the pores of the palm of his hand.

It can even control Xia Jiuyou, let alone Ye Xiu.

After entering Ye Xiu’s body, it immediately followed the veins to Ye Xiu’s heart pulse, trying to control Ye Xiu with the method of controlling Xia Jiuyou.

But when he arrived at Ye Xiu’s heart, he was firmly locked in by a powerful suction before he could do it. No matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail.

In the end, he was still sucked in by Jiuchang Tianxin.


A strong heartbeat blasted in Ye Xiu’s heart. At this time, Jiuchang Tianxin also felt the intrusion of foreign objects, and immediately turned on the violent mode, beating violently.

The power of horror is like a stormy sea, constantly scouring the shadow, squeezing out the power in it bit by bit, and forming pure power to supplement Ye Xiu’s consumption.

“how so!”

The shadow was stunned by this scene, how could a person’s heart be so abnormal.

Everyone else stores their power in Dantian. It’s good for this kid to store it in his heart. This is not the strangest thing for him. It found that Ye Xiu’s heart is so strange that it still has nine orifices.

And here, he has no power to fight back, so he can only let him continue to draw his own power.

It felt like he had become a fat pig, letting Ye Xiu take it.

This situation made Ye Xiu unexpected. He originally wanted to trap it with the Great Sun Golden Flame, and then refine it to death with Soul Refining, and get some useful information from it.

But I didn’t expect it to be directly locked up by own nine change Tianxin, and after absorbing the power in its body, own Cultivation Base also got a lot of Ascension.

This is really a surprise.

“Ye Xiu, you’d better let me go, otherwise, the day when my lord breaks the seal will be your death date.”

Black Shadow is also powerless for the current situation. Its body has been firmly imprisoned by Ye Xiu’s Nine Transformation Heart, and with its power at this time, it can’t break free.

Therefore, it can only move the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor out, hoping that Ye Xiu can throw himself away.

Although he was only a ray of consciousness of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, but now it has also been born with self-consciousness, it naturally does not want to die like this.

What’s more, this time he has made such a great contribution, and the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor will definitely not treat him wrongly.

Maybe, when the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor is happy, he will gather a body for himself, so that he can come to life in a true sense.

If it dies in Ye Xiu’s hands, it won’t get anything.

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