Chapter 758 is worthy of you

“Then you just assume that I didn’t say it.”

Ye Xiu shrugged and looked indifferent. I told you what I should say anyway. If you don’t listen, I can’t help it.

“Hmph, break it for me.”

One of them was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ye Xiu, yelled, and broke the formation directly, but as soon as he moved, he saw a purple thunder light descending directly from the top of his head.

The person’s body stiffened, his eyes rounded, and then a face was distorted due to pain.


In the end, the body is constantly beating and twitching like your ball, and foam is spit out from the corners of the mouth.

The other person’s face changed and he subconsciously took a step towards retreated, but at this moment, he felt a pain in his feet, and when he looked down, he saw a golden flame rushing from the soles of his feet, spreading his entire calf in an instant.

This person’s complexion changed and he kept shaking, but he couldn’t get rid of it at all, and instead allowed it to continue to spread.

He knew the terrible place of this flame, and his heart was crossed, a war knife appeared on his right hand, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and then he hit his thigh with a stab.


A painful scream sounded, and the blood directly stained the ground.

“A bit courageous.”

Ye Xiu nodded, admiring this person’s aspirations, after all, not everyone can do it, although it is useless.

After he cut off one of his own legs, his body’s center of gravity was unstable, and he took another step to retreated. Then, another big sun golden flame rushed up, and soon enveloped him.

Within a moment of effort, he became a burning man with fire all over, and even the smell of burnt feathers floated out.

The screams became lighter and lighter, and finally lay silent on the ground.

“Little Ye Zi, is this really a thunder and fire?”

Xiaodie was a little surprised, not to say that the formation method of the Thunderfire Killing Array had been lost, how could Ye Xiu master it.

“I’m inferring this, but it can only be used by myself at the moment. If others want to use it, they must have the power of both thunder and fire attributes at the same time.”

Ye Xiu explained that in fact, this Thunderfire Killing Array and the real Thunderfire Killing Array still have something to do with each other.

The real Thunder Fire Killing Array is to provoke the two blessings of thunder and fire between the heaven and the earth, thus causing a near-destructive blow to the enemy, and the power is also very huge.

The king of high rank has no resistance in front of it.

The Thunder and Fire Killing Array used by Ye Xiu is based on his own Thunder and Fire two powers.

However, he will continue to improve it later, after all, it is not a simple matter to restore a top-level killing formation.

Bang bang ……

Just when Ye Xiu was about to leave, there was a clapping sound from a distance, looking for the sound, only a group of three people were slowly walking towards this side.

One of them, Ye Xiu, knew him. It was Liu Tianci, the son of the city lord of Shengwu City. He had never seen the remaining two people.

Of these two people, the most eye-catching one was the young man walking in the front. He seemed to be younger than Liu Tianci, 15 or 16 years old, and his face was slightly immature.

Although this person is not very old, there is an unignorable air between his eyebrows, sword eyebrow star eyes, heroic Bufan.

Its Cultivation Base has also reached the seventh stage of its life, with a strong breath and a solid foundation, which is far from ordinary people.

If Ye Xiu didn’t guess wrong, this person should be the Li Xuanyi who shouted to him before.

As for the other person, his age is not much different from that of Liu Tianci. In his early twenties, Cultivation Base has reached the eighth stage of his life. Such strength can be regarded as the best among the younger generation of Wuyu.

But compared with Li Xuan one by one, it seems trivial.

“Ye Xiu, seeing Master Li here, he didn’t surrender quickly, so as not to suffer from that flesh and blood.”

Liu Tianci said with a grim look, last time you let daddy throw away his armor and his face was lost. Today, daddy wants to take back from you with the benefits.

“Liu Tianci, you are really the best among people. The young master of the dignified Saint Martial City was willing to be a dog for others. I originally thought you were a human being. Now it seems that you are just a dog. Who gave you the bones? It’s like someone wagging his tail and begging for mercy, it’s so pitiful.”

Ye Xiu said with disdain, although the previous Liu Tianci was useless, he was still a bit bloody.

But now that he is willing to be a dog for someone, this kind of person doesn’t even have the qualifications to become his opponent.


Liu Tian was so angry that this guy actually compared himself to a dog, it was absolutely Damn it.

Although he knew in his heart that what he did now was no different from Li Xuanyi’s dog, but he could be a dog, but you can’t say it.

What’s wrong with being a dog for Li Xuanyi.

With this relationship, the status of their Saint Martial City can also rise, and there is no chance that others want to do it.

“I didn’t expect you to be proficient in formation. I underestimated you before, but we are not the real Martial Ancestor people who can kill anyone who wants to kill.”

Li Xuanyi took a step forward and said, “Hand over the broken sword and the map, I can give you a good time.”

“Are you Li Xuanyi?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Why, doesn’t it look like?”

Li Xuanyi asked lightly.

“A person who seems to be quite clever, how can he be foolish? Who told you that the map is in my hands?”

Ye Xiu asked back.


Li Xuan frowned, looked at Liu Tianci and asked, “What does he mean by this?”

“Master Li, don’t listen to his nonsense. The map is in Ye Xiu’s hands. No one in the entire Martial Domain knows. He is separating the relationship between you and me.”

Liu Tianci’s heart was chilled, wishing to greet all the eighteenth generations of Ye Xiu’s ancestors, it was so insidious.

Although he has not been in contact with Li Xuanyi for a long time, he also knows that Li Xuanyi is a person, and what people like this hate most is being used by others.

If this charge is taken seriously, his father will not be able to save him.

“Separate you? Even you deserve it.”

Ye Xiu glanced at him disdainfully and said: “Li Xuan is right, he must have not told you that Fu Jingyun was held by them for nearly half a month before, think about it, they have already obtained the Saint Martial City. The whereabouts of the map, doing this now is just a thief shouting to catch the thief, trying to cover it up.”

“What he said is true?”

Li Xuan frowned and looked at Liu Tianci with a cold expression.

“Yes, we did catch Fu Jingyun before, but the kid refused to speak alive, and later he escaped and was rescued by Ye Xiu. Now only he knows the whereabouts of the map. ”

Liu Tianci hurriedly explained that he didn’t want Li Xuan to misunderstand himself.

“It’s ridiculous, how tight your guard is in the City Lord’s Mansion, why did you let Fu Jingyun escape? Do you really think I can’t see your purpose? You are too tender if you want to frame me.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

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