Chapter 772

The back mountain of the Tianxing Pavilion does not refer to a single mountain, but a mountain, so it covers a large area, but the heaven and earth vitality in it is very thin, so it appears very desolate.

At the same time, there is a huge formation covering this mountain and isolating the outside energy from entering, and the only entrance is where Murong Bing had argued before.

This is not a good place. According to Su Yan’s memory, this place was actually used to punish the disciples who made mistakes, which is why Ye Xiu was so annoyed.

Because don’t talk about cultivation here, staying for a long time, Cultivation Base has the risk of falling.

As for this formation, Ye Xiu couldn’t be troubled at all, and he didn’t even need to use the mantra of running characters. You Longbu could let him enter here without any obstacles.

According to Su Yan’s memory, he soon came to a valley in the center of the mountains.

There are a few houses built on the mountain, next to a huge waterfall splashing countless water, the environment is not bad, but not at all popular.

Ye Xiu released his own soul power and swept around, but did not find Lin Qingcheng’s figure in the room, which made him a little strange.

Secretly they are deliberately acting for themselves, want to catch a turtle in an urn?

But soon he denied this idea.

If they really planned this way, they could do it in the Great Hall before. There is no need to wait until now, and it is impossible for them to know that they have come.


At this moment, there was a soft noise in the distance.

Looking intently, I saw a white and flawless shadow emerging from the bottom of the pool, and her black and beautiful hair drifted with the waves, so beautiful.

At this moment, Lin Qingcheng was facing her back, revealing her suet-like back and beautiful lines. Ye Xiu was all dry and dry when she looked at it.

“This girl!”

Ye Xiu was very helpless. He was frightened outside. This girl was good, but she still had a leisurely feeling to take a bath.


Ye Xiu sighed, then coughed twice.


Lin Qingcheng was taken aback by the sound, her delicate little face was full of panic, and he hurriedly buried his body in the water, looking at this side vigilantly.

“Senior Sister Su, why are you here?”

Lin Qingcheng couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief after seeing the appearance of the incoming person clearly.

Of course, the reason why she dared to take a bath here is mainly because the entire Sect is female, and there is no male disciple, so she doesn’t have to worry about someone coming to peek at herself.

In addition, there is only one person here, and it is a bit boring after a long time, so I have some fun.

The reason why she was so nervous was mainly because there were no people in this place at all, and the suddenness of this situation made her so nervous.

“Qingcheng, you should put on your clothes first. I have something to tell you. Then, I will go to the room and wait for you first.”

Ye Xiu felt that Own’s nose was a little warm, so he didn’t dare to stay here, and he entered the room in a flash.

“What happened to Sister Su today?”

Lin Qingcheng was a little strange. She had seen this Su Yan several times before. Although she couldn’t talk about friendship, they weren’t unfamiliar with each other.

But Su Yan felt completely different to Own today.

But she didn’t think much, she immediately went ashore and put on her clothes. With her momentum, she steamed her own hair, combed it briefly, and entered the room.

But at this time he saw a figure that made her think about it.

“Little Ye Zi, is that you?”

Lin Qingcheng asked hurriedly.

“What do you say!”

Ye Xiu smiled and turned around.


When Lin Qingcheng saw Ye Xiu, he still controlled it and threw directly into his arms.

In fact, she had long wanted to find Ye Xiu, but for some reason, the pavilion master suddenly sent her to this place, and she was not allowed to contact the outside world.

But she is not stupid, the various changes in Tianxing Pavilion should be related to Ye Xiu.

It’s a pity that no one has been here since she entered here. She wanted to go out but was stopped by someone, so she didn’t even know what happened outside until now.

“Little Ye Zi, did you pretend that Senior Sister Su just now?”

Lin Qingcheng understood everything. After he came here, only Su Yanjin had been here, but in a blink of an eye she disappeared, leaving Ye Xiu alone.

Moreover, she also knew that Ye Xiu would be able to cleanse the face, so she guessed it directly.

“Ahem, that’s it.”

Ye Xiu smiled bitterly. He didn’t expect to encounter such a situation. As for Su Yan, she was sent to the next room and continued to fall asleep.

“Does it look good?”

Lin Qingcheng didn’t think there was anything. He threw his heart on Ye Xiu, and let him see what he was doing. Anyway, it was his own.


Ye Xiu nodded subconsciously, and then he woke up and said, “Qingcheng, stop making trouble. I am here to take you away this time. The Sky Star Pavilion is no longer suitable for you to stay.”

“What happened?”

Lin Qingcheng also guessed something, but she didn’t know the specifics.

“That’s it…”

Ye Xiu simply said the grudge between him and Tianxing Pavilion, and then told Lin Qingcheng about their Ruyi Scepter.

“How can they do this!”

A look of disappointment appeared on Lin Qingcheng’s small face. Speaking of which, she still has a good impression of Tianxing Pavilion until now. Senior sisters and elders have also taken good care of her.

So after coming in, she helped Tianxing Pavilion refine a lot of Medicine Pill.

Although she guessed that the reason why Tianxing Pavilion treated herself this way was probably due to some contradiction with Ye Xiu, she thought more about Tianxing Pavilion not wanting to embarrass herself.

Now she realized that they weren’t afraid of embarrassing themselves, but wanted to use themselves to threaten Ye Xiu.

What made her unexpected was that Tianxing Pavilion actually planned to give herself to the prince of the Great Desolate Dynasty in exchange for the protection of the Great Desolate Dynasty. This was something she could not accept anyway.

“So this place is no longer suitable for you. Prepare yourself and I will take you away tonight.”

Ye Xiu said.

“How about I also cultivate the ancient technique of facial cleansing, so that I won’t be discovered by others?”

Lin Qingcheng thought for a while. She knew that Ye Xiu was able to come in with the help of ancient facial cleansing techniques. If she walked out swaggeringly, she would definitely be discovered.

In this situation, they would definitely not let themselves leave the Sky Star Pavilion.

“Time is too late, but don’t worry, I have my own way.”

Ye Xiu shook his head and said, he hadn’t thought about this, but if you want to escape under the noses of a few celebrity king realm masters, at least you need to cultivate the ancient beauty cleansing technique to the sixth level.

But the cultivation of the ancient technique of facial cleansing was extremely difficult, and Lin Qingcheng couldn’t master the sixth level in a short time, even she couldn’t master the contemplation technique.

So he can only think of other ways.

“any solution?”

Lin Qingcheng asked.

“Sounds against each other.”

Ye Xiu said.

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