Chapter 777 You still know to come back

“Your kid still knows to come back.”

As soon as Ye Xiu and Lin Qingcheng entered the Scarlet Cloud Sect, Luo Qianshan rushed over when he got the news, and he came up with such endless words.

“What’s the matter, master?”

Ye Xiu was a little inexplicable, he didn’t seem to provoke Luo Qianshan, how could he look at him with a grudge on his face.

“What do you say, I told you before I became a teacher that the apprenticeship ceremony will be held three days later. It’s good for you kid, and there will be no shadows in this run. Tell me how many days is this?”

Luo Qianshan said in a bad mood.

After he came out of Yun Mengze, he sent people to inform the big sects, saying that the apprenticeship ceremony was held three days later, in order to rectify Ye Xiu’s name.

But this kid is good, it takes six or seven days to leave, so that the ceremony of apprenticeship has been delayed.

If this kid doesn’t come back, he really can’t help but explode.

“I really forgot.”

Ye Xiu really forgot this. Originally, he planned to return to Scarlet Cloud Sect as soon as the auction was over, and then went to the Tianxing Pavilion to pick up Lin Qingcheng after the end of the apprenticeship ceremony.

It’s just that I ran into Murong Bing later, and learned from her that Lin Qingcheng’s current situation was not very good, so he had to go there early.

Afterwards, he found that fortunately he had passed ahead of time. Otherwise, Qingcheng would have been deceived by those old women into the Great Desolate Dynasty.

Therefore, he did not regret what he did, but he was a little sorry for Luo Qianshan. After all, he was also trying to help himself.

“Forget it, this apprenticeship ceremony itself is just a cutscene, and it will be fine for a few days later. In this way, if you have nothing to do, I will set the ceremony of apprenticeship to tomorrow. When that happens, you can stop losing face as a teacher. ”

Luo Qianshan knew that Ye Xiu must have encountered something, otherwise, he couldn’t make himself embarrassed, so he didn’t ask the people below to notify Ye Xiu.

But this incident not only represents Luo Qianshan alone, but also the face of the entire Scarlet Cloud Sect.

Therefore, this matter must continue and cannot be delayed any longer.

In addition, the situation in Wuyu is not very beneficial to Ye Xiu. He feels that this is very much like a conspiracy against Ye Xiu, so the status of master and apprentice between them must be determined as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

“Master, I really need your help for one thing.”

Ye Xiu pulled Lin Qingcheng to the owner’s side and said, “I will introduce you to her. She is called Lin Qingcheng. You should have understood that she is actually my fiancée. Tianxing Pavilion’s practices are not authentic, so I will pick her up. Yes, can you arrange it?”

“You kid, look at this cleverness, how can you do such a stupid thing? Wouldn’t it be all right for this girl to join Scarlet Cloud Sect before?”

Luo Qianshan paused, and then said, “Well, let her worship me as a teacher with you tomorrow. Anyway, two sheep will be released, and three sheep will also be released.”

Of course he knows Lin Qingcheng’s affairs, and he also knows the contribution this girl has made to the Tianxing Pavilion after joining the Tianxing Pavilion.

Had it not been for Lin Qingcheng to have already worshipped the Sky Star Pavilion when he knew this, he would definitely let Ye Xiu abduct Lin Qingcheng into the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

Scarlet Cloud Sect is now waiting to be revived, and is in urgent need of a high-level pill refining teacher.

When Li Chunyang and the others knew about this, they didn’t know how many times they had looked for themselves secretly, and wanted Ye Xiu to do the work to bring Lin Qingcheng back.

It’s just that this matter is a foregone conclusion, so he doesn’t bother to ask about it.

It’s all right now, they finally don’t use it to bother themselves.

“It’s good to dare to love.”

Ye Xiu nodded, having no opinion on this matter.

“By the way, the matter of Tianxing Pavilion’s mountain closure has something to do with you, right?”

Speaking of this matter, Luo Qianshan thought of the Tianxing Pavilion closing the mountain again.

The people outside only knew that the Tianxing Pavilion was forced to seal the mountain by Ye Xiu, but the specific details were not very clear.

The disciples of the Tianxing Pavilion did not explain much, and the Tianxing Pavilion is now closed, so this matter has become a mystery.

Now that this kid is back, he naturally wants to ask this matter clearly.

“Small carving skills are not enough.”

Ye Xiu waved his hand. It was said that Tianxing Pavilion had asked for all of this, so he had to leave with Lin Qingcheng, he had to come to own trouble.

I’m all right now, I’ve got myself in.

“Don’t talk nonsense, talk about the point.”

Luo Qianshan’s old face sank. Tianxing Pavilion was one of the four martial arts sects. Although the Yunmengze trip lost a king, the overall strength is still very strong.

Ye Xiu was just a little man who was born in Fifth Stage, and he actually forced the Tianxing Pavilion to close the mountain.

If this is a small carving skill, then there is probably no earth-shattering feat in this world.

“In fact, it’s nothing, I just used a little trick…”

Ye Xiu briefly explained that because Luo Qianshan knew about Jiebao’s affairs, he didn’t conceal anything.

“This Qu Linglong is really going back more and more. The reason why her Tianxing Pavilion has grown to the scale it is today is based on the purpose of the sect.”

Luo Qianshan said irritably, “She is now blatantly violating the purpose set by her ancestor. Isn’t this digging her own grave?”

He knew more about the Sky Star Pavilion than many people, and it seemed that the Sky Star Pavilion was really inferior to one generation.

“I hope she can realize the problem.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while. At first, he had a good impression of the Tianxing Pavilion. Otherwise, he wouldn’t worry about letting Lin Qingcheng worship it.

However, the series of actions behind them made him greatly disappointed, especially when they wanted to give Lin Qingcheng to the prince of the Dahuang Dynasty. This was completely at the expense of their disciples in exchange for benefits.

If a school wants to maintain it, it needs to force its disciples to sacrifice their own dignity and even their lives. There is no place for them to be nostalgic for.

In contrast, Scarlet Cloud Sect is doing very well.

Although they had also gone through a period of darkness, the senior officials of the Scarlet Cloud Sect did not force their disciples to do anything at all.

Many things were spontaneously done by Chiyun Sect’s disciples.

Therefore, although the overall strength of the Scarlet Cloud Sect has been greatly affected over the years, the cohesion within Sect is incomparable by any school.

This is probably the fundamental reason why they have been able to persist so far.

“One more thing, this is a letter sent by Qian Duoduo a few days ago. Since you are not here, I will put it away for you, and now it’s time to return the property to its original owner.”

Luo Qianshan took out a letter from the storage ring and handed it to Ye Xiu.


Ye Xiu was a little strange. He and Qian Duo had only been separated for a few days. Why did he send someone to deliver the letter? Did the matter of killing Liu Tianci bother him?

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu was worried for a while, and he opened the letter to read it.

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