Chapter 785: Traveling together?

“What the guest officer said was not wrong, and the facts are basically like this.”

The shop Xiaoer just came over with the wine and food, and heard what Zhao Lingjun said, so he replied, and then put the wine and food, but he did not intend to leave.

Standing aside, rubbing his hands with a smile on his face, he seemed to be waiting for Ye Xiu and the others to ask questions.

“Tell what you know, these essence stones are yours.”

Ye Xiu understood what the shop Xiaoer meant, and directly took out a storage bag and threw it on the table.

“Thank you, sir.”

Xiao Er’s eyes lit up, he took the storage bag, and his spiritual thoughts swept away, the smile on his face became stronger, so he said: “The general situation of the Grand Canyon of No Return is basically the same as the official said, but There is a little difference. Not only the masters of the Human King Realm will die bizarrely, but even the masters of the Destiny Realm will die bizarrely, but the number is smaller, so most people don’t know this situation.”

“Oh? Do you know what caused this?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“This little one is not clear. Someone once investigated this matter, but in the end there was no reasonable explanation, and in the end this matter was gone.”

Dian Xiaoer continued: “In short, when you enter the Grand Canyon of No Return, the higher the Cultivation Base, the greater the chance of being affected, and there should be no problem for several people.”

“I see. Go ahead.”

Ye Xiu waved his hand. In fact, he also guessed the result. If the investigation is clear, it is impossible that no news has been passed out.

However, he became more and more interested in the Grand Canyon of No Return.

“People in this fate are also affected!”

Zhao Lingjun’s face changed slightly, although Xiaoer Dian said that they would have no problems, but he was still a little worried.

It would be fine if he was alone, but his Little Sister was also there, and of course he couldn’t let his Little Sister take the risk with him.

“Brother, shall we go back?”

Zhao Lingling asked, she was indeed a little scared, after all, the situation here had exceeded their expectations.

“It’s impossible to go back. I finally came out. I went back before I went in. If you let those brothers know, you won’t have to laugh at me. Then, you stay and I will go in and try it myself.”

Zhao Lingjun shook his head. He has already come here. If he doesn’t go in, see if he is unwilling.


Of course Zhao Lingling could not agree, but before she finished her words, she was interrupted by Zhao Lingjun: “Little Sister, don’t persuade me anymore. I am definitely going to this place. You stay and wait for my return.”

“No, I will go if you want to.”

Zhao Lingling thought for a while and said, she and Zhao Lingjun have depended on each other since they were young. If something happens to her Big Brother, she won’t be able to survive, so she will go together if she wants to.

Even if they were to die, they would die together.


Zhao Lingjun looked at Ye Xiu with some embarrassment, and wanted him to help persuade himself as Little Sister, but Ye Xiu had no intention of intervening at all, and he was drinking wherever he wanted to.

“Brother, okay?”

Seeing that Zhao Lingjun was still hesitating, Zhao Lingling directly used her own trick of acting like a baby.

“I’m really scared of you, but you have to listen to me after entering, otherwise, I would never take you in to take risks.”

Zhao Lingjun looked at Ye Xiu and smiled bitterly. For him, Little Sister, who really couldn’t refuse him.


Zhao Lingling nodded immediately.

“By the way, Brother Ren, are you alone? If you don’t dislike our inferior strength, how do you feel when we walk together?”

Zhao Lingjun suggested that although he could not see Ye Xiu’s actual situation, he instinctively felt that Ye Xiu was very unusual.

And the two of them ran out secretly this time, and only after they came out did they realize that their own was small, so they had long wanted to find someone to accompany them, but they had never had a chance.

Now Ye Xiu is alone, and it happens that the three of them can act together, so that they can take care of each other.

“Let me see, you still have to die. With your strengths, even if you go in together, you are still looking for death.”

At this moment, a master of the Eighth Stage at the next table came over and looked at Zhao Lingling with a smirk: “Little Sister, I think you should follow me. Follow me. Not only can you let If you eat fragrant and spicy food, it can make you ecstatic.”

Ha ha……

The men behind him also laughed. Bullying the weak is their favorite thing.

“I do not want.”

Zhao Lingling hid directly behind Zhao Lingjun.

Zhao Lingling’s appearance is not beautiful, but she can be considered to be good, giving people a very pure feeling, coupled with the lack of experience, she does not seem to be a person in the cultivation world, but she wants the little Sister next door.

“Brother, we are disciples of Xuanhumen. If you dare to touch a hair of my Little Sister, Xuanhumen will not let you go.”

Zhao Lingjun immediately stood up, guarding Zhao Lingling behind him, and said coldly, although the opponent’s strength is higher than himself, he will never let himself Little Sister be harmed.

“It turned out to be the elder brother, don’t worry, I won’t hurt her, it’s too late for me to hurt her.”

This person sneered and didn’t take Zhao Lingjun’s threat to heart at all, Xuanhumen? What kind of school it was, he hadn’t even heard of it.

As he said, he walked over here.

“Brother Ren Mu, please do me a favor and take me Little Sister out of here. I will hold them.”

Zhao Lingjun looked at Ye Xiu and said that this matter had nothing to do with Ye Xiu, and he didn’t want to involve Ye Xiu, but he also knew that with his own strength, he could not be this person’s opponent at all.

So his only hope is that Ye Xiu will help him send Little Sister away.

“Boy, this matter has nothing to do with you. You’d better leave it alone, otherwise, we’ll take care of it with you.”

The other party glanced at Ye Xiu, but didn’t put him in one’s eyes at all. To put in one’s eyes, a person who hides his head and reveals his tail, who dare not even show his true face, can he have any abilities.

“If you leave now, I can assume that nothing has happened.”

Ye Xiu shrugged and said, he didn’t want to cause trouble, but trouble always followed him, which made him very helpless.

He had a good impression of Zhao Lingjun and Zhao Lingling. Although he did not intend to go with them, he could not watch them suffer humiliation.

If they don’t make a move, the two of them will definitely not end well.

I don’t know what their master thinks, and he has no experience at all, so he dared to let them out. Isn’t this asking them to come out and die?

“Boy, we are disciples of the Swordsman Sect. Don’t toast or eat fine wine.”

The other party suddenly felt a pressure from Ye Xiu, and immediately felt a little moment in his heart, and hurriedly reported his own identity, hoping to frighten Ye Xiu.

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