The 789th chapter cloud fog grass

“Master Beast Control?”

Ye Xiu was taken aback and shook his head and said: “I am not a master of beast control, but I have hundreds of ways to make you better than death, so if you don’t want to die, just answer my questions honestly.”

The master of beast control Ye Xiu is no stranger. This is a special group of people who specialize in control and control beasts. Speaking of which, their existence is somewhat similar to the Ten Thousand Corpse Sect.

It’s just that the Ten Thousand Corpse Sect relies on refined corpses to fight, and the Beast Master relies on training Demonic Beasts to fight.

As far as he knows, there is a sect called Beast Controlling Sect in the central part of China. The disciples under this sect are the so-called Beast Controlling Master, and each disciple is accompanied by a powerful Demonic Beasts.

Therefore, their strength is also very strong in Central China, even if it is not far from the real Martial Ancestor.

“You are not a beast master, then how can you tame the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon?”

The Colorful Tiger King obviously did not believe that the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was an alternative among all Demonic Beasts. It took killing for pleasure, and there would be no living creatures in the area where it inhabited.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to be tamed, even if the beast control master relies on the powerful beast control technique, it is only possible to tame it.

Ye Xiu is not a master of beast control, so it is even more impossible to surrender him.

“You are so much nonsense, tell me why you can survive in the thick fog?”

Ye Xiu asked straightaway.

“This king didn’t survive in the thick fog.”

The colorful tiger king rolled his eyes and hurriedly replied.

This is its biggest secret, and it is also the basis for it to survive until now. If this secret is told to others, then how can it be mixed in the Grand Canyon of No Return.


Ye Xiu burst into an astonishing aura directly from his body, as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, pressing on the body of the colorful tiger king, and he could not move.


The Colorful Tiger King was taken aback. Is there anything wrong with this?

This king is the Demonic Beasts of the Seventh Stage of his life. Ye Xiu was overwhelmed by Ye Xiu’s breath.

“Tell me the answer. You still have a chance to survive. If you don’t say it, there is only a dead end.”

Ye Xiu said coldly, but he saw it come out of the thick fog with his own eyes, and this guy dared to open his eyes and talk nonsense in front of him.

Is the own Pluto sword disadvantageous?

“I said, I said it was.”

The colorful tiger king felt the threat of Death from Ye Xiu, and he dared not refuse to call himself his king.

You know, Demonic Beasts is born with the instinct to seek good and avoid evil. At this moment, it can clearly feel that Ye Xiu really has the ability to kill own.

Moreover, he also acted murderously at the moment.

Once you dare to refuse, or if you have a lie, then waiting for own is definitely a head-on.

“The reason why I was able to survive in five species is because of a special herb. I named it cloudgrass, because this thing only appears when there is thick fog, and it is usually not found.”

The colorful tiger king pondered for a moment.

“Cloudy Grass?”

Ye Xiu searched his own memory, but found no record of cloud grass, so he asked: “What exactly does this cloud do?”

“I only know that it can neutralize the toxins contained in the thick fog, and one strain can allow me to survive in the thick fog for a short period of half a month. As for whether it has other effects, I don’t know.”

The colorful tiger king replied.

“There are still toxins in this thick fog?”

Ye Xiu was stunned. He really didn’t know this. He only knew that the Wugui Grand Canyon shrouded in dense fog was very dangerous, and people who entered would never be able to get out.

But he didn’t know why this situation occurred. Now it seems that this should be related to the toxin mentioned by the colorful tiger king.

“That’s the case. This thick fog is actually a mixture of strong heaven and earth vitality, star power, and poisonousness, so it can’t be cultivated in it, otherwise it will only sink deeper and deeper, and eventually die in it.”

The colorful tiger king explained: “As for this cloud grass, I actually discovered it by accident. The dense fog that dissipated a hundred years ago recovered in advance. I was just born at that time, and then I swallowed a Medicinal herb when I was about to die. , And then I discovered that the toxins in my body had disappeared.”

“After my research, this cloudgrass has the effect of neutralizing toxins only when thick fog appears, but it is usually a highly toxic substance, so I often mix it, while cultivation, while searching for cloudgrass until You found out today.”

“It only took you a hundred years to reach this Realm!”

Ye Xiu was a little surprised, but he knew that the advanced difficulty of this Demonic Beasts was countless times more difficult than that of humans.

A genius among humans, it took a hundred years to break through to the natal realm, but it is already very rare for a Demonic Beasts.

“Didn’t I say that, there are a lot of heaven and earth vitality and star power, and the reason why they can’t be absorbed is mainly because of the toxin. As long as these are resolved, it is very easy to cultivate here.”

The colorful tiger king nodded and said, the reason why it kept its secrets about this secret was because the power of Star in the thick fog was enough to support him to break through to the King of Humans and even the Supreme Realm.

It’s just that entering the cultivation is very dangerous. If you can’t find the cloud grass, then he can only temporarily leave the dense fog and wait for the toxins in the body to be emptied before entering.

Today he came out because he didn’t find Cloud Fog, and the toxins in his body had accumulated to a certain extent, but he didn’t expect to be hit by Ye Xiu.

“You mean, as long as you can get Yunwu grass, then there will be a cultivation Sacred Land?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up. Here, the Colorful Tiger King can actually break through to the height of the Seventh Stage of his life within a hundred years, which is already very powerful.

If human beings cultivate in it, the benefits will probably not be bad.

In this way, this Wugui Grand Canyon is not a dangerous place, but a cultivation Sacred Land.

“The same can be said.”

The colorful tiger king nodded and said, the vitality of the heavens and the earth and the power of the Stars here are too huge. Both humans and Demonic Beasts can get great benefits.

The premise is to get the cloud grass, otherwise, everything is delusional.

However, the amount of cloudgrass in the Wugui Grand Canyon is very limited, and it has been searching for more than a hundred years, and it has only been used for more than 70 years.

If others know about this, then the benefits you can get here will be greatly reduced.

“It seems that this trip is not in vain.”

Ye Xiu said excitedly, for others, cloudgrass is needed to detoxify to enter here, but for him, it is completely unnecessary.

He didn’t believe that the poison here was stronger than the poison of the bone-eating clam.

Therefore, as long as there is the poison of the bone-eroding clam, he is walking on the ground here, and the thick fog that makes others talk about it has become his tonic.

If he cultivates here for a period of time, he can definitely shorten the time to be promoted to the King.

At the same time, he also thought of a good way to let the Scarlet Cloud Sect rise up, which is to let all their disciples enter the cultivation, or even move Scarlet Cloud Sect directly here.

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