Chapter 808: Red Practicing Poison Flame Promoted

“There must be a quick fight.”

Ye Xiu didn’t dare to delay any longer, because Qi Tian couldn’t hold on for long. Once they found a problem, their situation would be bad.

He immediately stepped forward and released the Great Sun Golden Flame. After Chilian Poison Yan felt the Great Sun Golden Flame, he immediately began to tremble violently, and then flew up, as if he was about to flee from here.

But here is a powerful Restrictions that imprison it here, making it inevitable.

“It’s really God’s help and surrender to me.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up. He didn’t expect the other party to be so polite and help him trap the Chilian Poison Flame. If he couldn’t subdue it, he would be too sorry for the intention of the Blood God Sect.

Soon, Chilian Poison Flame was wrapped up, and under the ravages of Da Ri Jinyan’s iron hoof, it struggled less and less, and finally knelt completely.

In the golden flames of the sun, he dared not move.

But Ye Xiu didn’t refine it. He didn’t intend to keep this thing for himself. In the future, when Scarlet Cloud Sect settles here, he will have to take it out.

If the loss is too great, it will be difficult for it to cover the entire Grand Canyon of No Return as it is now, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, he is only suppressing it now.

After that, he planned to separate a ray of Chi Lian Poison Flame and continue to disguise, and then quickly flee here, but when he was about to do it, the appearance of those who endured the pain suddenly appeared in his mind.

There was a murderous intent in his heart for no apparent reason.

Then Ye Xiu’s eyes flashed with cold light, and he changed his mind, and took Da Ri Jin Yan to his side, and then released a strand of bone-eroding clam poison into it.

Chilian Poison Flame is a very peculiar flame. As long as it is provided with sufficient power, it can continuously release toxins. At the same time, it can also absorb other toxins. , Can only swallow other fires to advance.

Therefore, this Chi Lian Poison Flame is the best cultivated among all high-level flames, and it is very cost-effective.

Now Ye Xiu intends to use the poison of the Bone Eating Toxic Clam to help Chi Lian Poison Yan advance, so that the jade medals in the hands of the Blood God Cult disciples will be completely useless.

At that time, it would be easy to uproot the entire Blood God Sect.

Such a cruel generation, such a cold-blooded force, must not let it continue to exist, otherwise more people will die in their hands.


The bone-eroding clam poison made a harsh sound when it touched Chilian Poison Yan.

At the beginning, Chilian Poison Yan was somewhat resistant, but after tasting the sweetness, it seemed to have life, slowly enveloping it with the poison of bone-eroding poisonous clams.

After Tinder reaches advanced levels, Tinder basically possesses a certain degree of spirituality.

Although the ranking of this Chi Lian Poison Flame is not high, it is because it cannot be used for pill refining or refining, which makes its value relatively low.

But if used for combat, it is definitely one of the most powerful fires among the advanced fires, and its cultivation method is simpler, and it is more defenseless to use.

It’s just that the poison of Bone Eating Toxic Clam is too violent.

If you let it slowly refining by itself, you can’t do it in half a day.

Ye Xiu didn’t have so much time to wait, so he used the Big Sun Golden Flame to help it, first quenching the poison of the Bone-Evading Toxic Clam into pure energy, and then injecting it into the Chilian Poisonous Flame.

In this way, the refining speed of Chilian Poison Flame was greatly accelerated, and in just a few seconds, it completely refined a drop of bone-eroding clam poison.

After swallowing this drop of bone-eating venomous clam poison, Chilian Poison Yan did not change much except that the color became darker, and at the same time it released a feeling of unfinished intention.

“If this is the case, then I will let you eat enough.”

Ye Xiu also wanted to see what kind of stage the high-level fire seed would reach after being promoted. Anyway, the bone-eating clam poison in his body was almost infinite.

As he said, he immediately released the poison of the bone-eating clam, and injected it into its body after being refined by Dahijinyan.

The second drop, the third drop, the fourth drop…

About ten minutes later, Ye Xiu had already injected nearly 130 drops of bone-eroding clam poison into the Chi Lian Poison Yan. At this time, the Chi Lian Poison Yan had finally changed, just like a head. Like a waking lion, its hideous side was exposed.

Ye Xiu stayed aside and realized that it hadn’t been able to advance. Knowing that this guy was on the verge of advancement, he only had a hand in hand.

So he was ruthless in his heart, and directly sent the ten drops to the past.


At this moment, the accumulation in Chilian Poison Yan’s body finally changed from quantitative change to qualitative change, and immediately vibrated fiercely, like a Lotus flower quietly blooming.

The purple and black color on it faded away and turned into a milky white color, which looked like it had been washed out of lead and became extremely holy, without the slightest meaning of coldness.

However, Ye Xiu discovered that the toxins released from the Chi Lian Poison inflammation at this time were more silent, and the toxicity was more violent, even mixed with a scent of bone-eroding clams.

Even so, the poison of bone-eating clams can still be easily refined, and it will not be affected at all.


At this time, Chilian Poison Flame was also extremely excited. After its level of Ascension, it turned its face and didn’t recognize anyone and rushed towards Ye Xiu. It didn’t want to continue to be controlled by humans.

“Small, I have learned to resist.”

Ye Xiu sneered, and Da Ri Jin Yan shot again.

This Chi Lian Poison Flame looked fierce, but it was like an ant in front of Da Ri Jin Yan. The moment the two sides collided, they were crushed by Da Ri Jin Yan on the ground, and there was no way to fight back.

“Surrender or perish, you choose for yourself.”

Ye Xiu said with a cold face, Daddy can help you advance, and it can also take back everything given to you. It is not particularly difficult for Da Ri Jin Yan to completely disappear from this world.


Chilian Poison shook hurriedly, releasing a thought of surrender.

“Count your acquaintances, don’t resist.”

Ye Xiu was late, so he infiltrated a big sun golden flame into its body.

Tinder is different from Demonic Beasts. When dealing with Demonic Beasts, it can be conquered and entered into a contract to be bound.

However, Chilian Poison had no soul, only extremely high spirituality, so the contract was invalid for it, unless it was refined, but that would not be in line with his next plan.

So he directly separated a wisp of the big sun golden flame into its body. With the restriction of the big sun golden flame, this guy no longer dared to play tricks.

“Now, release the toxin with all your strength and kill all the people below, leaving none.”

Ye Xiu immediately issued the order.


Chilian Poison Yan was very wronged, but he had to act accordingly and immediately release the toxins in his body.


Before long, the screams of countless people came from below.

The jade card in their hands was only a ray of flame from the previous Chi Lian Poison Flame, and at this time they could no longer withstand the Chi Lian Poison Flame after being promoted.

Not to mention those natal cultivators, even those who are in Closed Door Training are affected, and immediately penetrates the bone poisonously.

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