Chapter 810: Red Cloud Tribulation

“How can daddy fight with you and other frenzied people.”

A steadfast color flashed through Ye Xiu’s eyes, and he immediately hugged his hands in front of his chest, and directly displayed the fighting word mantra, the voice exploded in the air like thunder.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiu’s aura rose to the sky, as if he wanted to poke a hole in the world.

“Fight word mantra, it really helps me to teach the blood god!”

This master of the Supreme Realm was not surprised and rejoiced, and his eyes were even brighter, and immediately said: “Boy, hand over the fighting word mantra, this seat can spare you your life.”

He couldn’t be more familiar with the nine-character mantra, because he had the group-character mantra in the blood god sect. If he got the fighting character mantra and the nine-character mantra was the second, the rise of the blood god sect would become extremely easy.

“If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough, okay!”

Ye Xiu let out a cold snort, and the sun and moon imprints formed on his hands, and his figure disappeared in place.

“Leave it to me.”

This person waved his big hand, and the surrounding space immediately changed. Time seemed to be still at this moment, and Ye Xiu’s figure was forcibly pulled down from the rapid movement.

He would never let Ye Xiu leave here.

The nine-character mantra, one word and one great road, they searched hard for the blood god cult for a long time, but they only found the group character mantra. Even so, they have benefited a lot from the blood god cult.

Ye Xiu actually mastered the two mantras of fighting and doing things in his hands. This was simply a good gift from heaven to them.

As it was said that Tianyu did not take the blame, how could he let Ye Xiu escape.

“too strong.”

Ye Xiu sighed, he still underestimated the strength of the Supreme Realm, and he could use this method to forcibly interrupt himself, and use the space to suppress himself on the spot.

Under this circumstance, not to mention that he had escaped, even if he wanted to use the world treasure to sneak attack.

He might not be able to escape now.

“Zuo Yun, stop them!”

At this moment, an urgent voice came from behind this supreme. Looking back, he saw a torrent of Rendan rushing past him.

There are a lot of Daoist pill torrents, but there is no energy fluctuation on it, so that he didn’t even notice it.

When he reacted, these Dans had already rushed in front of Ye Xiu and merged directly into his body.

The consciousness in these people’s pills had already understood what was happening here, and naturally they couldn’t let Ye Xiu die, so they contributed all of their own power to help Ye Xiu tide over the difficulties.


Jiuchang Tianxin began to beat fiercely, absorbing this power frantically.

His Cultivation Base also climbed rapidly at this moment, his life was Eighth Stage days, his life was Ninth Stage days…

Almost in the blink of an eye, Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base has broken through from the seventh stage of his life to the pinnacle of the Ninth Stage of his life, and the power in his body only consumes less than one percent.


A shocking air wave spreads around Ye Xiu, and billowing clouds appeared in the originally clear sky.

“Heavenly Tribulation?”

Zuo Yun frowned. This kid was able to make a breakthrough in this situation, but it was beyond his expectation.

In contrast, he was even more curious about what happened to these human pill. Aren’t they sealed in the Treasure Treasure Pavilion? How could they come out to help Ye Xiu break through the Cultivation Base.

“Uncle Master, stop him quickly. As long as he doesn’t make a breakthrough, he can be used to refine the human pill to redeem our losses.”

The Elder immediately said that these human pills were the last accumulation of the Blood God Sect. If Ye Xiu were completely refined, their losses would be great.


Zuo Yun nodded, but just as he was about to do it, there was a roar in the sky, and Jie Yun also began to change.

A wisp of purple emerged from it, and then quickly deepened, but before they could react, Jieyun turned from purple to blue again, and its power was ten times more powerful than before.

“How is it possible, this kid is just a breakthrough in the King of Human Realm, how could it attract the Qingyun Tribulation!”

Zuo Yun said in disbelief that this Azure Cloud Tribulation was the Heavenly Tribulation that only appeared when he broke through the quasi-emperor, and when he broke through the Supreme Realm, it was nothing more than the Purple Cloud Tribulation.

This has almost made him fall on the spot, and now thinking about it, he still has lingering fears.

This kid is not bad, but it is only his destiny to break through to the King of Human Realm. It is not bad to be able to attract the Black Cloud Tribulation. At this moment, it actually attracted the Qingyun Tribulation, which is really hard for him to believe.

“It’s changed again.”

The complexion of the half-step supreme next to him changed, and he found that the color of the Blue Cloud Tribulation had become deeper and deeper, and a touch of scarlet was spreading.

The next moment, a terrifying aura came down, as if Mount Tai was overwhelming, even his half-step Supreme Cultivation Base felt extremely heavy.

“Red, Hong Yunjie, how is this possible!”

At this moment, Zuo Yun’s expression completely changed. This was a true emperor’s calamity, and such a calamity would only be ushered in when he became a great emperor.

You know, although the Blue Cloud Tribulation is extremely terrifying, it is only sixty-nine and fifty-four ways, and this Red Cloud Tribulation is ninety-nine and eighty-one ways, and it is also called the Heavenly Tribulation. , Experiencing this calamity is simply a life of nine deaths.

It is the strongest Heavenly Tribulation he knows, not one of them.

Ye Xiu is nothing more than a breakthrough in the King of Human Realm. How could it be possible to induce such a terrible Heavenly Tribulation? This completely does not conform to the actual situation.

“No, you can’t let him break through, otherwise, the entire Wugui Grand Canyon will be razed to the ground by this terrible Heavenly Tribulation.”

Zuo Yun immediately shouted that the Red Cloud Tribulation is the Emperor Tribulation. Even if the influence of Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base will be weakened, it is by no means unstoppable by ordinary people.

Once Heavenly Tribulation comes, the entire Grand Canyon of No Return will be destroyed, and their Blood God Sect will be the first to bear the brunt. Not to mention other people, even he himself will probably end up dead.

With a move in his heart, he immediately shot.


At this moment, the robbery cloud in the sky has completely turned red, like a pouring of blood, revealing terrifying coercion and power.

With a thunder, a blood-red robbery thunder fell from the sky, tearing the sky apart, and hitting him directly.


Zuo Yun was shocked. This Heavenly Tribulation should have locked Ye Xiu, how could he let it go and attack him? Then he seemed to have thought of something and looked up in the direction where Ye Xiu was.

I saw Ye Xiu looking at him with a smile, with no worry on his face.

Could it be…

“Get out of here?”

How could Zuo Yun dare to stay here? How could he think that this kid could actually control the Red Cloud Tribulation. If this really fell on him, even if he had the Supreme Cultivation Base, he would have to finish playing.

You know, this Heavenly Tribulation is based on the Cultivation Base. The higher the Cultivation Base, the more damage it will cause.

Such a blow was comparable to the full blow of the Emperor Zhun, and he could not resist it at all.

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