Chapter 825 Mysterious Youth

Three months later, in the border area of ​​the Great Qin Dynasty, in an ordinary roadside wine shop.

“Have you heard that two months ago, the long-missing three princesses came back and took the financial and military power of the Great Qin Dynasty directly in their hands.”

“Impossible. She has been missing for so many years and has no accumulation in the DPRK. How could it be possible to control the two powers of wealth and the army as soon as she came back?”

“You don’t know this. The financial and military power of the Great Qin Dynasty is in the hands of the sixth princess and the king Qin respectively. It is said that the third princess was welcomed back by the sixth princess and the king Qin. Having their support is not equivalent to getting their support. Two major regimes?”

“In that case, this day is going to change?”

“It’s not right now. I don’t know what the third princess thinks now. If she can ascend to the throne, our life should be better.”

There was a lot of discussion in the restaurant.

And in the corner of the restaurant, Ye Xiu sat there, took a glass of wine and drank, and was about to leave. A young man suddenly appeared in front of him and said: “This son, don’t you mind if I sit here?”

“It’s okay.”

Ye Xiu wanted to get up and leave, but suddenly realized that he couldn’t see through this young man, and he couldn’t help feeling a little surprised.

You must know that he is the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage King at this time. Although not too strong, he is still a character. Even the Ninth Stage King cannot escape his own perception.

And the teenager on the opposite side looked younger than own. He looked like he was sixteen or seventeen, even if he was very strong, he couldn’t surpass himself too much.

The only explanation is that there is a treasure in his body that can block the perception of divine consciousness.

So this also gave him a little interest, so he continued to sit, wanting to see what purpose this kid had in coming over.

“Your Excellency is not a Daqin person, right?”

The boy ordered a few small dishes and a pot of wine, and asked.

“Yes, I just got here today, and I haven’t asked you how to call you?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Before you ask someone else’s name, shouldn’t you introduce yourself?”

The boy asked rhetorically.

“It’s not mine, I’m the next shepherd.”

Ye Xiu smiled.

“It’s a coincidence, Mu Ren, your names and my names are just the opposite.”

The young man was startled, hehe smiled.

“Hehe, I don’t know why your Excellency came here?”

Of course Ye Xiu would not believe that there was no such coincidence in this world. Obviously, he used a pseudonym just like himself.

However, they just met together. He is not too enthusiastic about his real name, but judging from the temperament of this person’s words, his origin should be extremely Bufan.

At this point he still believes in own vision.

“I heard that the Great Qin Dynasty had a lively watch recently, so I ran to watch it.”

The boy shrugged.

“You are talking about the return of the three princesses?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Yeah, it’s really boring here. I heard that there was a character in Wuyu, it seems to be Ye Xiu, so I rushed over without stopping, but when I got there, people had already left for half a month. In desperation, I can only rush to this side.”

The boy spoke very lightly, but there was a little randomness in his words.

“That’s a pity.”

Ye Xiu didn’t expect that he actually knew himself, and at the same time he was secretly surprised.

You know, it took him three months to come here from Wuyu, and there was basically no pause in the middle. Although he didn’t use the mantra of running characters, he has been using You Long Step.

So his speed can be regarded as extremely fast.

But the other party was half a month later than himself, and he was able to arrive here on the same day as himself, which was a bit scary.

“Brother Ren, what are you doing here?”

Mu Ren asked.

“Like you, I came here to join in the fun. I have something to do, so I’ll go one step ahead.”

Ye Xiu didn’t know the identity of this person, and he also went to Wuyu to find himself, so naturally he didn’t dare to say too much when he couldn’t tell whether he was an enemy or a friend.

After thinking about it, Ye Xiu decided to go ahead.

“Wait a moment.”

The boy suddenly grabbed Ye Xiu’s sleeves and said, “Brother Ren, I see you well-behaved, Bufan, the heroic fighter, must be the hero of the world. I have a ruthless request. Please also my dear friend to agree.”

“What’s the matter?”

Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows, wondering what the young man was doing.

“Well, can you lend me some Yuanshi first, brother, I am really ashamed, but don’t worry, when I have money in my hands, I will return it to you immediately.”

The boy smiled awkwardly.

“That’s okay, you don’t need to pay back a few yuan stones.”

Ye Xiu was confused by this kid. Judging from his clothes, he shouldn’t be a simple character. How could he be so confused that he couldn’t even pay for a meal.

However, he didn’t say much, he directly took out several thousand high-grade yuan stones and threw them in the past, and then walked away.

“Little Er, don’t look for it anymore.”

The boy got the original stone, dropped a few pieces directly, and walked out with Ye Xiu.

“Brother Ren, you are such a good person, you don’t know. I have borrowed Yuanshi from others before, but no one is willing to lend me Yuanshi. You are the first person willing to lend me Yuanshi. Or take me. Go around, don’t worry, I will repay you double.”

The boy followed, and directly issued a good person card to Ye Xiu.

“Sorry, I still have very important things to do. I can’t be with you. Let’s just leave it alone.”

Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows. He was a little confused about what this kid meant. Could it be that he already recognized himself? No, although I have some reputation in Wuyu, there are not many people who know Own in Central China.

“Brother Ren, don’t you believe me? Or else, I’ll bet this thing with you first. This is a gift that I spent 100,000 top-grade Yuanshi to give to my Master when I go back. ”

The young man took out a crystal cup and handed it to Ye Xiu.

“How much did you say to buy this?”

The corner of Ye Xiu’s mouth twitched, and the crystal cup was carved from ordinary crystal. It looked very beautiful, but no matter how beautiful it was, it was only crystal.

In addition to good-looking, fart is useless.

For this kind of thing, a top-grade yuan stone can buy a car. This kid is good, and he spent 100,000 top-grade yuan stone to buy a look. He thought he had heard it wrong.

“One hundred thousand, it’s already very cheap.”

The boy didn’t care about it. At that time, the shopkeeper asked himself to make a price, and he directly said one hundred thousand, and they didn’t even pay the counter-offer.

“This is your first time going out to practice, right?”

Ye Xiu was defeated, and now he finally understood why this kid couldn’t even pay for a meal. This f*ck is simply the best.

One hundred thousand to buy a crystal cup, no matter how much money he can’t afford to make it.

“How do you know, I never told you.”

The young man was a little surprised. Could it be that he was exposed, shouldn’t it.


Ye Xiu thinks it’s better to stay away from this kind of person so as not to get into trouble.

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