Chapter VIII The Empty City Plan (Part 2)

“Marshal, do you think he deliberately made us think that there is an ambush?”

A general next to him felt that something was wrong, and he directly said his own idea. After all, no one knew what was going on in Wushan Pass.

In case he was using a tactic to delay the time deliberately, wouldn’t it be that they had delayed the fighter plane if they continued to wait.


Liu Weichen frowned. This may of course be true, but the problem is that no one knows whether there is an ambush inside.

Therefore, it is no longer a question of whether there is an ambush in Wushan Pass, but a question whether he dares to gamble.

If it was before, he would definitely dare to take a gamble. After all, he had 1.6 million troops in his hands. Even if he lost some, it would not affect them much, but now it is different.

If he loses a few hundred thousand more, he won’t have to be a marshal.

Thinking of this, Liu Weichen took two steps forward and shouted at Ye Xiu on the tower: “Ye Xiu, this time my Dahuang Dayu has joined forces with Qin. You alone can’t stop it. It’s better for you to take refuge in me and help me. Defeat Qin, after I have captured Da Qin, I will report to your Majesty. By then, you will definitely get dozens of times and hundreds of times more than now. What do you think?”

“I wonder how you call it?”

Ye Xiu took off the bamboo flute and looked down at Liu Weichen. This guy is not stupid, he knows to surrender himself, but it is a pity that he made a wrong calculation.

“Liu Weichen.”

Liu Weichen said.

“It turned out to be General Liu, admiring me for a long time. Your proposal really touched my heart, but I am the senior of the new female emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty. This relationship prevents me from abandoning her.”

Ye Xiu continued: “Why don’t you lead the army to join me in Daqin, I think my relationship with Da Qin emperor must be closer than you and Dahuang emperor. As long as you agree, I can ask your majesty to make you king directly. It’s better than what you are doing now. Is that the truth?”


Liu Weichen pretended to be pleasantly surprised. He only spoke to figure out Ye Xiu’s fictitiousness. Since Ye Xiu intends to recruit himself, he can do his best.

As for betraying the Great Wilderness, he dare not.

Not to mention that all his family members are in the Great Famine, but that the wealth and contacts he has accumulated over the years are all in the Great Famine. Once he leaves the Great Famine, he will have nothing.

Even if the Great Qin Dynasty is really willing to give him a king, he is just a nameless and idle king. Without any foundation, he is like a rootless duckweed, which may be destroyed at any time.

Therefore, before life and death, he will never betray the Great Wilderness.

“Of course, my majesty will still listen to me.”

Ye Xiu said confidently.

“Okay, I am willing to lead my army to join Daqin, and also ask Ye Xiaoyou to withdraw to ambush and let me wait to enter the city.”

Liu Weichen said immediately.

“Then General Liu will ask your soldiers to self-appoint Cultivation Base to show their sincerity. Don’t worry, as long as you self-appoint Cultivation Base, I will never hurt your hair.”

Ye Xiu sneered, how could such a clumsy strategy deceive himself.

“It’s impossible. If you make a fraud, aren’t we in the mouth?”

Liu Weichen’s face became stiff, and he named himself Cultivation Base? How can it be.

If they proclaimed themselves Cultivation Base, they would be no different from ordinary people. When the time comes, they will really become fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered.

“Just as your Excellency is worried, I am also worried about your fraud. After all, the strengths of our two sides are far apart. If you don’t call yourself Cultivation Base, I would not dare to let you in. You say yes.”

Ye Xiu smiled.

“If you say that, you can’t talk about it?”

Liu Weichen’s face sank, he had already seen that Ye Xiu was not easy to fool, he had already seen through his own strategy.

That being the case, he didn’t need to give him a good face.

“If this is not the case, you and I will take a step back and you will hand over all the soldiers in your hand. In this case, you don’t have to call yourself the Cultivation Base. What do you think?”

Ye Xiu asked.


Liu Weichen was so angry that he almost scolded his mother. This kid was too insidious. Seeing that he was not named Cultivation Base, he had to turn in all the soldiers.

Once he did it, these soldiers would be meat buns and dogs, and they would directly become someone else’s stuff. He wasn’t stupid enough for that.

“Why can’t this work? It seems that General Liu has no sincerity at all. In that case, let’s see the truth under our hands.”

Ye Xiu said with a bit of disappointment. Originally, he wanted to make a fortune. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, even the spirit weapon, was a very considerable income.

It’s a pity that this old thing is not fooled, so there is no way.

“Playing mystery, I don’t believe that with your 300,000 people and a small Wushan Pass, you can eat all of my millions of troops.”

Liu Weichen snorted coldly.

“You can try.”

Ye Xiu shrugged and said with an indifferent expression on his face.

Xia Yufeng below was already soaked in cold sweat, and at the same time he secretly admired Ye Xiu’s courage.

You must know that the Wushan Pass at this time was empty, and only the two of them were left. They were themselves. Under this situation, I am afraid that Ye Xiu would not be able to be so self-assured to the army of millions.

Most importantly, he actually bluffed Liu Weichen.

Don’t look at Liu Weichen’s clamor at this moment, but he didn’t mean to do anything at all. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe it was true.

But he did understand where Ye Xiu’s confidence came from.

Ye Xiu first slaughtered 600,000 enemy troops forcefully, and erected two Jingguan, which directly caused great psychological pressure on the enemy.

Now, he opened the city gate again and stood alone on the tower. Although he didn’t see a single soldier, what happened before had haunted their hearts like a curse.

So they would immediately think that there is also an ambush in Wushan Pass, and it is likely to make their losses even more serious.

So that they did not dare to venture into it at all.

It can be seen that he has considered this step from the moment he started, and everything is actually paving the way for this moment.

Otherwise, this empty city plan cannot be implemented.

This grasp of the situation of the battle and the hearts of the people, Jane has reached the point of perfection, originally he still feels good about himself, compared with Ye Xiu, it is simply a sky and an underground.

I am afraid that King Qin cannot be compared with it in this respect.

I really don’t know what kind of environment and what kind of experience it is to create such a person. It is really admirable.


Liu Weichen is speechless. If daddy dares to do something, do he still need to talk nonsense with you here? Zao Te will take you away.

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