Chapter 856: The true Martial Ancestor is destroyed

“Ye Xiu, I know it was mine before, but this is the grievance between you and the real Martial Ancestor or me. If you feel uncomfortable, you can kill me, as long as you promise to let the real Martial Ancestor go. Others, I will never fight back.”

Zhao Yuankui immediately raised his neck and said.

He said that actually is not because he has a high level of consciousness, but he knows that he can’t escape at all. If sacrificing himself can really save the real Martial Ancestor, he is willing to give it a try.

Anyway, it’s all deaths, save some people before dying, so that the real Martial Ancestor’s disciples can remember owning well, and I didn’t live in vain.

“What if I disagree?”

Ye Xiu asked lightly.

“If you don’t agree, then you are avenging your personal revenge, not by the husband.”

Zhao Yuankui was taken aback, and said quickly, now he can’t tell Ye Xiu, he can only use the radical general method to stimulate Ye Xiu, maybe it can make him change his mind.

“I avenged my personal revenge today. How can you help me?”

Ye Xiu didn’t take him at all, thinking that he was really a Martial Ancestor back then, so he sent Hao Yang directly to the Martial Domain to find his own trouble.

At that time, he was no more than the Cultivation Base of the Fate Realm, but Hao Yang had already reached the Human King Realm. If he hadn’t obtained the Realm Treasure by himself, he would probably be the one who died at that time.

And what happened in the Grand Canyon of No Return. They sent a group of Cultivation Base people higher than own to intercept and kill themselves. Why didn’t you say that it was not done by a husband?

Now that he has the power, this guy uses the so-called ‘big man’ to persuade himself, really as a daddy, so he can’t be bullied.

“You, if you do this, aren’t you afraid that the imperial family of the Great Qin Dynasty will beat you to the end?”

Zhao Yuankui was directly speechless. Yeah, he could only watch when people reported private revenge, and he couldn’t change anything, but he didn’t believe it was what the Great Qin Dynasty meant.

You should know that the current Great Qin Dynasty urgently needs manpower, if the real Martial Ancestor is destroyed, it will be a great loss to the Great Qin Dynasty.

“You think too much, they will thank me but it’s too late.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently. On the one hand, he didn’t care about this so-called official position.

Moreover, before he did it, he had simply communicated with Qin Sheng on this matter, and they agreed that a model needs to be established in Shenzhou Zhongyu.

The territory of the Great Qin Dynasty has exploded several times in a short period of time, and it is impossible to draw out so many people to control it. If it is careless, it will be used by some people with ulterior motives, making their efforts to make wedding dresses for others.

At this time, Ye Xiu led his troops to destroy the Martial Ancestor, and he could play the role of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, and let those with ulterior motives catch their tails.

Therefore, this will not only prevent the Qin Dynasty from becoming passive, but will allow them to better control the central part of China.

Since we want to establish a model, it is natural to choose a school that has enemies with him.

“Impossible, I don’t believe it.”

Zhao Yuankui said immediately.

“Do you know why I didn’t directly attack the real Martial Ancestor?”

Ye Xiu did not continue to struggle with him on this issue, but instead asked him a rhetorical question.

“Why, why?”

Zhao Yuankui asked subconsciously.

Yes, since Ye Xiu is determined to destroy the real Martial Ancestor, why didn’t he do it directly before? In that case, the real Martial Ancestor might have been destroyed at this time.

Now that the real Martial Ancestor has been prepared, even if Ye Xiu can succeed, I am afraid that he will have to pay a high price.

This is completely inconsistent with Ye Xiu’s previous series of styles.

“Naturally to wait for you to come out.”

The corners of Ye Xiu’s mouth curled up, and a smile of successful conspiracy appeared on his face.

“Wait for me to come out…”

Zhao Yuankui was startled, but then he understood what Ye Xiu meant, and exclaimed: “You, you took the opportunity to send someone into the real Martial Ancestor, right…”


As soon as his voice fell, he heard a roar coming from the direction where the real Martial Ancestor was. The huge impact force even shook the ground violently, and the big tent was overturned to the ground.

Turning his head to look, I saw that Martial Ancestor’s guardian formation was blasted out of a huge hole, and at the same time it dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“You are so mean.”

At this time, Zhao Yuankui finally understood why Ye Xiu didn’t do it directly. The feeling was to wait for someone to come out to negotiate. Even if he didn’t come out by himself, there would definitely be others.

In this way, he can send someone into the real Martial Ancestor to destroy it.

Now that Ye Xiu’s plan has been completed, and the real Martial Ancestor’s guardian formation has been completely broken, facing the 600,000 army, the outcome is already doomed.

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Ye Xiu said this lightly, and then looked at Xia Yufeng beside him, who nodded and walked out immediately, and then there was a crazy cry of killing from outside.

“I killed you!”

In anger, Zhao Yuankui directly killed Xiang Ye Xiu.

He knew that the real Martial Ancestor was completely finished this time. Without the protection of the guardian formation, the real Martial Ancestor could not withstand the several assaults of the Great Qin army.

I believe that it will not be long before the real Martial Ancestor will become history, and his Zhao Yuankui will also become the sinner of the real Martial Ancestor.


However, before he got close to Ye Xiu, the hundred soldiers around Ye Xiu took a step forward, and the aura on his body suddenly burst out, confining him in place as if Mount Tai was overwhelming.

“If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough.”

A sneer flashed across Ye Xiu’s eyes, and he directly hit his Dantian with a punch, destroying his Cultivation Base.

“You… kill me.”

Zhao Yuankui’s face was ashes, his own Dantian was abolished, and Sect was annihilated. It is meaningless for him to continue to live. Death is a relief to him.

“Don’t worry, you will die, but not now, I will let you watch the real Martial Ancestor collapse with your own eyes.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he walked out, and the soldiers beside him also pressed Zhao Yuankui out of the big tent, looking in the direction of the real Martial Ancestor.

Seeing that familiar buildings collapsed under the charge of the Great Qin army, and countless true Martial Ancestor disciples died tragically on the spot, Zhao Yuankui’s heart was bleeding.

You know, the true Martial Ancestor has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, even older than the existence of the Great Qin Dynasty, and belongs to one of the oldest sects in central China.

But he didn’t expect to fall into this field in the end. Looking at Ye Xiu’s appearance, he wouldn’t let it go if he didn’t completely erase the real Martial Ancestor.

Ye Xiu’s complexion remained unchanged, with his hands on his back and watching all this with cold eyes.

He didn’t feel too much about the ending of the real Martial Ancestor, because they were looking for everything on their own, and if they offended themselves, they would have to pay the corresponding price.

This battle lasted from the early morning to the evening, and the setting sun went down, and the afterglow fell in the real Martial Ancestor’s residence, adding a sense of desolation and sorrow.

At this moment, Xia Yufeng walked in blood-stained armor and bowed in front of Ye Xiu and said, “Ye Shuai, the real Martial Ancestor has been destroyed, and all the disciples under the sect have been slaughtered, and no one will survive.”

“Very well, clean up the battlefield and move all the valuable things back.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.


Xia Yufeng got up and left, and soon the real Martial Ancestor was raided and turned into ruins. The 600,000 army did not stay here and quickly returned to the Great Qin Dynasty.

As for Zhao Yuankui, sitting alone on the ground, watching the ruins, she shed tears of remorse, and finally died of anger.

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