Chapter 870: Marriage in advance


Jiang Li stood alone on a mountain outside the Sky Profound Sacred Land, looking at the direction where Ye Xiu had left, his emotions could not be calmed for a long time.

Ye Xiu left. He left quickly and simply without attracting anyone’s attention, but Jiang Li was in a bad mood.

According to his original intention, he wanted to help Ye Xiu.

But his identity prevented him from making a move.

He is the saint son of Tianxuan Sacred Land. It didn’t matter when he was in the outer and middle parts of Shenzhou. He can do whatever he wants. No one can control him, but he can’t do it inside Shenzhou.

Here, his words and deeds will represent Sacred Land.

Once he intervenes in this matter, then Tianxuan Sacred Land will also be implicated.

Like all Sects and forces, as the saint son of Profound Sky Sacred Land, he also needs to consider the interests of Profound Sky Sacred Land. He can’t do anything that harms the interests of Profound Sky Sacred Land.

In particular, this matter also involved two top powers, and they were all demonic forces, so that all the martial arts and Sacred Land were afraid to avoid it, who would take the initiative to send them to the door at this moment.

You know, the merger of Shaoguang Sacred Land and Ten Thousand Demon Sect is not as simple as the merger of the two forces, but the merger between the entire monster race.

Its strength will also be geometrically times Ascension.

It seems that the human race is powerful. Among the nine powers in China, seven of them are human races, but the Yao races represent not only the Yao race itself, they have the ability to order Demonic Beasts in the world.

Therefore, the advantage of Terran is not great.

Although the human forces are also considering uniting together to resist the demon race, they have only reached this intention now, and it will take a long time to discuss before the real unity.

If human forces intervened in this matter at this time, it would not be a contradiction between two or three forces, but the conflict between the entire human race and the monster race.

This is something that no one can ignore, and it is not the result that people want to see.

Once the human race and the monster race go to war again, it will break the peace that has been maintained in China for many years, and the war may even extend to the entire Nine Heavens continent.

At that time, the entire Nine Heavens continent would be filled with charcoal.

This is a crime that no one can afford.

“Brother, why did you let Ye Xiu Big Brother leave alone? Didn’t you say that he is your friend?”

At this time Jiang Qing came over and asked.

“Sometimes, I really envy ordinary people.”

Jiang Li sighed and said, if he wasn’t the saint son of Tianxuan Sacred Land, he would definitely follow Ye Xiu this time.

However, the Holy Lord has a life-saving and nurturing grace for his brothers and sisters, and he also has a Little Sister to take care of, so he can’t give up his status as a holy son.

“Brother, you know, I think you have a good time, instead of just sighing here like you are now.”

Jiang Qing saw the helplessness revealed in Jiang Li’s words, and knew that he was thinking about it for herself, so she said that she sincerely hopes to have the happiness of own Big Brother.

“I am also very happy now.”

Jiang Li looked back at Jiang Qing, and suddenly realized that Little Sister had grown up. He knew that Dao’s heart was hurting Big Brother, and he felt extremely relieved.

“Brother, don’t lie to me. I know you too well. If you are really happy, you won’t stand here and sigh.”

Jiang Qing said.

“That’s why you think too much, I’m sighing for you, such a big person, I still don’t know how to be more reserved, how to find you in-laws in the future.”

Jiang Li’s words turned, and said: “I said, you girl won’t really like Ye Xiu, right?”

“Brother, why are you doing this, people are caring about you, okay, why are you talking about me the other way around, forget it, you can blow your own here, and people will ignore you.”

Jiang Qing blushed and ran away angrily.

“Ye Xiu, I hope you can come back alive.”

Jiang Li didn’t go to see Jiang Qing, he also said this deliberately, he was afraid that this girl would persuade a while, he would really catch up to help Ye Xiu when his head was hot.

But in that case, things become more complicated.

In addition, he still had concerns now, so he couldn’t help Ye Xiu desperately. He could only pray in his heart that Ye Xiu could accomplish his accomplishment and retreat.

“Holy Son, Holy Lord let you pass.”

At this moment, a disciple of Tianxuan Sacred Land appeared beside Jiang Li and said respectfully.

“Do you know what it is?”

The reward is a little curious. It stands to reason that there is nothing serious about Sacred Land recently that he needs to take care of. At this time, what is the reason for Master to ask himself to come over.

“I heard that the marriage between the Saint Child of the Shaking Sanctuary and the Holy Maiden of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect has been advanced. If I am not mistaken, the Holy Lord asked you to come over this time for this matter.”

The disciple replied.

“What are you talking about? Their marriage was advanced? When did you hear about it?”

Jiang Li hurriedly asked.

“I heard that they have advanced the time for half a month, and now Shaoguang Sanctuary and Ten Thousand Demon Sect have already begun to prepare for this matter.”

The disciple nodded.

“What are you talking about, half a month later? It’s broken this time.”

Jiang Li’s face became stiff, he knew this was the case, he shouldn’t have let Ye Xiu go before, because he went to the Ten Thousand Demon Sect at this time, even at his speed, it would take more than half a month.

When Ye Xiu arrived, Xiaohu was probably sent to the sedan chair and sent to the Shaking Sanctuary.

When he rushed from Ten Thousand Demon Sect to Shaoguang Sacred Land, what should have happened had already happened. The most important thing was that Ten Thousand Demon Sect would not let Ye Xiu go to Shaoguang Sanctuary to make trouble.

Therefore, after he arrived at the Ten Thousand Demon Sect, not only could he not see the little fox, but he might also be chased by the Ten Thousand Demon Sect mercilessly.

“Holy Son, what’s broken?”

This disciple is a little baffling.

He doesn’t think there is anything wrong with this matter. It is their freedom when they want to get married, and this matter has nothing to do with their Tianxuan Sacred Land.

Even if they advance the time to tomorrow, it won’t affect them.

“As a holy son, I order you to immediately issue an order to the disciples who have been practicing outside to search for Ye Xiu’s whereabouts, and notify me immediately after finding it.”

Jiang Li thought for a while.

Ye Xiu’s speed is too fast, even if he shoots with all his strength, it may be difficult to catch up, so he can only mobilize the disciples of the Profound Sky Sacred Land to help find it.

Although he couldn’t help Ye Xiu in saving the little fox, he couldn’t let Ye Xiubai run this time no matter what.


This disciple frowned. He didn’t quite understand why Jiang Li did this. Could it be that Ye Xiu has offended him?

Isn’t it that they are friends?

“Why, there is a problem?”

Jiang Li’s face sank and asked.

“No, no problem, I will post the news now.”

How can this disciple dare to ask more, this is the Son of God, who has the right to do all this, he dare not question the order of the Son because of his own curiosity.

With that said, he immediately left here, and at the same time notified the disciples outside through Sect.

For a time, all the disciples of Tianxuan Sacred Land who had been practicing outside seemed to be crazy, and began to look for Ye Xiu’s whereabouts everywhere, which attracted the attention of many people in Shenzhou.

Even a lot of people who had nothing to do with it joined in, and they also wanted to know what anger and grievance Ye Xiu did, which could attract so many disciples of Tianxuan Sacred Land to pursue him.

Maybe you can still make good friends with Sacred Land because of this. Such an opportunity is rare in a lifetime.

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