Chapter 892: Chu Ruthless

“This is the end of the matter. It is useless to say more. If I can’t find the follow-up Cultivation Technique, I will admit it.”

Ye Xiu said, he knew that it was not the time to find a back account, and he wouldn’t blame others. Instead of wasting time on this matter, he might as well try to find a follow-up Cultivation Technique.

If others can’t find it, it doesn’t mean that you can’t find it either.

“Hey, I’m also to blame for this matter, brother, I didn’t explain it to you clearly, don’t worry, I will report this matter truthfully, and let other brothers and sisters pay attention to it.”

Bai Longfei sighed. He really felt sorry for Ye Xiu. If he had known this, he shouldn’t have brought him here. It’s all right now. It’s not his turn, but it’s a blockage.

What he can do now is to take the initiative to admit his mistakes, hoping to mobilize the entire Tian Juemen to help find them, so that the chances of finding them will be even greater.

“Then thank you brother.”

Ye Xiu hugged the cupped fist and said, it is always more likely to find it alone than to find it by himself.

“Junior Brother Ye, sister Qu has to trouble you to help solve it. She is in better condition than you and looks good, and your dual cultivation is also good for you.”

Bai Longfei said again, this matter is like two big mountains pressing on him. If it is not solved for a day, he will not be able to live in peace for a day.

Qu Linglong’s affairs are a bit easier at the moment, and Ye Xiu is also a masculine body, which happens to be symptomatic.

“Forget it, I…”

Ye Xiu was about to refuse, but before he finished speaking, Bai Longfei stood up and said: “That’s it, I’ll go to plead.”

After speaking, Bai Longfei ran away.

“Can’t you just listen to someone finish it?”

Ye Xiu was speechless. Isn’t this shameless? He is a man with a wife. If Qingcheng and Xiaohu learn about it in the future, how should he explain it?

He knew that Bai Longfei was a pit, but he didn’t expect such a pit, no, this thing must not be done like this.

When he said that, he had to get up and chase, and he had to make it clear.

But just about to get up, a middle-aged man appeared in front of him.

This person has a black robe, a face with Chinese characters, thick eyebrows and big eyes. His eyes are as bright as stars. Just standing there gives people a strong sense of oppression.

“Your Excellency?”

Ye Xiu hadn’t seen this person, but if he could appear here, he should be a person of the highest rank, and his status should be very high.

“I am the Sect Master of the Heavenly Jue Sect, Chu Ruqing, I have heard about you. The boy Bai Longfei has been punished by me. I cannot find the follow-up Cultivation Technique of the Primordial Swallowing Technique. I am not allowed to come back. What else do you have? Ask, even if you mention it, as long as it is not excessive, I can agree to it.”

Chu ruthlessly said with a calm face. He didn’t expect that such a big thing would happen inside the door of his Closed Door Training for a period of time. If this were to let other Sect masters know, where would he put his old face.

And all this is the responsibility of this kid, Bai Longfei, and he must not take it lightly.

“The sect master, this punishment is a bit overwhelming, Brother Bai did it unintentionally, and asked the sect master to take back the punishment.”

Ye Xiu is not stupid. Bai Longfei came as soon as he left the door. Whether it should be such a coincidence, it means that the two have discussed it, one is singing red cheeks and the other singing dark chees.

Seeing this, what else can I say? Besides, Bai Longfei is not entirely to blame, part of the reason is that he is too impatient.

“Unintentionally? Don’t say good things for him. This kid is getting more and more unreliable now. If you don’t teach him a lesson, you still don’t know what outrageous things will be done in the future.”

Chu Ruqing said with a cold face: “You don’t have any burdens. I will inform the headquarters about this and ask them to search for the Taigu Tiantian Swallowing Technique. But I don’t hide it from you. The Taigu Tiantian Swallowing Technique is the ancient Cultivation Technique, and the follow-up Cultivation Technique has long been It’s lost, so the possibility of finding it is extremely small. You need to be mentally prepared.”

“In order to make up for your loss, I can promise you three things on behalf of Tian Juemen. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse.”

Although this matter is Bai Longfei’s responsibility, as the master of the sect, he is also in the blame.

He is not a person who likes to shirk responsibility, but this matter is really difficult to handle, and he can only do his best to make up for it, but it is a pity for such a genius.

If you can’t find the follow-up Cultivation Technique, this kid is useless.

“If that’s the case, then I’m not welcome.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, “I want to break through the Earth Immortals realm as soon as possible, but I don’t want to use Huaxianchi. I wonder if there is any good way to get to the Sect Master?”

Now he just wants to see the little fox earlier, close to penance, and his speed is too slow, and he still doesn’t know when he will get the 9th rank of Earth Immortals.

As for the influence of the Primordial Swallowing Technique, he didn’t pay too much attention to it. Could it be that he wouldn’t be able to cultivate without the follow-up Cultivation Technique?

Besides, he likes to control his own destiny instead of being played by it.

“Now you can’t break through too fast. The Third Stage before Taigu Tiantian Jue can only allow you to break through to Earth Immortals. Once you break through, you must find the Fourth Stage Cultivation Technique as soon as possible. Otherwise, your situation will be very dangerous. So, Not only can you not quickly Ascension, you should also suppress Realm.”

Chu Ruthlessly reminded that the Cultivation Technique of the Immortal Realm is actually the same as the Lower Realm. The more complete the Cultivation Technique, the higher the efficiency of transforming power. Once Ye Xiu breaks through to the Earth Immortals, the transformation efficiency of the Third Stage Primordial Swallowing Technique cannot satisfy his own. need.

It would forcefully swallow itself, and the consequences would be very serious, so Ye Xiu should now fight steadily and extend the duration of these two realms as much as possible.

Fortunately, the two realms of False Immortal and Human Immortal are just laying the foundation. Longer time will be more beneficial, and it will give them more time to search.

Although the possibility of finding it is still slim, at least there is still some hope.

“Sect Master, I have decided. As for the follow-up Cultivation Technique, it is good to find it, but it doesn’t matter if you can’t find it. I don’t believe that I will die on a Cultivation Technique.”

Ye Xiu said sternly, a wave of pride emerged spontaneously.

The Primordial Swallowing Technique is just a Cultivation Technique, which may be really scary, but no matter how strong the Cultivation Technique is, it is also created by people. Others can create it, why can’t he.

Even if it can’t be created, other solutions can be found, and the living can still be suffocated to death by urine.

“Good boy, since you have this heart, I will fulfill you. If you want to quickly Ascension strength, then go to Ten Thousand Beasts Valley. There are countless fairy beasts for you to experience, but with your current strength, you can only work in Wanshou. Experience in the periphery of the valley, not in-depth.”

Chu Ruqing was also infected by Ye Xiu’s arrogance. The practice is heaven-defying. If you look forward and backward, and be afraid of this, don’t expect to be successful in this life.

The reason why Tianjuemen is so powerful and disdainful for the Second Stage is because the disciples under the clergymen dare to fight and fight, and are full of blood.

If it weren’t for Ye Xiu’s mistakenly cultivating the Primordial Swallowing Sky Art, he wouldn’t have the slightest restriction on Ye Xiu at all.

Since Ye Xiu wanted to fight, he had no reason to stop it.

Maybe he solved it himself.

“The disciple understands, but with Junior Sister Qu…”

Before Ye Xiu’s words were finished, Chu ruthlessly spoke: “The girl, don’t worry about it. I have prepared a Cultivation Technique for her, two Cultivation Technique co-cultivators, Yin & Yang. On the contrary, there are many benefits, and nothing will happen.”

This method was proposed by an evil evildoer in the main sect. She has successfully cultivated, but the two Cultivation Techniques are co-cultivators. They require more power, so it will greatly slow down the breakthrough speed, but it can keep the same rank invincible.

This matter is not suitable for promotion in the door, so currently only the high-level sect knows about it, and Bai Longfei will naturally not be able to reach it.

So Qu Linglong had good luck, if it hadn’t been so easy to solve a few years earlier.

“Very good.”

Ye Xiu was relieved now. Qu Linglong was considered the closest person to him after his ascension. Although he was a little upset before, he was still pretty good.

Besides, there was part of her own reason why she had mistakenly cultivated the Heart Sutra of a prime woman, and he couldn’t worry about it if she didn’t solve it.

Now it’s alright, I can go out without worry.

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