Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3027: endless

The white light dissipated, and the white night appeared in a vast mountain.

The mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the mountain is very high. Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, you can hardly see the bottom. If you look to the left and right, you can't see the edge of the mountain.

It seems that the whole mountain is endless.

There is nothing on the mountain.

No vegetation to be seen, no animals to be seen.

Deathly silence.

Bai Ye came back to his senses and looked around.

But they saw a huge banner standing far ahead.

A number is marked on the flag.

"Two hundred and sixty-one seven thousand three hundred and eleven."

Bai Ye read aloud.

At this time, a strange voice suddenly appeared from his mind.

"You bastard, what are you still doing there? Get over here and report!"

Bai Ye was startled, looking around.

"Who? Who's talking to me?"

"Hmph, stupid bastard!"

As the voice fell, a strange pulling force suddenly enveloped Bai Ye's body, pulling him towards the direction of the flag.

Bai Ye was caught off guard and flew directly towards the flag.

When he reacted, he fell heavily in front of the flag

At this moment, there were many figures standing in front of the banner.

About thirty or so.

But everyone's eyes are empty, their expressions are numb, like walking dead.

Bai Ye got up.

Just a few people glanced back at him, then turned their eyes back to the banner in front of them, lowered their heads, and seemed to be meditating.

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At this moment, Bai Ye was re-evaluating the banner.

Looking at it from a very far distance, it is still impossible to judge its size, but when it is close, Bai Ye can see its size clearly.

It's just too big!

The entire flag stands on the top of the mountain.

The diameter of the flagpole is about hundreds of meters, and it is made of gold, which is brilliant and extraordinary.

On the top of the flagpole, the huge flag cloth fluttered in the wind, almost covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

"My lord, where is this?"

Bai Ye glanced at the flag cloth, and asked at the flagpole.

"Hmph, stupid and ignorant bastard, this is the mine in the northern area. You are here, are you arranged to mine here? Where is your pass?"

A cold voice came from the flagpole.

Bai Ye was stunned, subconsciously took out the badge that the old man wanted, and held it up high.

But seeing a burst of golden light burst from the waist of the flagpole, and then a transparent palm made of condensed light stretched out and grabbed Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's pupils trembled.

He could clearly feel that the power of this halo was completely different from the soul power and divine power he knew...

What kind of power is this?

Seems to be...a bit more rooty...

Bai Ye stared at the bare hand tightly, not daring to blink his eyelids.

He took the badge with bare hands, and then sank into the flagpole.

"Well, the badge is right! That being the case, from today onwards, you will be our "Remote Banner" person! From today onwards, you will dig the source mine here for the supreme master, do you hear me clearly? "

A cold voice came out.

"How long will I be mining here?"

Bai Ye couldn't help asking.

"No deadline!"

The voice inside the flagpole became more and more cold and contemptuous.

"Dig here for hundreds of years, thousands of years, that's just a short period of time, digging for millions of years, tens of millions of years, it's normal! You will always dig here, there is no end, there is no end, don't complain, don't be lazy, don't give up! Understand?"

"Endless? Endless?"

Bai Ye couldn't believe it.

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