Nine Realms Sword Master

Chapter 3306: Business

Chapter 3306

Hearing this, Nan Shengzhe felt annoyed.

But he didn't show it right away. Instead, he snorted coldly and said expressionlessly: "Bai Ye, what is your identity? You dare to speak to me in such a tone? Do you believe that I will kill you now?"

For an existence of Nan Sheng Zhe's level, beheading a temple master was as easy as eating and drinking.

The monstrous power made him not receive any punishment after killing people, not even a word of warning.

After all, he is also the head of the court.

However, the arrival of Bai Ye gave Shenhou a chance to play.

"Bai Ye, what are your thoughts? Tell the truth!"

Shenhou said immediately.

"Lord Shenhou, I have no idea, I just know that Xuhe was wronged!"

Bai Ye said lightly.

"How do you prove it?"

Nan Shengzhe said coldly.

"it's actually really easy."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, then looked at the crowd again, pointed to Xi Zheng who was standing beside the crowd, and said, "Master Xi, please come here!"


Xi Zheng was a little dazed, as if she hadn't reacted yet, and it took a while to get out of the crowd.

"What did you ask me to do?"

Xi Zheng frowned.

He didn't want to get involved.

But at this juncture, he has no choice.

"Master Xizheng, you also witnessed Zhang Luo and Wushuang Supreme being driven to desperation, right?"


"Then you should also understand their intentions?"

Bai Ye asked again.

"That's right."

Zhang Luo hesitated and nodded.

"Since this is the case, then you and I should know everything that happened outside the Peerless Temple!"

Bai Ye looked at Xuhe with a smile, and said, "Then Master Xuhe, can you tell me why the Supreme Master Wushuang and Zhang Luo came to my Wushuang Temple?"


Xu He was dumbfounded.

He didn't think about it at all.

After all, he was just pulled out to take the blame, and he shouldn't think about other things.

Nan Shengzhe was a little anxious, and secretly winked at Xu He.

Xu He was taken aback, and then said: "Of course it is to regain control of the Wushuang Temple!"

"Do you want to be the Lord of the Peerless Temple?"

"How can it be?"

"Then what are you doing with the Peerless Temple?"

"Naturally for the resources inside."

"However, these resources can't be allocated to you! They should belong to Mr. Nan Shengzhe! If you say so, wouldn't Mr. Nan Shengzhe also participate?"

Bai Ye spoke, and then looked at Nan Sheng Zhe.

Nan Shengzhe was taken aback.

He never expected Bai Ye to go around and turn the fire on him again.

"Shut up!"

Nan Shengzhe came back to his senses, and yelled at Bai Ye on the spot: "You're talking nonsense, nonsense! You bastard, Lord Shenhou is here, how dare you talk nonsense here! How could I participate in this matter?"

"You didn't participate, so why did he seize the Peerless Temple? Could it be that he wants to establish his own family?"

Bai Ye asked back.

"How can I know his behavior?"

Nan Shengzhe snorted coldly.

"Okay, you don't know, so dare to ask Mr. Xuhe, do you know? You can't just collude with Supreme Supreme and Zhang Luo without knowing anything, and launch an attack on the Temple of Wushuang, right?"

Bai Ye asked with a smile.

"This... I..."

Xu closed his mouth and was speechless for a long time.

"Lord Shenhou, have you seen it? He can't even tell his own motives, so how can he be the mastermind behind the scenes? So I said, there must be someone else behind the scenes, and Xuhe was forced to take the blame. "

Bai Ye immediately turned around and clasped his fists.

Shenhou nodded silently.

"No! Lord Shenhou, I did it, I did everything! I plead guilty, I am guilty, you must punish me!"

Xu He shouted again and again.

But how can Shenhou agree?

"You bastard, what do you take Ben Hou for?"

God scolded.

Xuhe breathed tremblingly, opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

"Do you think that Ben Hou's eyesight is worse than Bai Ye's? What Bai Ye can see, Ben Hou can also see. Say, who is behind the scenes?"

Shenhou loudly reprimanded.

"My lord, I..."

Xu He's mind was completely messed up, he could only quietly glance at Nan Sheng Zhe under the helplessness of the six gods.

"Oh? What do you think Mr. Nan Shengzhe is doing? Don't you want to wrong Mr. Nan Shengzhe as the mastermind behind the scenes?"

With sharp eyes, Bai Ye saw something and said immediately.

"Fart, Bai Ye, what are you doing? How dare you spout blood here?"

"How can our saint be that kind of villain?"

"I advise you not to talk nonsense here. If you dare to insult us, Lord Saint, I will kill you!"

The people in Nanting were all angry, staring at Bai Ye and yelling continuously, one by one even wanted to draw their swords.


At this time, Shenhou slapped the table hard with a slap.

The table instantly turned into dust and floated to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably powerful force burst out from Shenhou's body, directly covering the entire southern courtyard.

All the people in Nanting were enveloped by this terrifying situation, they all fell to their knees on the ground out of breath.

"Master Shenhou, please calm down!"

"Master Shenhou, please calm down!"

People shouted tremblingly.

But Jian Shenhou glanced around the scene coldly, and then said coldly: "Okay! Very good, wow, you Nanting people, I didn't expect you Nanting people to be so courageous as to dare to act presumptuously in front of me!"

When the people who wanted to draw their swords heard this, they were shocked and knelt down on the ground.

"This subordinate is guilty, and this subordinate has offended Lord Shenhou, please calm down Lord Shenhou!"

Those people said tremblingly.

"If you are guilty, you will be punished. I am here today, and I have no intention to appease anyone who breaks the rules of the court!"

After finishing speaking, Shenhou waved his hand: "Bring all these people into the prison in the main court, and lock them up first!"


The people beside him immediately went towards those Nanting powerhouses.

A group of strong men were at a loss, neither was it to resist nor run away, they could only stand obediently and be turned away by these strong men in the main court.

The people in the southern court were silent like cicadas, and everyone dared not speak out.

Nan Shengzhe's face was even more gloomy to the extreme.

He took a deep breath and said nothing, not even watching the scene.

Seeing this, Shenhou also knew that the time was almost up, and immediately shouted in a low voice: "I will send someone to investigate this matter again, but Mr. Nan Shengzhe, even if you don't know about this matter, you still have nothing to do with it." Fang's crime of dereliction of duty! This Marquis will also punish you!"

"Master Shenhou is right. It is true that my subordinates have no way to control my subordinates. Please punish me, Lord Shenhou!"

Nan Shengzhe secretly sighed, folded his fists and bowed his head.

Shenhou smiled coldly, and said directly: "Very well, Mr. Nanshengzhe, I have always admired you very much. If so, then I will take care of business!"

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