Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 11 The Magical Fly, Someone From The Roots!

He had been chased by a swarm of flies before, and he didn't think of it at all, but now, he remembered it.

Looking up and sweeping across the swarm of hateful flies, a cruel smile crossed the corner of Chiba's mouth.

"Tremble, little flies!"


Snapping his fingers towards the void, Chiba directly activated the skill.

Reincarnation of grains!

In an instant, the swarm of flies above the head dropped a piece of black feces.

More than half of these feces fell on Chiba's head, but he didn't care, after all, these small feces could be removed with a single thought for him.

Chiba is looking forward to it.

He waited to admire the scene of the colony landing.

Wait, wait, wait, wait...

Waiting and waiting, Chiba's originally expectant expression turned into a liver color.

The swarm of flies above the head didn't seem to be affected in the slightest, they were still 'buzzing' circling and flying, and they didn't even change the shape given by Ollie.


Seeing this scene, Chiba's brain went blank.

"It shouldn't be, how could this be?"

Desperate, he couldn't figure out why it happened like this, even a ninja couldn't block this move, how did the fly block it?

After thinking about it for a long time, Chiba just didn't think about it.


He lit a fire directly in the yard, trying to use it to drive away the flies.

Unsurprisingly, it failed again.

In front of the fire, Chiba was silent, but behind him, a loud 'hum' was heard, disturbing him.

He wielded a flaming stick in an attempt to burn the flies to death. But Chiba found out tragically that the swarm of flies can always be avoided first, not only maintaining the shape given by Ollie neatly, but also at an extremely fast speed.

Chiba was about to cry.

After tossing and tossing for most of the night, he is now tired and sleepy, but he is always suffering from the loud noise of the flies, and he wants to sleep but cannot fall asleep.

"Big brother, please spare me, let me sleep tonight, okay, let's play together during the day..."

Looking at the swarm of flies with a sad tone, Chiba began to read.

He was really tossed and couldn't help it.

In the previous life, a bottle of insect repellent would have been able to handle this, but in the ninja world, Chiba had no way of doing it.

In the field!

As Chiba's almost begging words sounded, a miraculous scene appeared.

I saw a swarm of flies flying towards Chiba, and the shape given by Oli was gradually disappearing, as if he was assembling a new shape.

Soon, a character slowly took shape.

When Chiba saw the word 'good' formed by the swarm of flies, his whole body went numb.

Afterwards, the font collapsed, and the swarm of flies flew out of the yard.

Chiba is in a daze.

He didn't know how to describe the strange swarm of flies.

A swarm of flies that can understand talking?

Swarm of flies that eat soft but not hard?

In short, it was the first time he had seen such a strange thing.

"Forget about it, go to sleep!"

With the ears not disturbed by the noise, Chiba's mood suddenly improved and he was ready to sleep.

That night, Chiba slept extremely soundly.

It was almost noon the next day.


Chiba woke up hungry as his stomach protested unsatisfactorily.

What he ate last night was ramen. This kind of food digested too quickly, and it didn't satisfy hunger at all.

Pushing open the door, he planned to go to the street to buy some food.


As soon as he walked out of the house, a ninja with a cat face mask appeared on the fence at the gate of the yard, which shocked Chiba.


The cat-face masked ninja spoke coldly, and then sized him up.

"Chiba, I am in charge of your daily diet under the order of Master Danzo. You just stay at home and tell me what you want to eat!"

The ninja with the cat face mask said coldly.

His code name is Moon Sword, Genbu Ninja.

His main task this time is to monitor Chiba's whereabouts, prevent him from going out, and deliver food to him by the way.


Regarding Yuedao's words, Chiba was not only not angry, but was very happy in his heart.

Don't need to go out? Lying dead at home? Do you still care about the food?

Where can I find such a good thing?

So, Chiba ordered a ramen, a barbecue, a meatball, and an ice cream by the way.

The first three servings are the staple food, and the last ice cream is because Chiba feels that the weather has started to get hot recently, and he needs to eat ice cream to cool off the heat.

However, after he ordered these, Yuedao's body trembled a little, and he didn't leave.

"Huh? Why don't you go? I have no money!"

Spreading his hands, Chiba looked indifferent.

He is not worried that the other party will not buy it, because if the other party does not go, Chiba can only go in person.

At that time, I will not be responsible for any consequences!

A deserted street corner.

The figure of Yuedao appeared at the corner, and hurriedly took off the mask.


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