Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 112 Scary Chiba! (Seeking Subscription)

Wang Haiya.

This is a cliff hundreds of meters away from the coastline, which originally belonged to the first line of defense of the Uzumaki clan.


Chiba stood on the cliff, looking at the boats like black dots on the sea.

Behind him, hundreds of ninjas are ready to go, like cheetahs about to be released.

"Master Hokage, there are some detonators and traps on the coast, should I send people to clean them up immediately?"

Standing beside Chiba, Uzumaki spoke respectfully.

He was worried that Hokage would take the lead and rush down, if he fell into a trap by mistake, it would be troublesome.

"You don't need to go down, or you have to come up."

Chiba shook his head and spoke softly.

When he said this, he was a little confused with his tears.

And the patriarchs of various clans behind him suddenly realized, and stuffed their hands into their trouser pockets one by one.


The black spots on the sea surface are getting closer and closer, and the people on the ship can already be seen clearly.

"Mist Shinobi paid a lot of money this time, there are almost a thousand people."

Chief Hyuga looked at Chiba and reported the situation.

Chiba didn't respond because his eyes fell on a figure on a boat.

"Third Mizukage!"

at the same time!

Third Mizukage also saw Chiba clearly on the cliff.

"Wearing Hokage clothes, it seems that the new Fourth Hokage

Squinting his eyes slightly, Mizukage was full of fighting spirit.

"Mizukage-sama! Leave it to me!"

The Great Elder Ghost Lantern requested to fight and was eager to try.

The Hydration Technique of the Ghost Lamp Clan is designed to overcome fancy feces. When the whole body is in a liquid state, the opponent's feces ability is useless at all.

This! This is the strength of Mist Shinobi!

"Accelerate! Get to the shore!"

The Great Elder Ghost Lamp spoke, obviously unable to wait any longer.

As the order was issued, dozens of ships began to speed up and head towards the coast.

In a short time, the boat has arrived at the shore.

"Remember! All the Ghost Lamp Clan use Hydration Technique and open the way ahead!"

"The Hui Yoruichi follow behind, waiting for the signal to attack."

Jumping onto the shore, Third Mizukage gave strict orders.

A large number of Ghost Lantern clansmen began to go ashore, forming liquid bodies one by one.

The formation spread out, and Third Kazekage was ready to lead the charge.

It's just a new Hokage, even if the opponent brings Konoha reinforcements, he is still fearless.

On the cliff!

Chiba smiled.

He turned his head and scanned the various tribes behind him, then raised his left hand.

"Quick! Wear a mask!"

The patriarchs of all ethnic groups understood and hurriedly issued orders.

for a while.

Everyone took out several masks from their trouser pockets and put them on their faces.

"Wear a mask? Why is that?"

Uzumaki Zhou Xuan looked dazed, completely confused.

Also, some Uzumaki people don't know what this operation is.

next moment!

Uzumaki Zhou Xuan knew.

Because, Chiba's palm started to spray feces.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a dung ball several meters in size appeared in the midair of the cliff.


expanding rapidly.

"Ollie? How did I forget this? Ugh!"

Nauseaed by Ollie's taste, Uzumaki retreated back in a hurry.

"They have a tacit understanding, Hokage gave a look, these people actually know what to do..."

With a lot of emotion in my heart, Uzumaki Zhouxuan had to admire.

He didn't know that if he put him beside Chiba for a while, he would also have a tacit understanding.

This is all forced out.

In the field!

The dung ball is constantly getting bigger and has reached a diameter of 100 meters.

However, there is still no sign of stopping.

the coast.

Third Kazekage hesitated.

From the moment he saw the dung ball, he felt something was wrong.

After a few breaths, he saw that the dung ball in midair had exceeded a hundred meters in diameter.

This made him feel more and more uneasy.

"Master Mizukage! Do you want to rush? It's just a ball of feces. It's just a bit stronger, and it doesn't have any lethality!"

If you want to say brave, you have to be the Great Elder of Ghost Lamp, who is not afraid of dung balls at all, and urges him up.

Mizukage still didn't move, but frowned, as if thinking.

As a result, he couldn't think of anything.

Just as the Great Elder Ghost Lantern said, a mere giant dung ball is no threat to the Ghost Lantern clan in a hydrated state.


Mizukage made up his mind and issued the order.


A large number of Ghost Lanterns began to charge.

They stepped on the detonator trap, but their bodies quickly recovered and they would not be injured at all.

...ask for flowers...

And in the back, the Kaguya tribe followed closely.


on the cliff.

Chiba's smile became brighter and brighter, and he even raised Stone Tail.


The expansion rate of the dung ball surged.

300 meters in diameter!



The super giant dung ball completely blocked the sight of everyone on the cliff, and it had swelled to a terrifying degree.

too big!

The dung ball is too big!

"Stop! Rewind!"

Seeing the unusual expansion of the dung ball, Third Mizukage hastily shouted at the charging subordinates.

A strong sense of crisis rose in his heart.

to avoid!

Must be avoided!

Mizukage was retreating, but the elder of Ghost Lamp didn't take it seriously, and even prepared to climb onto the dung ball.


Right now!


Chiba released the dung ball.


for a moment.

The terrifying sonic boom resounded through the void, making a deafeningly loud sound.

The giant dung ball that broke through the speed of sound flashed past, directly smashing all the Mist Shinobi ninjas into gravel powder.

Hydration Technique failed.

The speed of the dung ball was too fast, and instantly knocked them into water molecules, which could not be restored.

The Hui Yoruichi clan also couldn't stop it, and all the scumbags were smashed into powder.


Everyone on the cliff felt their brains buzzing, and their ears were temporarily deaf from the shock.

When they came back to their senses, they were all dumbfounded.

I see.

The super giant dung ball has rolled to the coast, and the capsule that was supposed to charge——

All gone.

The crowd was eerily quiet.

It seems difficult to accept this result.

"Look! There's one more person! Mizukage!"

Suddenly, Sui Lei Zhou Xuan pointed at a fleeing figure and shouted.

"Don't move! Give me this!"

The Uchiha patriarch shouted, jumped straight down, and chased after Mizukage.

"Let me do it!"

Chief Hyuga also jumped out from the cliff.

They can't let Mizukage go.

Otherwise, wouldn't this trip be in vain?

The promised bonus bar for killing enemies.

As a result, all the enemies were wiped out by Chiba alone.

Who can resist a Mizukage worth 300 gold bars?

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