Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 22 Swamp Cesspit, Flooding Sand Shinobi!

"Everyone, don't hold back, just pull it out, and crawl out first."

After speaking, Luo Sha continued to crawl towards the cesspit.

The other Sand Shinobi looked at Luo Sha one after another, suddenly realizing.

"As expected of Master Kazekage's disciple, experience is rich!"

"Don't worry about your trouser pockets, didn't you see that even Captain Luo Sha's trouser pockets are wet?"

"Climb quickly! Just climb out of the cesspit!"

"hold onto..."

With Luo Sha taking the lead, everyone's morale was boosted.

"You guys can really hold on..."

Seeing this scene, Chiba sighed.

Since the will of this group of Sand Shinobi is so tenacious, he can only make up one trick.

Imitation ability activated——

Fire Style——Great Fireball Technique!

In the cesspit!

Luo Sha, who was about to climb out of the cesspit, was stunned.

Not only was he stunned, but the other Sand Shinobi were also stunned, their scalps tingling.

I saw a huge dung ball with a diameter of more than ten meters rolling towards the cesspit with an extremely fast speed.

Such a big dung ball, once it touches the Sand Shinobi in the dung pit, it can definitely press them into the dung!

"Everyone, don't panic!"

Luo Sha looked dignified, calming everyone's emotions.

Afterwards, he didn't care about climbing ashore, and pushed his hands forward directly.

"Shield of Gold Dust!"

With a burst of shouting, the Chakra in Luo Sha's body gushed out crazily.

In an instant, a huge sand wall rose from the edge of the pit.

Duang! ! !

Almost at the same time, the giant dung ball hit the sand wall, making a dull crashing sound.

"Block it, stop it!"

"Good job captain!"

"As expected of the disciple of Lord Third Kazekage."

"Climb quickly, everyone!"

Seeing that the dung ball was blocked, a group of Sand Shinobi immediately became hopeful and continued to climb towards the dung pit.



The huge dung ball that was blocked suddenly lifted into the air and flew into the midair above the dung pit.

"It really makes me worry..."

Controlling the dung ball to lift into the air, Chiba decided to smash these people to death.

The edge of the cesspit!

Rosa sighed.

He knew that there was really no way to help these subordinates this time, so he could only wish them good luck.

"Sand pad!"

Controlling the little gold placer left, Luo Sha barely condensed a suspended sand cushion.

Afterwards, he hugged the sand pad, ready to take off and run.

"team leader!"

At this moment, a subordinate's voice sounded behind him.

This subordinate obviously had a tenacious will, but he crawled behind Luo Sha without making a sound?

next moment!

Luo Sha was dumbfounded.

His legs were hugged by his subordinates.

As the sand pad lifted into the air, Luo Sha lost his grip and was dragged directly into the cesspit by his subordinates...

Luo Sha was dumbfounded.

He never expected that he, who could have escaped smoothly, was dragged back by his subordinates?


His face fell directly into the cesspit, and Luo Sha's whole body was not well.

At this moment, the huge dung ball above the head fell down.


A giant dung ball with a diameter of fifteen meters fell, smashing the bodies of all Sand Shinobi into the dung in an instant.


"Help! Gollum..."

"Oh my god! I ate it in my mouth! Gulu..."

"I'm sinking! Gollum..."

More than half of Sand Shinobi in the cesspit disappeared at once, only a few heads were stubbornly exposed, and it was not far from sinking completely.

Seeing this scene, Chiba nodded in satisfaction.

He didn't pay attention to the situation in the pit anymore, he felt that he had to get the old cow back first.

When Chiba found Lao Niu, he was overjoyed.

at this time.

The old cow was stuck in the middle of two big trees, lying weakly in the nest, and in front of the cow, a young man who was unconscious on the ground was covered in blood, and he didn't know if he was dead or not.

Chiba sniffed the boy's breath, but temporarily ignored it.

The other party was not dead, but passed out in a coma.

"Let's go to the place where the explosion happened before."

Strolling along the way, he walked into the forest where the explosion started.

Limbs and arms were broken, the ground was potholed, and even several big trees fell down.

"These corpses should belong to the ninjas in the village. Do you want to collect them and bring them back?"

After thinking for a moment, Chiba turned around and returned to the place where the boy was unconscious.

The boy woke up.

Fujiki was awakened by smoke.

The first thing he felt when he opened his eyes was a strong sense of vomiting.

"Are you Chiba?"

After seeing the back figure standing in front of him, Fujiki's face was full of confusion. Immediately, he did not know where to take out two cotton swabs, and quickly stuffed them into his nose.

"Where's Sand Shinobi? Where's that scary Sand Shinobi? You saved me?"

Looking around, Fujiki asked three times.

As a result, Chiba didn't even bird him.

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