Sand Power is crazy.

His eyes were blurred by Ollie and his mouth was filled.

Every time he inhaled through his nostrils, the stench made his brain dizzy.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that he had nothing to rub his eyes with.

"Master Sand Power! I'll help you! Ugh~~"

Finally, a heavenly voice sounded.

Although it yells from time to time, it does not hinder the loyalty of this voice.

This is his subordinate coming over.


Sha Li, who closed his eyes, heard the sound of "Zi Liu" and "Zi Liu", and felt that the Ollie on his eyes was being erased.

He was so excited.

The subordinates actually have a way to wipe their eyes?


Sali opened his eyes and spat out the Ollie in his mouth.


He saw that the subordinate in front of him was also spraying feces.

"You? Did you wipe it with your mouth? yue~~"


The subordinate spat out Ollie with an innocent face.

"My lord, this is the only way to do it now, otherwise I won't be able to wipe it clean. Vomit~~"

Not just this subordinate.

At this moment, the Sand Shinobi around are all one-on-one, you wipe for him, and he wipes for you.

"Look, my lord, someone is flying over."

There is no need for subordinates to remind, Sand Force has already seen it.

I saw that the young man who made the dung sea was standing on a lump of oligo, floating towards here.

"Control feces! It's him! He killed Luo Sha!"

Sand Force finally recognized each other.

He knew that Luo Sha was killed by Konoha's dung collector.


Chiba was slightly taken aback, and looked at Sali.

Then, he snapped his fingers.

Ability activation——

The reincarnation of grains.

next moment!

All Sand Shinobi's complexion changed drastically.

grunt! grunt! grunt!

A large number of air bubbles rose out of the dung sea, and it exploded with a bang.

"I'm so dizzy, I don't have any strength at all..."

"I also ran away, and the stroke can't move!"

"It's going to sink..."

"Help~ Gululu!"

A group of people shouted feebly, gradually being completely submerged.

"I turned out to be drowned in dung..."

This was Sand Power's last thought before he died.

It was getting dark.

"about there."

After estimating the time, Chiba waved his hand.


In an instant, the dung sea churned again, drifted into the air, and began to condense.

He wants to recycle this sea of ​​dung.

After all, there is so much feces here that it would be a waste if not recycled.

After a while, a giant dung ball with a diameter of hundreds of meters condensed in midair.


Chiba must be compressed. Otherwise, he would not be able to finish eating until he died.


"Continue to compress!"

Finally, under constant compression, Chiba swallowed the dung ball.

He declared for the fourth time: He just sent the dung balls to the septic tank through his mouth, not eating them into his stomach.


Walking up to dozens of corpses, Chiba began to make up the knife.

With the example of Luo Sha, Chiba felt that he must develop a good habit of making up the knife.

Imitation ability activated——

"Shit cut!"

As a good helper for last damage, shit cut has become his standard equipment for last damage.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

After each corpse, Chiba raised and lowered his knife, like chopping melons and vegetables.

Soon, he came to the burly corpse.


Without any accident, the corpse was directly cut into two pieces.


A thick black and purple smoke sprayed from the corpse, spreading to Chiba in the blink of an eye.

"poison gas?"

Looking at the black and purple color stained on his arm, Chiba suddenly realized.

"It turns out that this person is a drug dealer."

If other people were contaminated with this high-concentration black-purple gas, they would probably die instantly. But for Chiba...

Birds are useless.

He directly sent a shot of reincarnation to himself.

"I am refreshed, my whole body is transparent, and even the black and purple color is gone."

Chiba is very satisfied with the effect of reincarnation of grains.

In the village!

The white-haired old man was still sitting on the stone pier, looking out of the village from time to time.

"Old man, it's getting dark, come back for dinner!"

"Wait a minute, in case that child gets lost, I'm waiting."

The old man was smoking a cigarette in a 'click' and 'click'.

"Don't wait, she was just passing by and left long ago."

"I'll sit down again."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man stood up abruptly and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

"Look, old lady, is that young man back?"

Pointing to the entrance of the village, the old man was full of surprise.

The old couple saw Chiba.

Chiba also saw the old couple.

Running over quickly, Chiba was a little embarrassed.

"I'm here to eat again..."

"Oh, why are you so smelly, are you really going to pick up dung?"

The old man smelled Ollie, pulled Chiba into the yard.

"Wash up! There is water in the yard."

"Can you, young man? No, I'll wash it for you."

"Help me, you old woman, go back to the house and prepare dinner."


Seeing the old couple bickering, Chiba was a little embarrassed.

After a quick shower, Chiba started cooking.

"By the way, it's getting dark today, so you can stay here tonight."

The old man had a kind face and said, he did not forget to put the food into Chiba's bowl.


After eating sullenly, Chiba replied vaguely.

"You will live in the old woman's room tonight. I will squeeze in with the old woman."

"Who's jostling with you? I can jostle this young man."


Chiba sprayed the whole table of rice.

this night.

Chiba tossed and turned, not sleeping well.


In the land of fire!

All the way, Orochimaru held a white tissue and watched.

"Orochimaru, it's getting dark, can you stop staring at this thing?"

Jiraiya complained.

He didn't understand very much, what's there to study about things that don't come in vain?

Orochimaru ignored Jiraiya's muttering, but solemnly wrapped the tissue and put it in his sleeve.

"Huh? Is there a house in front?"

Suddenly, Jiraiya exclaimed, quickening her pace.

Soon, the three came to the wooden house.

"Why is there a wooden house here?"

"The roof is leaking, but it's just right to watch the stars at night."

Jiraiya and Tsunade walked around the room.

Orochimaru scouted around.


Crouching down, Orochimaru saw a trace of corrosion.

"This place should have been a big tree, it was corroded by something..."

Muttering to himself, Orochimaru stood up and turned to look at the opposite wooden house.

His doubts grew more and more.

Early the next morning!

The three of them continued on the road after resting all night.

"We're going to the border of Uzumaki soon, how do you say we should find Chiba?"

Jumping in the forest, Jiraiya did not forget to ask.

After all, their mission is to protect Chiba, and if they can't even find anyone, how can they protect it?

"Yeah, the country of vortex is so big, we can't just ask people when we meet, right?"

Tsunade is also a little worried, worried that they will miss.

Orochimaru doesn't have a great idea of ​​how to find Chiba either.


When the three of them entered the Vortex Country, they could only use the most primitive method——

Ask anyone you see!

Seeing the village in front of them, the three walked along the path.


They saw Chiba coming out of the yard at the entrance of the village, followed by two enthusiastic old people waving goodbye.

Jiraiya: "Is this found?"

Tsunade: "Isn't that too easy?"

Orochimaru: "..."

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