Chief Aburame was overwhelmed with excitement.

This is the legendary king worm. With this worm, wouldn't the entire ninja world be at the mercy of their family?

"Is this king bug given to you by Chiba?"


"Ah what? I've seen it all."

The Aburame patriarch stared at his daughter, trying to find a more accurate answer.

"He made me open my mouth and the bugs got in..."

"It's that simple?"


After hearing his daughter's answer, Patriarch Aburame fell silent.

He thought of one thing.

Before, Jingmei's bug was lost.

Then, Jingmei ran to Chiba's house from time to time.

"That is to say, when Jingmei's worm ran into Chiba's body, it began to evolve, and finally evolved into a king worm?"

Thinking of this, Chief Aburame adjusted his sunglasses.

Bugs are very important to the Aburame family, but now it seems that leaves are more important to the Aburame family.

"Well, Jingmei~~ I thought about it, the farm is very suitable for our family."

Jingmei: "???"

Patriarch Aburame: "So I decided that our family can relocate here to study bugs better."

Jingmei: "Is it too hasty?"

In the cabin!

Chiba hid for most of the day.

He didn't open the door until there was no sound outside the house.

"Eh? Jingmei? Why are you standing at the door?"

Seeing Jingmei outside the door, Chiba was shocked.

He hurriedly looked around and found that the bugs were gone, so he was relieved.

"Chiba, I'm sorry."

At this time, Jingmei was apologetic and shy.

"I didn't have your consent."

"Actually, I didn't get your consent either."

Chiba put on the same expression and said the same words.

Jingmei was stunned.

Chiba also changed his stunned expression.

"How do you learn from me?"

"I didn't learn it, I just imitated it."

"Why don't you study now?"

"Not suitable for me."

As if sensing Chiba's funny emotions, the golden king worm came out of Jingmei's body.

Stared at by dozens of pairs of eyes, Chiba immediately gave the order to 'go back'.

Immediately, King Chong turned around and went back again.

Chiba is very guilty.

He didn't want the bug, so he gave it to Jingmei.

However, he is still the number one owner of this bug.

"Jingmei, you have to cultivate this bug slowly, I trust you.

"I will work hard."

Encouraged by Chiba, Jingmei is full of confidence.

Later, she remembered the family relocation, but Chiba had disappeared.

After leaving the mountain, Chiba walked towards the village, ready to eat.

After all, the owner of the kebab shop is his best friend and can eat kebab there for a year.

As he walked, Chiba stopped.

He looked towards a haystack.

"Come out!"

rub! rub! rub!

Seeing the three people emerging from the haystack, Ye looked constipated.

"Let me declare first, we are here to protect you, not to track you!"

Jiraiya raised her hand, afraid of being misunderstood.


Chiba almost laughed out of anger.

Does Laozi need the protection of the three of you?

What's more, this is still in the village.

"While I'm not angry, quickly disappear for me!"

After speaking, Chiba left with strides.

Outside the village, even if these three guys kept talking about him, Chiba endured it.

But now in the village, these three people are still following him, so Chiba has to suspect that they have ulterior motives.

Have you ever seen a protector in a village?

Chiba walked forward, and the three followed behind.

Chiba turned his head, and the three of them just stared at him.

"Hehe, it seems that you are very confident! Sarutobi Hiruzen gave you the courage?"

Chiba smiled.

He looked at Jiraiya.

Ability activation——

The reincarnation of grains.

next moment!


With a long fart sound at the end, Jiraiya was loose.

His expression froze for an instant, his eyes widened.

at the same time.

The smell of Ollie wafted from his trouser pocket.


Face fell directly to the ground, Jiraiya was stunned.

Orochimaru was going to help, but Jiraiya fell too suddenly, and he was lonely.

At this time, Chiba had already set his sights on Orochimaru.



As soon as Orochimaru opened his mouth, he immediately felt the chrysanthemum loosen.

He felt that the feces in the large intestine were rushing out crazily, and he couldn't stop at all.

His trouser pockets were all wet.


Face to Jiraiya, because fell to the ground.

When Chiba looked at Tsunade, Chiba froze for a moment.

Tsunade didn't show any fear when he found this (Nuo Li's), but a look of...expectation?

Chiba couldn't take it anymore.

The other party's expression is obviously underestimating himself.

The ability activates instantly——

Reincarnation of grains!

"Get down for Laozi!"


No surprises.

Tsunade also had diarrhea.


Compared to the other two, Tsunade's expression was full of enjoyment and blurred.

"Good comfort"


Even after falling to the ground, Tsunade is still reminiscing about the feeling just now.

Chiba was dumbfounded.

He suddenly remembered that in Sand Shinobi Village, Inobe Hana got this trick back then, and she had the same reaction.

"Wori! There is a bug in this ability!"

【Ask for various free tickets】.

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