Ninja World: Obtain The Dung Fruit And Participate In World War Ii

Chapter 88 The Prelude To The Assassination Of Chiba!

Chiba is so happy today.

In the yakiniku restaurant, Hyuga Hiashi and Uchiha Fugaku praised him repeatedly, making him forget to eat the yakiniku.

"Senior Chiba, the Third Kazekage is known as the strongest Kazekage in history, but he was wiped out with one move by you."

"I also heard that the entire Sand Shinobi position was flooded, and thousands of Sand Shinobi were washed into the canyon."

"Senior Chiba is too strong!"

"Among our peers, no one can surpass you. I, Hyuga Hiashi, originally called you the strongest!"

Uchiha Fugaku praised Chiba's heroic appearance, and Hyuga Hiashi launched the strongest player of his age.

However, Chiba always feels that there is a sentence so familiar?

Until Chiba walked out of the barbecue restaurant, the words of the two people still echoed in his ears.

"What two sincere people, I have made up these two friends."

Turning around and waving goodbye to the two, Ye Yi was reluctant to part.

Carrying the packed barbecue, he walked all the way to the back mountain.

This is the barbecue he packed for Jingmei.

After all, people often feed themselves, and 11 he has to vote back once.

Walking in the street.

From time to time, ninjas cast friendly glances, and some even said hello.

Chiba was overjoyed about this.

"Senior Chiba!"

Coming to the back mountain, a voice sounded.

Chiba turned around and found that it was Fujiki.

"Aren't you exhausted?"

"Um, yes!"

Fujiki was a little embarrassed.

Since he was detoxified by Chiba last time, he has been in a state of collapse, and he has just recovered.

"Senior, how is your farm doing?"

"Hey~~ It's hard to say."

Sighing, the two walked towards the back mountain together.

In the cabin!

Aburame Shizumi is eating barbecue, Chiba and Fujiki are sitting on one side.

Suddenly, Jingmei seemed to think of something.

"By the way, Chiba, I found Tsunade lying on the road this morning...

Jingmei spoke, with a strange look on her face.

She originally wanted to go to the village to find Chiba, but she saw three people lying on the ground on the way, and she was so scared that she ran back quickly.

"Oh, they may be tired, you continue to eat yours."

Chiba blindly found an excuse and prevaricated.

After finishing speaking, Ye was taken aback.

He looked at Jingmei, then at Fujiki.

"That's right! Even Tsunade and the others are a team of three, why can't I form a team of three?"

The more he thought about it, the more feasible Chiba felt.

Ever since.

He put forward his proposal.

"Let's form a team of three!"

The voice is over!

Shizumi nodded, Fujiki shook her head.

Chiba can understand Shizumi's nod, but what does Fujiki mean by shaking his head?

"Fujiki, aren't you my friend?"

Chiba asked in confusion.

As a result, Fujiki nodded.

"Then let's form a team of three?"

Fujiki shook his head again.

This time, Ye couldn't understand.


Fujiki looked constipated, and looked back and forth between Chiba and Shizumi.

"One of you uses dung and the other uses worms, I don't want to team up with you.


Jingmei: "...

Chiba felt that Fujiki was discriminating against him.

So, he started a friendly persuasion.

"My method of detoxification has been useless for a long time, Fujiki, what do you think?"

Chiba raised his hand.

Fujiki: "Don't move! I promise! But, the three of us can't form a team."

"According to the village's regulations, the minimum requirement for forming a team must be Genin, but you don't have a ninja forehead protector"

After being told by Fujiki, Shizumi suddenly realized, but Chiba didn't know why.

"Fujiki is right. Although you are strong, you are not a certified ninja."

"You wait!"

Chiba was not convinced, Ri Liuyan ran away.

Hokage Office!

A flame appeared in the palm of Sarutobi Hiruzen, burning the scroll recording the Chiba material.


Suddenly, the office door was pushed open.


The sudden sound startled Hiruzen.

Then, he hurriedly kicked half of the scroll to his feet.


Seeing that it was Chiba, Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart tightened.

"Ahem, Lord Hokage, I'm sorry, I ran a little faster and didn't stop.

Chiba looked apologetic.

He was in such a hurry just now that he forgot to knock on the door.


"I'm going to be a ninja!"

Chiba is full of sincerity and speaks truthfully.

"Become a ninja? You came in so anxiously, that's why?"

"Of course, only by becoming a ninja can I form a team!"

Hearing that Chiba was going to form a team, Sarutobi Hiruzen became more vigilant.

"Who are you going to team up with?"

"Shizumi and Fujiki."


Sarutobi Hiruzen fell silent.

"Sure enough, are you going to start forming your own forces?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart had hit rock bottom.

In his opinion, Aburame Shizumi represents Danzo, and Mito Hiroki represents Menko.

If the establishment of Chiba is successful, wouldn't it mean that the two high-level leaders have gone to each other's side?

In this way, he is a dignified Hokage who has become a polished commander in the upper echelons.

So, the squad must not let Chiba form.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen showed embarrassment583.

"To form a team, the minimum requirement is Genin, but you haven't attended a ninja school, so according to the regulations, you can't become a ninja."

Chiba was dumbfounded.

What is this rule?

"But it's not right, many ninjas have never been to ninja school."

"That's because they were cultivated by their respective families and recommended by their families, while you are just a commoner.

"But I beat Third Kazekage."

"Rules are rules, it doesn't matter who you beat.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was full of regret.

This time, Chiba's eyes narrowed.

"My fat tiger suspects that you are embarrassing me! Third Hokage!"

Chiba's tone changed.

The same sincerity, but with questioning.

He is not an idiot.

The other party must have a reason for such an obvious rejection of himself.

In the office!

A sense of fear suddenly rose in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.

He looked at Chiba and saw the anger in the other's eyes.

"That, about you, I will deal with it as soon as possible!"



"Then hurry up!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Chiba left happily.


Sarutobi Hiruzen's face completely sank.

[Ask for various free tickets] [Ask for flowers].

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