
Shi Feng suddenly found that her strength had disappeared.

"My strength is gone." Suddenly, it was the sky blue woman next to Shi Feng, and her pretty face changed.

Then came horror.

Originally, like Shi Feng, what happened to her was not in her eyes at all.

But now ... these ... evil spirits walking towards this side.

"Damn! Damn! What's going on." Shi Feng exclaimed angrily.

If usually, these low-level evil spirits, he just drank that would be enough to make them all wiped out.

But now ...

Shi Feng already felt that in addition to his martial arts power, that is, the power of the physical body and the power of the soul, all of them lost their power.

In the face of these walking evil spirits, there was a sense of helplessness.

Obviously you can die directly, but ... At this moment, Shi Feng really felt extremely incomparable.

"Let's run!" The woman in the sky blue shirt said to Shi Feng immediately.

The two of them can only do so.

In the face of these evil spirits, it is very uncomfortable to run away like this, but Shi Feng has no other way.

"Yeah!" He nodded, and rushed to the right with the woman in the blue shirt that day.

However, just after they saw that area, there were also extremely miserable and blood-stained figures.

"Damn things." Shi Feng scolded, followed by a fierce turn with the woman, and ran to the left.

There are evil spirits on the front and right. Originally, they had a retreat in the rear.

However, there was a dangerous stream there, full of unknown and mysterious danger, and neither of them wanted to retreat there.

After running to the left, he ran all the way.

While running, the woman beside her turned her head and glanced behind her again, her face changed again, and shouted to Shi Fengjiao:

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Otherwise, those things will come after."

At this moment, the evil spirits who had been walking had already flew up and drifted towards the two of them.

After hearing her exclaim, Shi Feng turned her head and saw the scene.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head quickly, urging the strength of the whole body to rush fiercely.

Although losing power, it also used the fastest speed.





The sound of running and the crying of evil spirits still sounding behind him, echoed in this mysterious and dangerous dark world.

"Whirring whirring!"



There was a heavy gasp, and Yu Shifeng and the blue woman's mouth continued to cry.

"No ... no more ... I ... can't run anymore." Shi Feng heard suddenly, and there was a soft gasp beside her.

No matter how strong she used to be, but after losing her strength, she was not much different from an ordinary weak woman.

"Can't stop! Hold on!" Shi Feng told her.

Actually, I did not expect that Shi Feng was thinking of the two who wanted each other to die. Now, she has become a partner of life and death.

"No ... no ... I ... really ..." the woman said.

"Ah!" But before she finished speaking, she burst into surprise again.

The pretty face changed a lot.

Unexpectedly, Shi Feng even picked up her directly, then turned one behind her, directly carrying her behind her.

Follow, and then continue to fly wildly.

"You ... you like this ... will cost more physical strength, when we are overtaken by those things, we will all have to die." The woman said again.

"Don't talk to me anymore, I'll talk to you, my physical strength will consume faster." Shi Feng said so.

"Whew! Whew! Whew!" After this sentence, his gasping voice really became heavier. It seems that he is also getting tired.

However, he was still running, without any intention of stopping.

To rely on willpower, Shi Feng is really very tenacious.

He knows the consequences of stopping, so he won't stop.

He's going to run and keep running until he gets rid of those ghosts.

"Being chased by a group of low-level evil spirits. If this kind of thing is uploaded on the Tianheng continent, this emperor will really lose his face!"

However, while struggling to run, Shi Feng even thought about this problem.

When Shi Feng said that, the woman said nothing.

He turned his head slightly and looked back. He saw that the flying ghosts seemed to be close to them again.

But then she didn't want to say anything.

The arm that originally held Shi Feng's neck, tightened a little more at this moment.

She actually wanted to live very much.

Really caught by those evil spirits, she knew that she would die very, very miserably.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" Shi Feng's breathing was getting heavier and he even started to stare at Venus.

The reason why he still runs fast today has been supported by his unyielding will.

The body has already reached its limit.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohh! I'm back! I'm back!"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh! I'm here! I'm dead so badly! Ohhhhhh!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyy — I ’m gonna tear your bodies, I am gonna bury you, and hug me!"


The screams began to get closer and closer to Shi Feng and the woman.

"Look ahead, there!" At this moment, the woman clutched the right hand of Shi Feng's neck and quickly pointed forward.

I saw the dark not far ahead, and there were huge dark stones, densely packed, and looked at it as if it were a large boulder.

After hearing her cry, Shi Feng also saw there.

After seeing these stones, I seemed to see a little hope.

At the very least, it is no longer an empty place. There is nowhere to hide. After entering there, at least you can try to hide and hide.

"Hoo!" Shouted fiercely, and Shi Feng, who was exhausted, was running a little faster at this moment.

"You can drop me now, I can run away by myself." The woman quickly said to Shi Feng.

"Well, okay!" Upon hearing her, Shi Feng nodded quickly.

Then, with both hands turning, she placed her directly on the ground.

Then, she ran away with Shi Feng again.

When she left her back, Shi Feng felt that the whole person had become light, and even ... ran faster.

The woman also quickly tried to keep up with Shi Feng's speed.



In addition to the bursts of ghost crying, this dark world was blowing violent winds.

Makes the whole world more gloomy and scary.


"Whirring whirring!"

Although the evil spirits are flying, after all, the low-level evil spirits are not flying fast.

Shi Feng and the woman in the sky blue clothes finally ran into the pile of rocks before being caught up by these evil spirits.

"Ah! Hey!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"



Seeing Shi Feng and the woman rushing in, one by one, the evil spirits yelled fiercely and fiercely.

It seems that they, as evil spirits, also know that entering into the rubble will increase their difficulty in catching up with the two people.

After Shi Feng and her entered, they hurried through this dark boulder pile, rushing and flashing.

While running, Shi Feng began to feel the power of the body secretly.

He thought that entering a different area or that the power would be restored.

But soon, he showed disappointment and shook his head slowly.

Still the same, moving up and down, or losing strength.

It seems that it is not only her, but the woman, who is also disappointed on the pretty face.

It seemed she had felt it too.

After flying wildly for some distance, Shi Feng finally felt that he was really weak.

He also spoke again, and said to the women around him, "I ... I first ... take a break."

The reason why Shi Feng said "I" instead of "We" was to rest for a while. As for her, she could choose to continue running or stay with her.

After all, rest is to risk your life.

"Well, good!" She nodded again when she heard Shi Feng's words.

Later, after running to a big rock with Shi Feng, at this moment, finally stopped.

"Hoo!" Shi Feng exhaled long and hard.

Then, the whole person could no longer support it, and at this moment, he collapsed.

The same is true of the blue woman beside her. Two people, like mud, sit squatting directly on the ground.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Whirring whirring!"

In their mouths, they continued to breathe heavily, recovering their strength.

"Thank ... just ... thank you." At this moment, the woman finally spoke, thanking Shi Feng.

It is natural to thank him that he ran for so long just carrying his back.

"No ... nothing." Shi Feng waved to her and said, "You also helped me before, it was ... leveled."

"Um!" The woman nodded.

But looking at Shi Feng's gaze, still with gratitude.

It seems that after this period of help, the two leave this dark abyss, and it is estimated that they will not fight each other again.

The things in the world are really wonderful. You will never know what will happen next.

With those few words falling behind, the two said nothing more.

Still wholeheartedly began to restore physical strength.

Physical strength slowly ... slowly ... recovering.

Fortunately, until now, Shi Feng was hit by a ghost and saw the two hiding here.

At this time, the woman turned her head to look at Shi Feng again and said, "Okay, we ..."

However, immediately after she uttered these four words, Meimu opened her eyes wide suddenly, her face was extremely horrified, and she screamed aloud to Shi Feng:

"Be careful!"

"Ah!" Upon hearing her words, Shi Feng immediately issued a shock "ah", at this time, he suddenly realized something.

Turn your head right immediately.

Shi Feng almost touched a white face!

This is a man's face, at this moment, only a few centimeters away from Shi Feng's face!

"Oh, ooh!" This evil spirit issued a grotesque and grinning laughter, and the two ghosts' hands shook together, even holding Shi Feng's neck directly.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe felt a sharp pain in his neck), Shi Feng felt that it would be broken by these two ghost hands, and there was no sound in her mouth.

His fists slammed and slammed the scumbag.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" Bursts of loud echoes.

However, this evil spirit was arbitrarily beaten by Shi Feng, and his hands around his neck were getting tighter and tighter.

Shi Feng has felt that at this moment, even breathing has become extremely difficult.

"Go away!" Jiao drink for a while, and then drank from the blue woman's mouth.

I saw her lift her foot and slammed into the evil ghost's face.

"Oh!" With a painful cry, the low-level evil spirit was kicked by her directly.

"Cough! Cough! Cough, cough!" Two ghost hands finally left their necks, and Shi Feng lay on the ground, coughing fiercely.

"Hurry! Run!" The woman shouted quickly.

Following a bend, grabbed Shi Feng's left hand with his right hand, and pulled him directly from the ground.

Then he pulled him and continued to run.

The evil spirit who flew out had stabilized his body in mid-air, and then flew forward fiercely, catching up with Shi Feng and the woman.

"Eh! Heh! Hey! Hey!" As Fei chased, the evil spirit uttered a howling blast in the sky.

"Oh!" Sure enough, when his howl sounded, he immediately got a response in all directions.

"Damn ... Damn ... Damn it!" Shi Feng shouted indignantly and indignantly in her heart.

Really, never before.

If you can, I really want to tear these evil spirits into pieces with nine ghost claws.

Then, the two of them ran frantically among the rocks and avoided.

Fortunately, there is a block of rocks, otherwise, it will be decided to be caught up by these evil spirits.

However, although these evil spirits can fly, they do not seem to be flying too high.

Otherwise, all of them flew directly into the sky, and Shi Feng and her had nothing to hide.

In fact, it's not really bad.

She fled again, Shi Feng and her did not know how long they fled.

And just now, it was a little physical recovery, because they were hit by the evil spirit, they didn't stop at this moment.

Continue to rely on tenacious will, dragging this tired body and rushing.

At first, the woman said she couldn't run, but at this moment, the running time should be far longer than that time, but she didn't yell again.

As if running, my physical strength is getting better and my will is getting more tenacious.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" Although they were not overtaken by a ghost, their ears still screamed.

"Ah!" At that moment, the woman in blue suddenly gave a coquettish shout. He and Shi Feng suddenly saw that in front of them, a white figure appeared, a white female ghost with a shawl.

The white female ghost floated in front of them, leaped out of a black stone, and drifted towards another boulder five meters away, but it seemed that they had not been found.

After Shi Feng and her quickly hid in the black stone beside them, the female ghost also drifted into another huge stone in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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